Hi ive torn my lateral meniscus, left knee left side, minor. Im doing very good now, i workout, squats, lunges, flexions, etc..everything, no pain. I work at least 10 hours on my feet every day, no complaints, no pain.
The only thing that is bothering me a bit and its kinda uncomfortable, I cannot flex out/stretch out my left leg as much and as straight as I can with my right leg. It feels like there is a limit/a block to how much i can flex it. It doesnt hurt unless i really push and force it more than it can, which i have no reason and dont have to.
Now besides all that, i have no pain at all, very very little clicking...no pain...I can jump and slide from one side to the other..no problem..
This is my question now and need ur help and advice please...

In my condition now, can I play?