Author Topic: How To Submit Customer Feedback  (Read 188950 times)


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How To Submit Customer Feedback
« on: May 12, 2013, 06:21:47 PM »
Thanks for being interested in submitting your feedback. This is always very helpful to us - it drives us to further improve the customer service experience we provide and enables us to continually develop and enhance our product offering - but.... most and foremost..... it helps people who have yet to try our products!  Just like you did, they want to know whether our ColdCure products can really help alleviate pain and take down their inflammation and swelling. They also want to kick-start their healing process and speed up their recovery time. You can help, by telling them what you purchased and the results you obtained!

Once you log your feedback, we will verify who you are and confirm that the product(s) you mention in your feedback are what you actually purchased. The FDA and Health Canada also require by law that all testimonials are traceable to their source to prevent false claims.  This provides readers with the reassurance that you have independent, unbiased feedback based on real experiences. Unlike with Ebay and Amazon and other shopper sites that are full of fake posts by sellers and their competitors it is illegal to make a false review here.

We look forward to reading your comments and thanks again for taking the time to provide this valuable information to others!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:28:29 AM by dti »


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Re: How To Submit Customer Feedback
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2019, 08:16:08 AM »
Sorry, signature in what? Have you already sent us feedback?
Signatures are not required when submitting.
Please provide more details so I can assist your further.


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Re: How To Submit Customer Feedback
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2021, 08:10:00 AM »


I began my 1st back and hip Coolwrap treatment five days ago and was amazed that my sciatic pain disappeared after one hour. Nothing traveling down my leg and that lasted until the evening. I'm cooling the pads in the refrigerator and I'm able to switch them without needing to wait 20 minutes as I would if the pads were in the freezer. My sciatic pain began five years ago. Initially, it only bothered me while walking. Eventually it progressed to pain when I rolled over in bed and even while standing. Only sitting relieved it. This morning I will pick up my BFST back and hip wrap to begin my heat therapy. I can't overstate how big a deal this is.for me.


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Re: How To Submit Customer Feedback
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2021, 06:11:24 AM »

I'm replying to my previous post; don't know if that's the way to do it. Although the sciatic pain while walking or standing hasn't completely disappeared since I began my treatment five days ago, it has significantly diminished. My back and hip BFST arrived two days ago and I began using it along with the cool wrap.  The BFST heat is mild unlike a heating pad. Very comfortable and the twenty minute treatment time passes isn't time consuming. My girlfriend has multiple pain issues: from shoulders down to lower back and hip (hip surgery). Daily I rub on CBD salve or another product to help relieve her pain, but it's temporary and expensive. Hoping that she will get relief with the cool wrap and want to do it regularly.