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Customer Testimonials

King Brand Reviews

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to contact us. Your positive feedback and success stories are what keep us striving to get even better!

The Integrity of Our Testimonials

King Brand Testimonials are 100 Percent Accurate

ColdCure® and BFST® are FDA Registered medical devices. The fact that our products are FDA Registered means that the authenticity of our testimonials is verified, so we cannot post fake testimonials. The testimonials below are 100% genuine and each one is associated with a real customer.

Again, the statements below are real testimonials that can be tied back to real customers and their orders.

I am wearing my King Brand Ankle wrap all day and using a stimulation device five times a day. I have seen improvement, as I can almost walk normally.

Robert from California - BFST Achilles - Feb 07, 2025

I have always gotten healing with your products.

Fran from Florida - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Jan 29, 2025

I've been treating away I've been really happy

ROAN from Arizona - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Jan 28, 2025

Your customer service is excellent

Jason from Hawaii - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Jan 28, 2025

It feels great like a knot that has been undone I am happy as a clam I am really really really glad I got this

Sheri from California - BFST Side Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Side Shoul... - Jan 25, 2025

The cold pack man they really pack a punch the coldest thing I've ever used

Les from Texas - ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Leg|BFST Leg|BFST Knee - Jan 24, 2025

This thing is amazing, its so well made and comfortable. Covers the whole area that bothers me, and I highly recommend it to everyone!

Sandra from Massachusetts - ColdCure Knee - Jan 23, 2025

I can't tell you how much that back cold cure meant to me I love your product you can take the pain away so fast with this cold cure

GREGORY from Michigan - ColdCure Back - Jan 21, 2025

You are just wonderful at customer service

Stacey from Missouri - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jan 21, 2025

FDA Registered

The Importance of FDA Registered Medical Devices

Being FDA Registered also means that our products meet very high biocompatibility standards. This is what sets our products apart from regular consumer goods. Our products are made entirely from biocompatible materials, meaning it is completely safe if the materials come into contact with your body tissue, unlike regular consumer goods which are not made with biocompatible materials. This is especially important post-surgery, because you don't want fibers from a non-biocompatible product coming into contact with your healing tissue. Our products meet the highest standards and regulatory requirements for Class I & Class II medical devices. We have done a lot of work to bring you medical devices that are both safe and effective, because we believe you deserve the absolute best treatment for your injury.

This is a nice product that you've got here

peter from New York - BFST Elbow - Jan 18, 2025

thank you for being so efficient

Stan from Florida - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Leg - Jan 14, 2025

I am really impressed how quick this got to me! ! I've tried oodles of ways already to help fix my tennis elbow thata began to show 9 months ago that turned into golfers elbow. From other gadgets you can get, to even going to a physical therapist - but no go. It's not crazy, mind you, just a solid discomfort enough to drive me bonkers. I'm not one who can give up 100% of my tennis playing, yard work, computer work.... I gotta try this. Time will tell. Thank you very much.

Marianne from Washington - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Jan 13, 2025

Thank you I've got 2 of your other products and am familiar with the procedure but it's good know you guys are available for help. I've had success with relieving the pain with bursitis in my hip and shoulder pain. Thanks for a great product.😊

Shelly from Arkansas - ColdCure Elbow - Jan 11, 2025

It's a great product

Margot from British Columbia - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Jan 11, 2025

There is so much great information on your website, and I've very impressed with the products!

Maggie from Washington - BFST Knee - Jan 10, 2025

I like the products and they are working

Dale from Texas - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Roll Tape - Jan 10, 2025

I am very impressed with your company and you've been wonderful I appreciate your thoughtfulness you have been so kind. The product is work is working fantastically it doesn't hurt to the touch anymore

Gregg from New Jersey - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Jan 08, 2025

within ten weeks we could walk all around the auto show and he hasn't had any pain since (referring to a friend who used our devices)

Rita from Illinois - BFST Top Shoulder - Jan 08, 2025

I've only used it once and I can tell it helped a lot!

Linda from California - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jan 08, 2025

I just feel kudos are due for the nice gentleman at Customer Service. The times I've called & he is there, he is informative, has a calm demeanor & easy to talk to. I have returned part of my 5 pack & will be evaluating whether to keep the rest of the pack, but either way, it is always nice to know your company is represented by somebody so congenial & polite. Keep up the good work & you will sure keep customers!

Elaine from Oregon - ColdCure Side Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape|Accessory Sling... - Jan 08, 2025

I have owned your Knee Compression Wrap for a while and it has been one of my favorite purchases. The past few days your products have helped me a lot. Your customer service is amazing and the video on the Side Shoulder Wrap was most helpful.

Brian from Ontario - ColdCure Leg|ColdCure Back|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Jan 07, 2025

The only issue I had was elbow bursitis, which the cold pack and tape took care of. Great products.

Larry from Arizona - ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 06, 2025

This is my 3rd purchase from you. Used foot wrap for plantar fasciitis, did great. Used knee wrap to heal knee after ripping my meniscus 5 places, and it healed and my surgery after several years. So now I'm going to try to reduce my need for shots in back with the back wrap. That should be great for you to hear that they worked so well and I came back for more.

Marsha from Pennsylvania - BFST Back - Jan 04, 2025

I appreciate your support

Bill from Washington - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Jan 04, 2025

You have no idea how nice it is to talk to a real person I really think I am making the right move here {buying the products}

Jenny from New Mexico - ColdCure Leg|BFST Leg|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 03, 2025

I Like the products and will continue to buy your brand

David from Arkansas - BFST Back|BFST Foot - Jan 02, 2025

I am having really good success with my knee

Sharon from Indiana - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Jan 02, 2025

I can actually feel my inflammation reducing I was even able to kneel I could go back to yoga soon!

Cynthia from California - BFST Knee - Dec 31, 2024

I called back because this device does work! I try to tell people and pass it on, because this device worked so well for my plantar fasciitis. Thank you!

Linda from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Dec 30, 2024

I appreciate the customer support, much appreciated I will recommend King products to friends!

Ryan from Illinois - - Dec 28, 2024

I bought from you the Back/hip BFST in November and absolutely love it. It is the only thing that has healed the excruciating pain I experienced from a torn periformis muscle with the debilitating pain of sciatica. I am a believer! 😊

Kathy from Nebraska - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Side Shoulder - Dec 27, 2024

I can definitely tell the difference. It does take the pain level down when I use the BFST regularly. My condition is chronic, so I hope it will heal me over time.

Michelle from Georgia - BFST Back - Dec 20, 2024

You guys are amazing, I'm telling everyone about this! 5 stars for you guys

Terri from Georgia - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Roll Tape - Dec 18, 2024

It works. It did the trick. It took a couple months, but it absolutely worked.

Tim from Tennessee - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 16, 2024

Excellent customer service, highly appreciated!

Beate from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Dec 13, 2024

my son had a knee injury the day I received my king brand package and I immediately gave my cold cure pack to him. He says it is giving him soooooo much relief and that he leaves it on while he is teaching in the classroom. I'm very happy about that!

Dana from Wyoming - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Dec 13, 2024

I just wanted to let you know I'm really pleased with the products, and the customer service

Sharon from Indiana - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Dec 12, 2024

thank you for being such a great company and having just the most amazing products

Lauren from California - BFST Knee - Dec 12, 2024

When I got it last April, my knee was hurt really bad. After about two weeks, my knee felt amazing. Thank you!

Judith from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 11, 2024

You guys are on the money I believe you are. You care and that is important

Pamela from Virginia - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 06, 2024

this tape is so much better than other tapes I was using rock tape and you practically have to use a blow torch to get it off I had to scrub with a loofa to get the residue all off but yours comes off easily

Janine from Michigan - Wide Roll Tape - Dec 06, 2024

You guys are so awesome, thank you!

