Hi MPHCO, and thank you for your enquiry.
I'm sorry to hear of the pain you have been experiencing. Hopefully I can answer your questions and help with your treatment.
1.) Unfortunately we do not have a product that covers the insertion point completely. The BFST Achilles Wrap however, is still recommended for the treatment of this ailment. The Electro-magnetic energy that the wrap emits, sends a signal to draw blood flow into the entire surrounding area. As the cover of this wrap starts at the insertion point right above the heel, you will still receive full benefit/blood flow from this wrap. You still want to target the large part of your Achilles to get the increased circulation to flow entirely through.
Some customers are completely comfortable with the coverage the ColdCure Achilles Wrap gives for the insertion point, but the ones that aren't, we recommend simply flipping the gel pack upside down (outside of the mesh pocket, within the wrap), for full coverage behind and up the heel.
2 & 3.) Our stats lie entirely with customer feedback, which has been amazing. I have included our Ankle/Achilles Testimonial page below.
http://kingbrand.com/Testimonials.php?filter=Ankle#moreI wish you all the very best. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.
Kind regards,