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Messages - Megan

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Good morning rbruke! Thank you for your question. Yes, you can complete multiple BFST treatments at the same time. Using a Wrist Wrap and a Shoulder Wrap at the same time is not a problem.

We also carry a universal wrap, called our Back/Hip Wrap that we commonly recommend, as it is easy to apply on different treatment areas. Of course it is designed for the hip and back, but the shape of the Back/Hip Wrap makes it perfect to use anywhere you can apply the BFST. There's no right or wrong way to wear it. As long as you're feeling that slight warmth on your treatment area, then you are having a successful treatment.

As always, ensure that you remove the swelling/inflammation first by using the ColdCure or simple cold therapy before each BFST treatment to ensure that you are stimulating the blood flow as effectively as possible.

As always, we are here for your ongoing support. Feel free to reach out to us at any time via any of our contact methods, including our forum, for the best ways to help manage and heal your injury.

Best regards,

We commonly get comments regarding the gel packs being too cold, or too stiff out of the freezer. Here's our thoughts on that!

Most of the time, when gel packs are too stiff to bend into your wrap, it's due to the cold temperatures of your freezer. This is where our ColdCure RigiGel packs are designed differently than every other gel pack on the market. The gel packs remain stiff when they are too cold to be applied to your body. Wait for a few minutes for the gel packs to soften, and they will be able to stay on your injury for as long as you need. As soon as the first gel is too warm to reduce the inflammation, swap the gel pack out for the next without taking a break in between. This is how you will combat the most stubborn swelling and inflammation as quickly as possible.

Most people assume that cold needs to be VERY cold in order to reduce inflammation. In fact, it just needs to be colder than your body temperature. If you are sensitive to cold for any reason, you can also complete your ColdCure treatments out of the fridge. Keep your gel packs in the fridge and they will be ready to use right away.

In either scenario, using the gel packs out of the fridge or freezer will provide fast, effective treatment for reducing inflammation. As long as you are feeling a reduction in the pain you are feeling, the ColdCure Wrap is working at reducing that inflammation. When you reach the point where you are no longer feeling relief from your ColdCure Wrap, this means that you have successfully removed all of your inflammation, and you are ready to start your BFST treatments once your treatment area is no longer cold.

It's always important to wait for your injury to return to body temperature before applying the BFST.

This morning, we had a customer reach out to us, and their issue was that the BFST was inconsistent with the 'heat' that it was putting out. Sometimes, the treatments are very hot, and sometimes it's barely warm. They were wondering if it was a known issue.

This is an important question that we answer daily, either on the phone or through email. The answer is surprising. It's not an issue at all!

The BFST does not generate heat but, instead, electromagnetic energy in order to stimulate blood flow under the surface of the skin. The 'heat' that you're feeling is dependent on the amount of inflammation in the area that you're treating. The more inefficiently the blood flow moves through the area, the higher the heat you will feel. This is because the blood flow is being forced to the surface of the skin.

The presence of too much inflammation will create a barrier for the blood flow to travel freely, let alone at an accelerated rate with the BFST applied. Inflammation can occur quite easily, especially with foot injuries. Any time you are walking, you have the potential to generate inflammation. It's important to remember the importance of regular cold treatments, as well as rest, especially while your injury is trying to stabilize and heal.

When you feel this higher heat, it's recommended to take the BFST off and complete a cold treatment (or multiple if needed) to reduce the inflammation. High heat is not a successful BFST treatment. When you re-apply the BFST after applying cold, you will notice that it will be that gentle, mild warmth that's expected with each successful BFST treatment.

I hope this information helps.

Treatment Questions / Re: ColdCure Wrap and BFST Wrap for foot question
« on: October 11, 2019, 02:04:01 PM »
Hi Josh,

Thank you for letting us know about this. There are a number of different reasons that your feet would be sweating. Lets start with how you're using the products and we can work from there.

1) With your BFST Treatments, what is your treatment schedule like? What times during the day are you using the wraps?

2) How loose or tight are you wrapping the BFST around your foot?

3) Does the BFST feel warm or hot?

4) Do you notice any pain in your feet either before or after the treatments?