Noley from Alabama - Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Dec 03, 2024

Excellent information on the website

Norma from California - BFST Knee - Nov 27, 2024

Thank you, the customer service is very good

Norma from California - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Nov 27, 2024

I am really impressed with your customer service

Abigail from Massachusetts - ColdCure Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Wrist - Nov 23, 2024

I love your products I had an estimated recovery time of four months for my hip bursitis and thanks to your products I believe its been two months

Pamela from Florida - - Nov 23, 2024

its been great its really helped it's given me accelerated heating

Mark from Florida - BFST Knee - Nov 22, 2024

I have been spreading the word about King Brand and how wonderful it is. So grateful to have an alternative to surgery!!

Kimberly from Vermont - - Nov 20, 2024

Great products and that’s no BS. 💯

John from Illinois - BFST Knee - Nov 20, 2024

For me, it works. When I told my doctor that I have this wrap, and it takes a day to serious start working, and I'm up and around. I just wanted him to know there are products out there that help with torn meniscus's, and told him to tell his patients about this because it's really, really good. These products really work if you stick with them, to heal your knee naturally.

Dana from Texas - Roll Tape - Nov 19, 2024

Amazing product that really works (referring to the BFST)

Polly from California - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Nov 19, 2024

I can tell the therapy is already helpful.

Jeffery from Florida - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Nov 16, 2024

we are very thankful that you were there thank you for being there now she is walking

Julio from Ohio - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Nov 14, 2024

the device has helped me quite a bit, it has brought me a lot of relief. So many things are hokey pokey but this makes a lot of sense and its defiantly given me comfort as well as relief

David from Maine - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Nov 14, 2024

Thank you for all your help and for this WONDERFUL product!!I have been using the BFST Knee Wrap for about 3 weeks now and I have seen marked improvement, I am actually back to running again. Not as much, not as fast, and not as far, but I am getting out there, it's very exciting

Kimberly from Vermont - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 13, 2024

You people have a wonderful website I really have to compliment you you have real wonderful information everyone should read your website

Janice from Massachusetts - Basics Cold Knee - Nov 13, 2024

thank you for having a real person its just so wonderful not having to deal with a website You guys are really excellent at customer service, my compliments.

Stephanie from Washington - BFST Top Shoulder - Nov 13, 2024

the cold cure pack that's great and the [BFST] device has been a life saver

Georgann from Georgia - BFST Wrist - Nov 09, 2024

So far I'm very impressed because the cold pack therapy is very effective.

Christine from Colorado - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 09, 2024

Thank you for letting me try. It has given me some relief.

Sharon from Hawaii - BFST Back - Nov 08, 2024

I continue to love your products & my husband & I use the knee brace 3x a day!!! My little puppy gets in trouble all the time. She pulled a muscle in her back leg again & I forgot that I sat her in our knee brace last time several times a day & I really felt it helped her heal!!☺️ I can fit it on her back side & hold the area on her hip where it hurts. Thanks for a great product for the whole family!!! 😘

Nancy from Illinois - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Nov 08, 2024

Thanks for your products and your service!

Maria from California - BFST Ankle - Nov 05, 2024

Very nice to be able to talk to someone on the phone right away, it is very rare these days

Sabine from New Mexico - ColdCure Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|Wide Roll Tape|... - Nov 01, 2024

I've been looking up a lot of different websites for piriformis, and yours seems to be the only one that seems comprehensive and knowledgeable. Thank you for the call!

Russell from Massachusetts - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Oct 31, 2024

Thanks for your great customer service!

Mary from South Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Oct 29, 2024

I rely on my Foot BFST system when the plantar fasciitis acts up once or twice a year. Great product. It’s just amazing to see a company that is so focused on working with and helping their customers and providing excellent products.

Deborah from Maine - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Roll Tape - Oct 28, 2024

I love these things man I mean its like magic

Dana from California - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Knee|Roll Ta... - Oct 26, 2024

I'm impressed, was using this for a day and a half and this was the first time I got through the pain for a full day, and there has been an incredible difference already!

Mary from Michigan - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Oct 25, 2024

I've been using this consistently and I love it, works really well!

Sherry from Arizona - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 25, 2024

I love your company and its customer service. So very good!

Anne from Idaho - BFST Knee - Oct 25, 2024

I just thought that was so kind and so nice to send the follow up email

Paul from Virginia - BFST Foot - Oct 25, 2024

Really impressed with the product, as well as the follow up. Very excited!

Adam from California - BFST Knee - Oct 24, 2024

Thank you so so much! Will definitely order in the future if there's a need and have already referred to family members

Kelly from California - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Oct 24, 2024

its working well, I am glad I found you there are a lot of scams out there but you aren't one of them

ROBERT from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Oct 24, 2024

It is absolutely fascinating how much support the tape gives you I'm absolutely amazed

MISPICK from Alabama - BFST Back - Oct 22, 2024

Just tested my wife about your products, and I gotta say, they're incredible.

Eric from Oklahoma - BFST Achilles - Oct 21, 2024

I will definitely order from you guys again, you are all so nice!

Annette from Nebraska - ColdCure Knee - Oct 21, 2024

Have used this for several years for a complete spontanious lateral miniscus tear. It has helped significantly! When pain flares it makes such a difference! Thank you!

Minnie from Idaho - BFST Knee - Oct 19, 2024

the BFST has been such a help for me the last 3 years!

Minnie from Idaho - - Oct 19, 2024

its feeling better, I'm Better

Elizabeth from New York - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 19, 2024

these are just amazing

Debbie from California - BFST Leg|BFST Back - Oct 18, 2024

You folks are terrific thank you so much

Sharon from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Oct 16, 2024

Well you have great customer service and thank you for being there early!

Connie from New Jersey - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Oct 15, 2024

So far the treatment of bsft and cold wraps for the last two months have definitely helped my planta fasciitis as the pain has gradually subsided. And I’ve been using it for my back for the last 2-3 weeks and it has been amazing, almost too good to be true as I can now swim many laps without pain whereas previously I couldn’t even swim 1-2 laps before feeling pain and discomfort. So thank you very much!

Terence from Wilayah Persekutuan - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Oct 13, 2024

I recommend these, I work retail and stand on my feet 9 hours a day, and tell my coworkers constantly to buy these products. It made my plantar fasciitis go away completely in a matter of a few months!

Ronda from Alaska - BFST Elbow|BFST Knee|BFST Foot|BFST Leg|BFST Ankle|BF... - Oct 10, 2024

The tape is fantastic, and it lasts forever

Jeanne from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 08, 2024

Great products, Great Service and Great Support.

Thomas from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Oct 06, 2024

LOVE these! Recommend them to everyone!

Anna from North Carolina - BFST Back - Oct 04, 2024

I’m incredibly impressed with the help I’ve received from your method on my meniscus injury in my knee. After just about a week of cold, then bfst, my injury is feeling amazingly better. I have strength and mobility returning relatively quickly! I’m going to keep it up, a few times a day with the bfst; low and slow does work well. I know now when re-injury occurs, and what to do; back to the cold then. I’m just so happy I feel some hope about healing with no surgery. Plus the education on your site is amazingly valuable and well laid out!

Pete from California - BFST Knee - Oct 04, 2024

You guys have been really nice, thank you!

Ken from California - BFST Foot - Oct 04, 2024

you guys have done wonders for my plantar fasciitis

Cathy from North Carolina - BFST Top Shoulder - Oct 04, 2024

I'm so pleased with how much information you give, and that the resting part is a huge part of the healing process. The BFST has been wonderful. I am almost pain free. I am so grateful for my order for my ColdCure and BFST treatments.

Delilah from Alabama - Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 04, 2024

You have great customer service, keep up the good work!

Ray from Florida - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Roll Tape - Oct 03, 2024

I've gotten great results from the plantar fasciitis ColdCure, I'm excited to order again.

Edith from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 03, 2024

you have great customer service I appreciate that

David from Florida - BFST Leg - Oct 03, 2024

I'm really impressed with the customer service!

Russ from California - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 03, 2024

your cold packs have really been wonderful

Elaine from California - ColdCure Knee - Oct 02, 2024

its doing something good for me I don't know what it is but its working

James from New Jersey - BFST Knee - Oct 02, 2024

It is working great, so far. My pain is almost gone. Thank you for caring.

