Author Topic: To treat a Baker's Cyst, should I get the Knee ColdCure or the Leg ColdCure?  (Read 67604 times)

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  • King Brand
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A customer asked, "To treat a Baker's Cyst, should I get the Knee ColdCure or the Leg ColdCure?"


  • King Brand
  • *****
  • Posts: 56
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To treat a Baker's Cyst, we recommend the Leg ColdCure wrap. The reason is because the Leg ColdCure wrap has an effective treatment area of 10" x 7", which is capable of wrapping around the back of the knee, and applying cold compression to the back of the knee, which is typically where a Baker's cyst is found.

The Knee ColdCure wrap can still be used to treat a Baker's cyst, it would just need to be rotated around so that the cold therapy applies to the back of the knee - the fit will not be ideal on the back of the knee, as the Knee ColdCure is designed specifically to treat the front of the knee.

The Leg ColdCure is most ideal for a Baker's cyst because it provides a better fit. The Leg ColdCure is a more versatile wrap and can be used to treat any area of the leg or hip.

You can find the products we recommend specifically to treat a Baker's cyst by clicking the link below.