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Topics - Wayne

Pages: [1]
Received your Achilles ColdCure wrap: LOVE IT!!

I have an observation...

I noticed the Rigi-Gel packs for the Achilles wrap are much thicker that the wraps for both the Plantar/Heel and Knee ColdCure wraps (FULL DISCLOSURE: I got both Plantar and Knee wraps from a different vendor:

Do the Rigi-Gel wraps for your Plantar and Knee wraps come in the same thickness as the Achilles wrap? I noticed that the thickness of these wraps stay colder for much longer...a PLUS in my opinion!

 PS: I store my wraps in the freezer



Treatment Questions / haglund's deformity
« on: December 10, 2016, 03:23:15 PM »
just got x-ray on my left foot which shows spurring of the calcaneous which is consistent with haglund's deformity. It also says surgery is an option but outcomes of success are not high.

I already have plantar/heel inferno and freeze wraps, yet I'm thinking that perhaps the achilles wrap might be beneficial also.


Wayne Thomas

Pages: [1]