JOSE from Texas - ColdCure Back - Oct 01, 2024

I love your products I think they are really well made and really well engineered

Joan from Minnesota - ColdCure Leg - Oct 01, 2024

Marvelous, made very well and worked like a charm to relive pain

KEN from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 30, 2024

You have a great company, and I'm so glad I found you! So glad these products exist, thank you.

Barbara from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|Wide Roll Tape|C... - Sep 28, 2024

Thank you so much because I love the Back/Hip BFST. It helped a lot.

Sandra from Ohio - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 27, 2024

I only started using the ColdCure last night and I can't believe how quickly it's reducing the swelling.

Joan from Minnesota - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 27, 2024

Well thank you you folks have been great ... best tape! My wife says best tape!

Jack from Georgia - Roll Tape - Sep 26, 2024

Overall I am very pleased with it...this one has been the best so far

Geoff from New Hampshire - ColdCure Knee - Sep 26, 2024

I have coached college football for 25 years and they work very well on after game trips home on the bus for banged up players.

Ken from California - ColdCure Knee - Sep 25, 2024

My knee wrap is wonderful, it works great and it does help. Because I had a torn meniscus, and it really has helped. Now I use it sporadically, at least once a week, and I don't have any problems with my knees.

Linda from Louisiana - BFST Side Shoulder - Sep 25, 2024

your customer service and your product is awesome... its helped a lot the last 10-15 years

Kathryn from BC - Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 25, 2024

I started using it Saturday and I call tell a difference already...the fact that you are FDA certified went a long way in opening up my pediatrist to your products

Debra from Texas - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Ankle - Sep 25, 2024

You guys have had great customer service.

Julia from Alaska - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Sep 24, 2024

I love your product first of all ... you guys have been my hail Mary to cut down on the pain and do what I can without surgery

WARRANTY from Florida - - Sep 24, 2024

Your products have helped my plantar fasciitis so much

Ferah from South Carolina - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Pre-Cut Tape|Wide Roll Tape - Sep 23, 2024

I got this years ago, and found it worked beautifully!

Terri from Connecticut - ColdCure Knee - Sep 23, 2024

Your wraps have saved our lives! We have so many of them. Thank you!

Lauren from California - BFST Back - Sep 23, 2024

I've experienced a great deal of relief already far more than any medication which I have completely stopped doing even PT was not very helpful ... but your products have really helped a great deal

Pamela from Florida - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 20, 2024

I really appreciate the way you guys operate I am really impressed and if I know anybody else looking for devices I will notify them where to go

Gary from Texas - BFST Side Shoulder - Sep 20, 2024

what I like about it [KB Tape] is that its easy to pull off

Joanne from Washington - Wide Roll Tape - Sep 20, 2024

I appreciate your speedy customer service! Thank you

Emily from New York - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Sep 20, 2024

Wonderful. I'm so glad you had a number to call and people to ask these questions. I hope this device works - So far, you've been an awesome company.

Cindy from Tennessee - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Sep 19, 2024

I bought one of your products and I use it for a strained Achilles and I love it

Elizabeth from Washington - BFST Back - Sep 19, 2024

You guys have been so wonderful, I love your site, it's so informative and you're so helpful. To set up a call like this is really good service.

Bess from California - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Sep 19, 2024

I love your products I brag about them even people who don't believe in that method I show them "read this" I live in a condo complex so I'm like a walking advertisement they are like "what's that say on your strap" and I tell ya, I tell ya, I am so impressed and I'm not shy about it!

Ramona from New York - Accessory Strap|Roll Tape|Basics Cold Knee|ColdCure K... - Sep 18, 2024

I love your products I brag about them even people who don't believe in that method I show them "read this" I live in a condo complex so I'm like a walking advertisement they are like "what's that say on your strap" and I tell ya, I tell ya, I am so impressed and I'm not shy about it!

Ramona from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|Basics Cold Knee - Sep 18, 2024

Thank you so much and thank you for a great product. I suffered for almost two years with plantar fasciitis and I used your product and within 2 months I was pain-free. I can not thank you enough.

NANCY from New Jersey - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 18, 2024

This was a life saver when I tore my meniscus. I used this periodically, and I have no problems anymore!

Linda from Louisiana - BFST Knee - Sep 18, 2024

They are great we got the blood flow stimulator ... its really quite effective king brand is awesome ... you guys are great customer service and you've got great products

Ken from Illinois - BFST Knee - Sep 17, 2024

I definitely notice a difference already. So I guess its actually helping heal my piriformis that was just in constant contractions and spasms at times. I think its really going to help. Thank you!

Rose from Wyoming - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Sep 16, 2024

I am so impressed with your website

Jack from New York - ColdCure Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|BFST Top Should... - Sep 14, 2024

These products are a treat!

Charles from Virginia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Sep 13, 2024

Well Talia thank you very much, I feel better just talking to you and getting this going.

Cheryl from Illinois - Wide Roll Tape - Sep 12, 2024

Great product, love it

Andrew from Michigan - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 12, 2024

The customer service at your firm is very good I just want to say

Bruce from Colorado - BFST Leg - Sep 11, 2024

Well I love the Rigi gels and it stays cold for a really long time and I can wear it say to a doctor appointment or something and its amazingly cold

April from Nebraska - ColdCure Back - Sep 11, 2024

My BFST really is working! The inflammation in my knee tendon is completely gone, thank you!

Linda from Florida - BFST Knee - Sep 10, 2024

I no longer have the 10 year old KB wraps and I acknowledge how great they were, therefore I’m ordering a whole new set! Thank you again.

Barney from Hawaii - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Sep 10, 2024

I'm actually loving it I am loving the product ... Thank you for making this product

Elizabeth from Hawaii - BFST Back - Sep 10, 2024

I went line dancing with the tape on like you said, and I didn't have to sit down all night!

Brenda from Texas - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Sep 06, 2024

love products

Janet from Oregon - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 06, 2024

I had a knee problem a couple years back and you guys saved me

Nancy from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 06, 2024

Love the Knee BFST and cold wrap!

Sylvia from Washington - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 03, 2024

I have been using the knee product for probably three weeks now. I’ve gone from being in a wheelchair to using a cane to pretty much walking on my own. I no longer have pain , I do get a little tight feeling. And I really feel your products are a miracle. I do the treatment 4 days a day along with a lot of rest. This is been an amazing experience. I will be ordering your shoulder product as I also have a torn rotator cuff, which has been healing since last November. I cannot say enough about your company and your products. Thank you 1 million times .

Joanna from California - BFST Knee - Sep 01, 2024

I really appreciate you and you company for everything you've helped me with. Thank you!

Robert from New Mexico - Accessory Sling|BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Should... - Aug 30, 2024

Thank you so so much. The BFST has given much of my life back so I am super grateful!

Keith from New York - - Aug 29, 2024

I purchased the device for my post surgical meniscus tear repair. It has really helped.

Ruth from Indiana - BFST Back - Aug 28, 2024

My song plays for the soccer team at Michigan State, and he pulled his hamstring two years ago. This coldcure really helped him feel better, and we appreciate your business! I will be buying a knee coldcure for my wife soon!

Mahmoud from Michigan - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Aug 27, 2024

I'm so happy with the kings brand thing I'm excited it's working

Erik from Georgia - BFST Elbow - Aug 26, 2024

They are very nice products, by the way. The cold packs do get really cold. This is very good customer service, to send a backup email saying to call you for the most effective treatment. This is excellent customer service, I sure do appreciate it ma'am.

Mark from Georgia - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 26, 2024

I've been using the ice packs that you guys sent with the knee, and your ice packs are the best I've ever used, I absolutely love the things. It's wonderful, in fact, I'll go to bed and I'll just put them on, an hour and a half an hour later wake up and take them off, I mean I've never been able to do that with an ice pack. They're very very effective. Your ice packs are absolutely the best thing ever.