5) How often are you incorporating the ColdCure into your day? What is your indicator that it's required? Are you using the ColdCure before or after the BFST treatment?

6) Is there any other general information that you could provide that you feel relevant to the conversation.

Thank you,

General Discussion / Re: elbow issue
« on: August 27, 2019, 08:23:09 AM »
Thank you WillieCes for your comments.

Usually when you're in pain, you do not want to push your body further as this is a clear sign that your body is asking you to stop as you could potentially be creating further damage.

Keep in mind that sometimes you need to take a few days off to recover and evaluate how you feel each day before doing physical activity (strenuous or not). If it hurts, don't do it!

If you find that you're in more pain, please apply Cold to reduce the inflammation that's causing that increase in pain and this will make you more comfortable.

I hope this helps.

Questions & Answers About Our Products / Re: fda registered products
« on: August 26, 2019, 08:45:42 AM »
Thank you Andy for reaching out to us. At this current time we currently manufacture the BFST and ColdCure for soft tissue recovery. We don't have any ability to branch out to new product lines like baseball gloves.

If you would like any more information, please don't hesitate to call us or to send me a PM.


Good morning Josh,

As a general rule, you can always complete a BFST treatment when you have no swelling or inflammation present. If you have completed enough ColdCure treatments where you are not feeling a lot of pain, and you don't have visible swelling I would definitely start your BFST treatments. The goal overall for increased healing times is to complete as many BFST treatments as you can throughout the day.

Some days may be better than others where you will not need as many ColdCure treatments, while other days (where you've been on your feet for a long period of time) you might generate more inflammation and will focus more on ColdCure treatments.

Here is a quick reference guide for completing Combination Treatments with both the BFST and ColdCure Wraps:

Please let me know if you have any further questions - and remember you can always call in to a Treatment Advisor as well at 844-400-2525

Best regards,

Combination Therapy means using ColdCure® and BFST® in combination by alternating treatments, as well as using KB Support Tape. Combination Therapy is much more effective than using just ColdCure® or just BFST®. This is because you're getting both the pain and swelling relief of ColdCure®, the healing benefits of BFST®, as well as the protection and re-injury prevention of KB Support Tape, resulting in the absolute best treatment.

Step 1: Reduce Swelling and Inflammation

Use the ColdCure® Wrap several times a day to help reduce not only the visible swelling you may see on the surface, but also the inflammation you may have and cannot see, deep down in the soft tissue.

Step 2: Heal Your Injury

Introduce your BFST® treatments slowly, once your swelling and inflammation is under control.  When doing your treatments, you should only feel a slight warming sensation. At any time if it feels HOT or uncomfortable, discontinue use as you still have too much inflammation and swelling to complete a treatment.

If you are planning on being active throughout the day, complete a BFST® treatment before any type of physical activity.  Always assess how you are feeling after your activity, as there's a chance you may need to apply your ColdCure® to treat any new inflammation generated during your activity.

The goal with your BFST® Treatments is not to increase on the levels as quickly as possible, but to condition your circulatory system to allow for the much needed increased blood flow. Staying on the lowest level to where you feel any warmth - remember it's just a slight warmth - will be the most effective way to start healing. When can you move up to the next level? You can move up in levels when you feel barely any warmth from the wrap at all. This means that you've successfully conditioned your circulation and you're ready to move up. Some people can move up in a few weeks, some people it takes a lot longer.

Step 3: Treat Flare-Ups - Timing is Important

Do a ColdCure® treatment any time you experience a pain flare-up or after any physical activity to prevent further injury and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Wait 30-45 minutes after your ColdCure® treatment before doing another BFST® treatment. This time will allow the blood flow and body temperature to regulate again. Refrain from using ColdCure® within the 4 hours following your 20 minute BFST® treatment, unless you notice an increase in pain during your BFST® Treatment.

Step 4: Use KB Support Tape

KB Support Tape is very important to help with your injury recovery. As you move throughout the day, your skin and your tendons move with you. Using the KB Support Tape over your injury will make your skin less flexible - therefore protecting your injury - without restricting your range of motion. KB Support Tape can be used at the same time as your BFST® and ColdCure® Treatments without any issues, but try to have your first BFST® treatment of the day without the KB Support Tape applied.

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