Glenn from Florida - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Aug 24, 2024

This tape really does work!

Shelly from California - Roll Tape - Aug 21, 2024

To all those seeking help and healing, I highly recommend King Brand products and services for consideration. The website is overflowing with amazing information and it was a key tool in gaining needed education regarding my serious knee problem. Before purchasing the BFST, I was given patient, expert consultation over the phone. The devoted and caring staff remained steadfast throughout my positive treatment course. They all went FAR BEYOND 'the extra mile' to help me in every way possible. My physical therapist looked into the BFST, and she was very impressed. I have been able to avoid major surgery and regain much more function without pain. I applaud their outstanding team and products!

Kira from Nebraska - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee - Aug 21, 2024

I have to say the cold pack has helped a lot, and I'm thrilled with that!

Debbie from Florida - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Aug 19, 2024

Its so nice to get an actual person, I really appreciated it!

Sandra from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Aug 15, 2024

This is the second one that I've ordered from you and I've been very happy with my results. So, my daughter has had problems with her shoulder, and other parts of her body, and every time she comes around, she wants to use mine as well. So I thought, well, I'll surprise her and get her one of her own.

Elisa from Texas - BFST Back - Aug 15, 2024

I am seeing a difference with the back wrap even though I have to move it up my back a few times to hit my entire spine. I can say I've been pain free. I've been using it only for a few days and I'm pain free, and I'm really impressed.

Julisa from New York - BFST Back - Aug 15, 2024

You have great products and fantastic customer service!

Cindy from Arizona - BFST Back - Aug 13, 2024

Your customer service has always been great, thank you

Tap from Virginia - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Aug 13, 2024

I really really appreciate you and your company! Thanks a million!

Jon from Iowa - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Aug 13, 2024

Thank you Serena, for your patience yesterday as I discussed my puzzlement with the delivery address for this order. Paypall was unable to shed any light on why this address auto filled with Paypal Express....which popped up as the choice during this purchase. This Billings Montana address is no where to be found on my Paypal account... Go figure!! BUT, the widow of Dwight, living at the Billings address, is not only arranging to get the product to me but has asked me for information about those items....which I have sent her.... as she has knee issues that she thinks could benefit her too! So it looks like a positive ending to an issue that originally looked pretty grim.

Dwight from Washington - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Aug 12, 2024

Thank you for your good customer service, I'm very impressed!

Michael from Nebraska - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 12, 2024

Feeling so much better already!

Lori from Maryland - BFST Knee - Aug 12, 2024

it really does work

Tia from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Aug 12, 2024

I just want to thank you guys for following up, and your great customer service. You don't see that very often.

Judy from Florida - BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 12, 2024

I recommend King Brand to anyone that has issues. I'm 74, I was a marine for 33 years. If you knew how many gel packs I've bought through the years, believe me when I tell you that King brand is the best. That's from experience from many years... And you came through for me, you're very knowledgeable, and I appreciate it.

JAMES from Connecticut - ColdCure Side Shoulder|Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shou... - Aug 10, 2024

I've actually started to do some walking. I'm taking it slow. I know I'm on the mend. I love your product. If people follow your instructions, I know relief will eventually come. It just takes patience and diligence to succeed.

Patricia from Colorado - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Aug 09, 2024

The KB tape, I have to tell you, that was the first time I've heard, in all my years struggling with Tennis Elbow, that was the first time I've heard to not use the traditional elbow braces. To use the KB Tape in-between or while you're playing. I had no idea why I never stumbled across that, since I have been treating this thing for decades. And that has been one of the most effective changes I've made since I have gotten the product a week ago, it has been so fantastic. Amazing!

Susan from Colorado - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Aug 09, 2024

Sure do appreciate you!

Eileen from California - Wide Roll Tape - Aug 09, 2024

Just to let you know, your product stayed really well for all of those years, at least ten years. Good construction, the BFST still works really well.

Henry from Illinois - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Aug 07, 2024

I am a firm believer in your products, and the cold gel packs you sell are the BEST! I talked with a gentleman before, and he was great, and you you have passed my test as well! It is good to know KingBrand has such patient, kind people working for them. I have been suffering from knee tendonitis, and your BFST has helped so much.

James from Connecticut - ColdCure Knee - Aug 06, 2024

I've been using your products for a few years now, and have found great results!

James from Ontario - BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 05, 2024

I always order from you, and tell my friends to do so as well. Tried the back wrap, which I like because I can put it anywhere.

Lynn from California - BFST Back - Aug 05, 2024

I just started using it the day before and its helped out tremendously already. I'm astonished at how quickly even after the first treatment my knee felt so much better. Maybe I can make it after all.

Eileen from Texas - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Aug 05, 2024

Yes, I'm very happy this morning. I have Planter Fasciitis on my right foot and tendinitis in the left foot. This makes walking hard, but I'm getting through it. I had purchased the products for my right foot and have been using it for my left foot, But now I can target both feet. I used both last night and what a relief this morning. By following your instructions my Planter Fasciitis is causing me very little pain. 3 months will be on August 20. I have purchased a good pair of shoes, which I know has helped. So I just want to thank you, and I'm so glad I found your website. Anyone purchasing your product and following your instructions should find relief and healing.

Patricia from Colorado - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Aug 02, 2024

This is providing some relief, and definitely having an impact.

Richard from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Aug 02, 2024

You have really great products and fantastic customer care. Thank you!

Ken from Illinois - Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder|... - Aug 01, 2024

I appreciate what you guys are doing for somebody like myself who nearly was killed, and who's now recovering very well but needs a little extra help. It's been very appreciated.

Richard from Iowa - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Aug 01, 2024

Thank you! Appreciate the fast service. This is my third King Brand device. The other two, wrist and arm have worked so well, my wrist and arm do not hurt when I play tennis. Now I have a knee I feel when I ski so have already started using it. Thank you. Ps - I also recommended King Brand to my sister for her ankle/foot. I hope she ordered it.

Heather from Ontario - Basics Cold Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jul 31, 2024

Thank you Talia. You’re A+ at customer service.

Carmen from Texas - BFST Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|ColdCure Back|ColdC... - Jul 31, 2024

Your product really works, my doctor was stunned. I hurt my wrist, and I used your product again, and it completely healed my wrist! Thank you! You have a wonderful products.

Ruzica from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 29, 2024

I've actually packed up the plantar ones because, actually, after three weeks they worked and I was good to go, so I was thrilled! That's what made me order the knee one...and it's been helping. I really appreciate the great customer service.

Arlene from Illinois - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 27, 2024

I got your wrap for bursitis for my back, and I had it in my hip, and it was so terrible I was crawling on my hands and knees and just about crying every day, and I thought ok, I'm just going to try this. And it worked beautifully.

Patricia from Arizona - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jul 25, 2024

Thank you, Talia for such excellent customer service.

Carmen from Texas - - Jul 25, 2024

What I love about your product is, I can do it while I work. Your product is a dream, I'm getting really good results!

Tisha from Texas - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 24, 2024

I'm real impressed with your company, and with the communications and everything so far.

Helen from Arizona - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|Accessory Strap|BFST Back - Jul 24, 2024

I could not be more impressed with your company and your products. I found you by chance when clicking on a link for "what you're doing wrong when treating plantar fasciitis". What I found was a wealth of information that made perfect sense to me, I was doing a number of those wrong things, and your information explained why they were wrong and how your treatment was different. I was so impressed and engrossed in the information that I clicked "place order" before checking your website with trustpilot or scamadvisor as I normally do with unfamiliar sites. I immediately got a text asking the color of tape I wanted...SO fast, in fact, I thought this was either great customer service or an indication I should still be wary of who I'd just dealt with. Thankfully, it was great customer service. The product arrived quickly, and I was so impressed with the high quality of all of the products... the ColdCure, the BFST, KB tape, and rechargeable pack. Mostly, I truly appreciated the wealth of information on your website and paperwork with the devices. You have texted a few times, providing your phone number in case I need help, but you explain things so well in your printed information, I haven't come up with the need to call. Thank you very much for providing such a high quality product and helpful information. I truly feel this was the absolute right choice for my healing, and I am fortunate to have found you.

Anne from Idaho - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Jul 20, 2024

I used your products during Covid... I had plantar fasciitis, and it was miraculous.

Tisha from Illinois - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Jul 19, 2024

Thank you for the Foot BFST wrap and for the advice from your service line. I am seeing an improvement in my symptoms.

Gordon from Oregon - BFST Foot - Jul 19, 2024

Great products, by the way!

Jack from Missouri - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Jul 18, 2024

I've been using your product for quite a few years, I've written some reviews in the past because you make such a tremendous product. The doctors where I am... don't seem to know what to do with me, so I said, "I know what to do with me," and I ordered the BFST. I have one for my knee and I have one for my elbow, but I didn't have one for my leg so now I've got all three.

RUBEN from New Jersey - BFST Leg - Jul 18, 2024

I'm very pleased with the product and the way it feels. I appreciate this opportunity to talk to you, that's a great service.

Richard from Pennsylvania - Basics Cold Knee - Jul 18, 2024

You've got wonderful customer service, I'm telling you. If your products work as good as your customer service, I feel good about it. How many places can you go where you get to talk to someone who actually knows something? You know, you don't push, you just explain things, and it kind of sells itself. I'm just really happy that you're taking care of me, it's very nice.

Victor from Oklahoma - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Jul 18, 2024

It's a really good product, the one with the heat just works wonderful. You have great customer service!

Jane from California - BFST Knee - Jul 17, 2024

It's the only thing that's been helping me. And those super cool ice packs are awesome, by the way.

Emily from Texas - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Roll Tape - Jul 12, 2024

I believe this will help. Very impressive customer service.

Paulette from Ohio - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - Jul 11, 2024

This product lives up to its name, because it has softened my funny, bumpy, Achilles tendon, and the bump is smaller. It's working... This has been a very good purchase, I tell you that.

Dorene from Washington - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 11, 2024

You guys have been so great with helping us, and so patient! You win Saint of the Day!

Ferah from South Carolina - - Jul 08, 2024

The ColdCure is better than anything I've ever used, its been helping a lot!

David from Massachusetts - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 08, 2024

I just wanted to say that King Brand is freaking awesome! You guys healed my plantar fasciitis after a few years of having it, and I'm excited to get your back and hip products soon!

Jacob from Texas - ColdCure Foot - Jul 03, 2024

Your products are great.

Brian from Pennsylvania - BFST Back - Jul 03, 2024

Very impressed with your service. Thank you!

Manette from California - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jul 02, 2024

Love, love, love your products!

Monica from Tennessee - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg - Jul 02, 2024

Actually I like it very much, I feel like it's helping.

Kathleen from Florida - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Jun 29, 2024

I have purchased several of your BFST wraps since I severely injured my hamstrings and hip abductors two years ago, then my husband got into a motorcycle accident more recently. They have helped me IMMENSELY and I continue to use them on a daily basis. I have recommended these to several of my friends and I know at least a couple have found success with them after purchasing them from you.

Barbara from Wisconsin - BFST Back - Jun 29, 2024

It's pretty cool you guys texted me... Thank you so much, it's a great help and a great service, I really appreciate that. Great product.

jason from Virginia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 29, 2024

Thank you, you really went above and beyond to help me.

Cancelled from California - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 28, 2024

Chiropractor treatments help, but it's not really relieving the pain completely, not helping to heal the muscle and the tissue. I thought, I need to do something else then, to help with the pain, just to manage it a little bit, and to help with the healing, and then I was blessed to come upon your website. So far I think your product is great, like I said, I've just used it for a couple of days.

Heather from South Carolina - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Jun 28, 2024

I cannot believe I found King Brand, I really don't know how I found it. I had never heard of BFST, but something about it, about the quality of your website, about the way it was presented - I think this is the real deal. So I'm extremely grateful. You're doing great work. Review after review spoke of the customer service, it's amazing, and I have 100% had the same experience. I'm extremely happy that I got the model I did, the side shoulder wrap, and it is ideal. To me it's not heavy at all, it's a delightful treatment. It's really covering all of the area that I need to cover. It's been totally managing the pain, and it's just been marvelous. I just love your company.

Mary from Maryland - ColdCure Side Shoulder|BFST Side Shoulder - Jun 28, 2024

So far everything has been pretty self explanatory so it's great, and we have loved all the other products. I think we have just about collected one of each!

Nathan from Georgia - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 27, 2024

I like the ColdCure Foot Wrap. I think it’s doing me some good. I’m satisfied with it. Thank you.

Susan from Florida - ColdCure Foot - Jun 27, 2024

thank you so much for putting both my orders in one package, & refunding one of my shipping cost. that is so great of you & I really appreciate it alot. I'm giving you a 5 star review on Google. thanks again

THOMAS from Colorado - BFST Elbow - Jun 26, 2024

Thanks very much for your great customer service! I like the products I purchased and I have recommended them to others.

Krista from Pennsylvania - - Jun 26, 2024

You guys are awesome, thank you!!

Lucy from Colorado - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jun 26, 2024

Thank you so much guys! Really enjoying the products. Trying to tape for the first time today and it gives effective light support the heating sleeve and the cooling sleeve are great! my sister is also enjoying her products. Many thanks!

Amy from California - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Roll Tape - Jun 26, 2024

We spoke with rep on Sunday all good he was helpful don't hesitate to follow up again love the products

Joseph from South Carolina - ColdCure Back - Jun 26, 2024

Hello, I have had wrap before and it healed my meniscus tear. I hurt my knee again and order it. I've been using several times a day and knee is feeling better already. Thank you for a great product.

Sandra from California - BFST Knee - Jun 26, 2024

Thanks so much for responding so quickly. I'm impressed and encouraged by your immediate response! It speaks well of Your company! Which is very unusual in this world today! How quickly do you anticipate it will take for me to receive this product? I'm in a lot of pain and flying to visit my grandkids. This injury is very frightening for a 74 year old grandma! I want to congratulate you for your website. I learned so much from it about this injury that will help me care for my 74 year old body! I also have a disorder, Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, which makes me have other joint issues. I plan to be using your products for these Other problems! God bless you!

Margaret from West Virginia - ColdCure Leg|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 26, 2024

No need for a call, I've had your ankle unit for a year, have already used the new leg I just got - absolutely love them.

Sandy from Arkansas - BFST Leg - Jun 26, 2024

You all are AWESOME!! Thank you!

Joe from Minnesota - ColdCure Leg|BFST Leg|Wide Roll Tape - Jun 26, 2024

Have a good day honey, and thank you for being so helpful. I'll call back when I get my package.

Christine from Pennsylvania - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jun 24, 2024

Talia, As I said over the phone you were incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. It was like talking with a consultant rather than a salesperson. As someone who’s been suffering with Piriformis Syndrome for almost a year, I was comforted by your depth of information as well as your personable demeanor which made it easy to decide to order. While the device won’t arrive until next week, I feel better already. Thank you.

Allan from California - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 22, 2024

I used the Knee BFST for my knees when I was on crutches, and it totally healed my knees. I told my friend with back issues to get it before she gets surgery, and she said it really helps to relax her back.

Linda from California - BFST Knee - Jun 21, 2024

You're doing great by the way, Sarina, thank you for your patience with me and all of my specifics. Thanks for the 45 minutes of your time!

Jamie from California - Roll Tape|Basics Cold Knee|ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Jun 21, 2024

Thank you for taking my call, and being so patient with me. Maybe we can talk another day when I get my BFST. I love people, and I love to talk, and thank you for helping make the decision on which BFST I needed. You've been so kind and generous with our time and knowledge Sarina, and have a great weekend. I know that my knee has healed a lot from the BFST I bought from your company.

Rudolph from Florida - BFST Back - Jun 21, 2024

I'm seeing remarkable improvement. This is really seeming to help me here.

Jo from Louisiana - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 21, 2024

Thank you for your customer service, and being available consistently.

Marie from Texas - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Jun 20, 2024

You've just been so informative, I thank you. You don't know how much you've eased my mind on this thing. Google can really get people scared when you're diagnosing yourself. But you have really really helped me, thank you so much.

Doreen from New York - Wide Roll Tape - Jun 20, 2024

I'm so glad you could help me!

Sarah from Illinois - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 20, 2024

You were wonderful, Talia! I feel very blessed that you helped me today. You have a lot of information that helped me a lot. I feel more confident now, and I cannot wait to receive the products. I want to use it as soon as I receive it!

Georgette from Minnesota - Accessory Strap|BFST Back - Jun 15, 2024

It's been fantastic and I've only used it for two days. I just can't walk very far without having to rest the piriformis spot in my hip... and the first time I used this, I used the heat pack...and I never felt anything in that hip again, and this is the second or third day. You know it was expensive. And I was at the point where I was gonna call my doctor and say, 'What do we do about this?' Well, he isn't the type of doctor who will take care of it. So he'd be recommending me to a specialist who will go through several tests, so I thought you know what, I'm going to pay that much money anyway, so I'm going to try this. It was very much worth the money. I really thank you guys for that product, and for advertising it on Facebook where I saw it. I really do appreciate you, and I did want to tell you the good news.

Judy from Oregon - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 13, 2024

Thank you, this is my second King Brand purchase and I'm so happy with the treatment and pain relief! I love that I don't have to take medication and still get relief. I've recommended King Brand to many people as well. Thank you for making such great, effective products!

Holly from Illinois - ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow - Jun 10, 2024

I had a complete Achilles tear with avulsed calculous (heel). I purchased the Achillies On the Go Pack with battery pack. After surgery and cast removal, I started using the BSFT and the ColdCure wrap. Not only did my pain decrease drastically but my incision site began healing faster than expected. I am only 8 weeks post-surgical and I am able to perform tasks in physical therapy that I would not be able to start until at least 10 to 11 weeks post op. I am very pleased with how i am progressing which i contribute mostly to my King Brand products.

Harold from Missouri - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape - Jun 07, 2024

It's definitely helping me!

Stephanie from California - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 06, 2024

I really appreciate this kind of service from the company. You just taught me something. I didn't know that the reason I'm getting so much relief from the cold pack from my freezer is because it's pushing the fluid back from the bursa sac. I never knew that's why the pain went down, but it makes sense. Thank you very much Talia, I really appreciate it, you've been a big help. This is very good customer service. Thank you very much, this has been a godsend.

Ellen from Maryland - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 06, 2024

I just received your knee unit. It seems to be working. I've had it the last couple of nights and there is a significant difference, I have to say.

Bruce from New York - BFST Knee - Jun 06, 2024

I'm pain free while I'm sleeping because I do a treatment with the heat thing before I go to bed, and I love that.

Elizabeth from Florida - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 01, 2024

I purchased a Back/Hip ColdCure wrap and it works great... Your cold wrap certainly works well.

Marshall from California - ColdCure Back - Jun 01, 2024

I purchased the back and hip heat wrap. I can't get over how nice this product is. I'm telling everyone I know about it!

Elizabeth from Florida - BFST Back - May 24, 2024

I want you to know it was worth the wait. I love my King Brand products. They have made a huge difference in my knee and after a few weeks of use I am finally on the mend. Thanks!

Pam from Texas - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - May 17, 2024

Sarina's been fantastic, I'm really impressed with her. You girls have been really helpful.

Paul from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - May 16, 2024

I just wanted to tell you how awesome Talia is as a customer service rep. May 8, 2024 I called and I had lots of questions about your Knee BFST and I thought Talia was incredible. She patiently listened to me with a positive spirit and expertly answered all of my many questions in a joyful manner throughout our entire 35 minute conversation! So on the very next day I went online and purchased your BFST for my knee. I used to train customer service reps for many years and I can definitely say Talia is definitely one of the very best!!! Thanks 😊 again for Everything! Sarina, Thanks 😊 so much for your incredible help with my torn knee meniscus! I bought your BFST machine a few weeks ago and I re-injured my left knee meniscus. You were so kind and patient and expertly answered all my questions with Great compassion. I greatly appreciate your incredible customer service!! Theodore "Teddy" Dimas

Theodore from Florida - BFST Knee - May 16, 2024

I have to applaud your company for educating me much more about my torn meniscus - my doctor didn't bother to explain fully.

Lesley from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - May 10, 2024

Listen, I received it, and I used it last night, and this morning and I'm feeling better!

Lisa from New York - Roll Tape|BFST Knee - May 08, 2024

I've only been using it about three or four days, I just got it. But I've not had to take as much ibuprofen with it, hardly any at all. I really am happy with the product, I'm glad I bought it. Sometimes when you see things on the internet you never know what you're getting, but it's a very good product.

Terry from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 04, 2024

I think this is the first company I bought products from that offers the service that you do. I appreciate you and your company calling back, and it's really a great company that I will recommend, definitely.

Maria from Oregon - Basics Cold Knee|BFST Knee - May 04, 2024

Love your product, I'm very pleased with the wraps.

JERI from Iowa - BFST Knee - May 03, 2024

I really enjoy it, I think it's making a big difference. I would strongly recommend it to anyone.

Barbara from Montana - Accessory Strap|BFST Knee - May 02, 2024

Your customer support is amazing, and your product is amazing.

Debra from New York - BFST Achilles - May 01, 2024

It's working great! I will highly recommend this to everyone.

Jeff from Arkansas - ColdCure Top Shoulder - May 01, 2024

Thank you so much for working with me on getting it replaced and everything. I really appreciate it and I can't tell you how much it helps me.

Bonnie from Iowa - - May 01, 2024

The cold pack part was amazing, it's really helped me a lot.

Cindy from Arkansas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - May 01, 2024

I have two tears, a lateral... and a medial... This is the second day I used the wrap, and I can tell really good improvement. I've been going to physical therapy for the longest time... I really feel like if I continue to do the treatment I think I can be ok. I'm still shocked, I can't believe I'm going to buy another one. I have to. If I just...don't have to feel like this right now, if I can just feel 50% or 25%, I'll feel like I got my moneys worth. I don't take this for granted. This is the second day, I have done three treatments, and I feel really good, and I want to keep on doing it. You guys are doing something right... All I know is I really appreciate you guys and I think you guys got a great product. I can't believe my knees feel this good, I haven't felt like this since...before I had my first surgery. My knees feel really good. I'm still stoked.

Joseph from California - BFST Knee - Apr 27, 2024

Right now I'm happy because I do feel that I have a little bit more range of motion. You never saw anybody get excited about vacuuming their rugs before, but I have been able to do that in the last couple of days without making funny wincing faces because my arm hurts so bad. For the maybe six or eight times that I've used it so far, so far I'm happy. I know it's going to take time but I also appreciate that you called... Thank you. You have made my day I think. That's what I needed, just a little assurance.

Nancy from New York - BFST Side Shoulder - Apr 27, 2024

I'm a happy customer. This is my fourth BFST wrap!

David from Texas - BFST Knee - Apr 26, 2024

I really like it, and I'm really happy with it because I was just diagnosed with a meniscus tear that can't be repaired through surgery, and it does really help with the pain management. I've only been doing it for maybe 5 days now but I have noticed a difference.

Dianne from California - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Apr 25, 2024

It's been such a relief because I've gone from hardly being able to walk without my leg caving in, to where the pain is probably a 5 or 6 but it's not to where it would cave in... This is wonderful, I appreciate all the information because it's answered a lot of questions for me.

Kathleen from Arizona - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Apr 20, 2024

So far so good. It's been taking away the pain that came with whatever I have.

Jim from Massachusetts - Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Apr 19, 2024

I think this is really helping. Before, I was waking up every two hours, so it's a big improvement. My massage therapist is very interested, she sees lots of people with tendonitis. I'm very happy so far. And those gel packs are fantastic. These have been a lifesaver and your articles have been just superior.

Pamela from Indiana - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Apr 18, 2024

The last few days I've used this, I really have noticed an improvement.

David from Ohio - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Apr 17, 2024

This message from you is awesome! It’s packed with helpful information. I believe I’m using the device properly but the explanation about heat& blood flow is very helpful. Thanks for it.

Robert from Delaware - BFST Knee - Apr 14, 2024

Last night was the first night using it, and I was able to walk this morning when I got up out of bed, I usually can't even put pressure on my foot. So that's a lot better, thank you all.

Maury from Kentucky - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Apr 12, 2024

You've been great on the phone, I appreciate everything. I'm on the phone with a lot of people, and you've got a great voice. Thank you so much for your recommendations and for not over selling me either, just giving me straight what I need to get done here.

Sue from South Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Apr 10, 2024

You're very knowledgeable and very helpful so thank you very much. You're much more helpful than my podiatrist was. The information on your website is really very very helpful.

Cheryl from New York - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Apr 06, 2024

I'm very happy with it, I really am. I'm a RN, and I told my physical therapist about it. It has significantly decreased my pain. I'm impressed. I really like your product. It gets me moving, and when I come home I can't wait to put it on.

Patricia from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Apr 05, 2024

I love your product. My first purchase was to self nurture a torn meniscus after I was told I had no other options but surgery. It worked! That was about 10 years ago and my knees are fine. I recently ordered the ankle product because I fractured my ankle. I used it again as an alternate to walking around in a huge boot for 6-10 weeks. It worked again. I was back in heels in four weeks. I have every confidence that this will help my upper arm tendonitis. I tell everyone who needs healing about your product.

Marti from Florida - ColdCure Side Shoulder|BFST Side Shoulder - Apr 04, 2024

I have De Quervain Tenosynovitis and I ordered your product, I'm definitely loving having it. Your product is great, It really is. Sometimes I wake up and I even try to fit in a treatment in the night too. You guys are awesome. I don't have as much of the nerve type pain anymore and for that, thank you.

Frank from Florida - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist|Roll Tape - Apr 02, 2024

I use it everyday. My brother is a chiropractor, and he uses the one for his knee and he was getting really good results for it and I was having so much trouble with my shoulder. He recommended getting one of these and it had made a big difference with my shoulder. I work from home and am constantly on the computer with my mouse , all day, every day. This has really helped, I even ordered one for my sisters knee too as a birthday present.

Patsy from Texas - BFST Side Shoulder - Apr 02, 2024

Thank you, it has helped my hip bursitis pain already.

Claudia from Connecticut - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Mar 28, 2024

I just want to say, I've used this now for two days. I used the BFST for the first day and I could immediately see a difference. But this ColdCure helps tremendously, and it is the first true relief I've gotten, and I've had this thing over a year. It's come and gone, but it's gotten worse and worse as time progressed. I'm only telling you this because it's just so wonderful to get relief from the pain, it's just incredible.

Margueritte from Arizona - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 23, 2024

It was amazing, the difference. I had done the treatment first, the blood flow, and then I put my tape on, and I didn't have any pain until the very end of the game, which was like two hours later. I was quite pleased.

Pam from Illinois - Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Mar 22, 2024

I love your stuff. I had torn up both of my shoulders and I play golf all the time. And when I put the tape on there it doesn't hurt. I've been using it for two or three years.

Robert from Florida - Roll Tape|Wide Roll Tape - Mar 14, 2024

I will say the bursa is definitely shrinking. I just do my treatment, and it does seem to be working, so for me that's great. I like it. At first I was a little discouraged because it wasn't moving, I was like, "This isn't doing anything..." and now I just noticed today, like wait a minute - I feel it with my good finger and hand, and I'm like - it's shrinking a little bit. So somehow, somewhere, it's going down. And there's no more fluid, whereas before the elbow was pretty big with fluid.

John from Massachusetts - BFST Elbow - Mar 09, 2024

Thank y'all for your prompt shipment. I think I ordered a week ago, I got it Tuesday, and it's already starting to help my situation.

Cleburn from Georgia - BFST Wrist|Roll Tape|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Mar 08, 2024

I like it, I highly recommend it to everybody.

Greg from California - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 07, 2024

Thank you so much guys! Really enjoying the products. Trying to tape for the first time today and it gives effective light support the heating sleeve and the cooling sleeve are great! my sister is also enjoying her products. Many thanks!

Amy from Michigan - ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape|BFST Elbow - Mar 04, 2024

I've used your products before about 5 years ago on a shoulder injury, so I feel pretty familiar with them. They worked very well when I was having that other problem. I'm a firm believer in your products and I'm going to give them a shot again for this hip injury.

Gregory from Maine - BFST Back - Feb 26, 2024

I use these 3 times a day since I've gotten them and I like the way they fit around my knee. I think they've done quite well for me and My leg is feeling a lot better. Thank you very much.

DANIEL from Illinois - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 26, 2024

Well I think that its all working. With everyone else and the reviewed I read, its like "This might be just a little bit of ice packs and a heating pad" but it has made a HUGE difference. This has been awesome, I can't tell you all enough how much I appreciate your customer service too.

Dr from Texas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Feb 26, 2024

I'm very impressed with the BFST and very thankful. I really think that it's made a huge difference in how I feel and how comfortable it is for me to stand. I'm very impressed.

Audrey from Kansas - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Feb 23, 2024

I had plantar fasciitis, started probably six weeks ago, totally gone now because I ordered that BFST wrap for the foot. And I was doing all the wrong things, and accidentally came upon this website, and it's amazing. I just can't even believe how quickly it worked, and I'm still using it even though I feel no pain now. I'm still using it 2-3 times a day but I'm able to do all my exercise walking as normal. Anybody that even mentions plantar fasciitis to me, I have plenty to tell them. I just hope they'll listen to me, because this is really great.

Celia from North Carolina - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Feb 23, 2024

I can't say it was all just this, it was a 3 part system while being cautious with the recovery. But, I had a MRI and we saw the torn meniscus a year ago, wasn't a horrible one, though wasn't too simple either. It inhibited me doing a lot of stuff though because it was irritating me all the time. I went in later for a re-evaluation after treatments with the device, when they moved my knee they said "I've never seen this before, The knee that we worked on is tighter now then your good knee!" I took the wrap in and even said I think I have to thank this for my recovery and how its been able to work so well. Very thankful.

ross from Florida - BFST Knee - Feb 21, 2024

You have a great company. I was totally not expecting the text offering the personal help. I'm glad I got this. Nowadays most people just google things, I really appreciate your text and follow up. You gave me good information, I really appreciate it. I think your company is just awesome. I've never had this kind of service before. I spoke with someone before when they contacted me to see if I had any questions. Just the follow up and information is amazing. I'm very impressed, so thank you again.

Elizabeth from Ohio - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Feb 21, 2024

I bought the ice, the ColdCure and the BFST for the leg. My brother also got two of the ColdCure because I told him they were amazing. I feel like so many more people would benefit from your products. I get mad that doctors don't say "hey lets try to do this" rather then moving straight away to surgery. I could barely walk, and after three treatments I felt amazing.

Lynelle from Massachusetts - ColdCure Leg - Feb 21, 2024

I am very impressed with your company. Your website is great, and now I see that your service is extraordinary!

Eric from Arizona - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Feb 20, 2024

I started using both the cuffs, the cold and the BFST, and yeah, I was really impressed. After only a few times using the BFST I could tell that my pain was significantly diminishing and I was getting more mobility, as far as being able to move my leg in different directions more, so that was very good. So I'm telling people about it! Once I got the products and started using them I could tell a difference really fast. I got more mobility, was able to put my leg back and forth more, just mobility all around without as much pain. I was able to sleep better at night and didn't have to thrash around for an hour or two trying to get comfortable. I felt like it was very very helpful. I am definitely impressed with these products, and your service. It is so nice to be able to not only use the products, but have somebody who knows give me information - that is really worth a lot.

Evelyn from Kansas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Feb 17, 2024

You have been most helpful. First of all, I really like the product. I like the design, and I like the way it fits on the knee too. It's nice that you guys are available to talk to. I think that that's really rare in today's society that we find companies that will do that.

Donald from Nevada - BFST Knee - Feb 17, 2024

This is basically for a slightly torn meniscus... and I don't want surgery in the equation right now unless I absolutely have to. I've been pretty satisfied, in fact, I can feel it starting to finally heal. I was worried because I've had this for about six weeks now. I wondered at what point I would start feeling healing, and I feel like your product, plus just time and being sensible has helped it to start healing and feeling like it should. So I won't be suffering with this too much longer hopefully.

Derek from New Mexico - BFST Knee - Feb 10, 2024

I am a past customer of your products and I have to say that I LOVE what the shoulder wrap did for me! I had a torn rotator cuff and didn't want surgery, and the product that I chose helped me to heal!! I have shared this information with several people and they are singing your praises!

Susan from Alabama - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder|Pre-Cut Tape|... - Feb 08, 2024

I ordered my knee wrap at the end of October, I think. It's really been helping, which is wonderful. You guys helped me learn how to tape my knee, and I think things are going along well. I've gotten better range of motion, I was actually able to sit cross legged! It certainly is getting better.

Lynn from Michigan - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Feb 03, 2024

Product is excellent, very happy.

joanna from California - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 03, 2024

I think everything is clear and your website is absolutely awesome, very informative and very encouraging. I'm very hopeful, with your help and the help of the product. The one thing that made me order - I was going to go through Amazon and order, there are so many cheap products that they have, but this is FDA approved, and that's number one. In other words, it's been proven that it is a reliable product, so that's the reason I'm going through your product instead of the cheaper ones.

Lilideth from Washington - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Feb 03, 2024

I think I tore my ACL and I have meniscus damage, and it's pretty severe. My injury is a week old yesterday, and it's been rough. I love your products, and what a world of difference - they saved me last time, and I can tell it's already saving me this time. Matter of fact, I'm singing your praises to everybody. The information alone, so I understood what was going on, makes a world of difference. I followed the instructions and it was like night and day. I just sat down with my knees at 90 degrees and didn't have to put my leg straight, and I was able to put pressure on my foot to stand up. Your equipment is just going to save me, because I got miraculous recovery last time.

Michelle from Louisiana - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 01, 2024

Thank you and I want to say the customer service from you is outstanding.

Cameron from Nevada - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jan 27, 2024

I used it for the first time Monday night, and it's the first time I've slept through the night in months. I'm totally in love with it. I can't tell you the difference. I have been raving about this to everybody. I took all the parts with me to the chiropractor's office, and she was impressed.

Nancy from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 26, 2024

I want to thank you for the wonderful job that the King Brand shoulder wrap was doing for me - now, I don't have any pain, and I don't have to go to surgery. After five months, now I'm going to the gym and lifting weights, and before I started, I couldn't even comb my hair. That's pretty amazing. I loaned it to a friend of mine who has a problem with his shoulder, and he's using it. I think it's helping him too. Thank you for your service, and for your wonderful product.

Dan from California - BFST Top Shoulder - Jan 25, 2024

I already have a couple of your products that I've done well with, particularly the plantar fasciitis, which I ordered years ago, and I've never had it since.

Lisa from Michigan - BFST Back - Jan 20, 2024

I am extremely impressed with the way this company runs its business. You have an excellent website with helpful information for guidance in healing. customer service is outstanding!! I have passed your information on to others and will continue to do so. Again, it’s a pleasure doing business with King Brand.

Jeanne from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 17, 2024

This is fantastic customer service.

Manuel from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jan 06, 2024

When I had imaging done a month or so ago it showed the muscle completely detached from the bone. When I had surgery a couple weeks ago the surgeon said the muscle had begun to reattach itself to the bone. I think the BFST played a part in that.

Gary from Louisiana - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Side Shoulder|Accessory Sling... - Jan 06, 2024

Your customer service assistants are fantastic to date. Great job answering my questions, getting best pkg deal pricing, and just being so helpful and courteous. A real pleasure to work with. And they actually knew the answers to some complicated questions. Great training obviously.

Jacquelyn from New York - Wide Roll Tape|Accessory Sling|BFST Top Shoulder|Cold... - Dec 30, 2023

This stuff is very very good quality. The product is outstanding, it's as good as I thought it was going to be and I'm having some positive results. I've kind of been down the road with this knee for a while now, and I wanted to take a short cut and get a cortisone shot, which I did, I got two of them three months ago. The next day I was out of pain, and that was good for about two months, but then the pain came back. I decided to try your product, even though I just got it a couple of days ago, I'm feeling better. I'm using it twice a day and taping up my knee, and I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to just stick with it. I've recommended it to a couple of friends of mine, I told them, 'This stuff here is the real deal, this is not China junk off of Amazon, this stuff is really good.' I'm really impressed with it, just tickled pink. You know, you buy a bunch of junk sometimes from Amazon, and you kind of get used to getting junk when it shows up, but this stuff, you can see why it's FDA approved. I'm extremely impressed, and I'll be recommending these types of sleeves to anyone. It's very functional, very comfortable, and it was made with a lot of research and development.

Robert from Texas - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Dec 30, 2023

I'm a lot better. This is the second time that I used your product. I used it in 2017 for carpal tunnel and tennis elbow as well, and it really worked. I'm really happy.

Ana from Florida - Wide Roll Tape - Dec 28, 2023

We have had excellent success with your products when my husband had a meniscus problem. I love your products, and your website is so informative.

Muriel from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 23, 2023

It's been a pleasure to deal with your company.

Jill from British Columbia - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Dec 22, 2023

I appreciate this call, I appreciate this product, and I feel like I'm doing better.

Peter from California - BFST Knee - Dec 16, 2023

It's kind of amazing to feel when I do the BFST. I've been diagnosed with a meniscus tear a few months ago, and I've been trying to heal it on my own. Since using this product - and I've only had it for about a week - I'm not reliant on a crutch anymore.

Kelly from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 13, 2023

I'm definitely seeing results, I had a torn meniscus and I'm walking again without crutches. Day two of using the product and switching between the cold therapy, I was able to walk. I'm really grateful for the product. I even took it to work the other day and told people "If you have knee problems get this!"

jacqueline from New Jersey - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Dec 13, 2023

I used your knee wraps several years ago. I had a complex meniscal tear that I was scheduled for operation until I came across King Brand. My knee went from a high pain to a zero pain now, just after two or three month. I didn't stop until the pain had gone away and it is till this very day.

Kent from Oregon - - Dec 13, 2023

You've got great customer service. My doctors don't even follow up like you do.

Diana from Ohio - BFST Leg - Dec 12, 2023

I think you run a good company and would not hesitate to use your products in the future

James from Ohio - ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Dec 11, 2023

Several years ago, I had a complex meniscal tear, where I was scheduled to go have a major knee operation, but then I ran across King Brand and I read and learned about the therapy with the heat treatment (BFST), and it cleared it up after a number of months. I learned a valuable lesson when I researched the internet before I was going to to in to have that surgery, and the rest is history. I'm really happy about your company. It went from, I'm guesstimating, a pain factor of 8-10 with that knee, down to 0-2. Most times I don't even feel it anymore. I'm careful with the knee, because I never went back to see if it's completely cured because that's money and effort, but I'm just going by how I'm feeling, and it's been years now. And I've referred King to other people. It's great to run across, your website was there when I needed it.

Kent from Oregon - Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 09, 2023

It was unbelievable how quickly I healed. My doctor was amazed

Michelle from New Hampshire - ColdCure Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|BFST Top Should... - Dec 09, 2023

It's worked really well for me.

Susan from Tennessee - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle|Roll Tape - Dec 09, 2023

Before, I was wrapping ice packs on just with regular ice, but this(Coldcure) is much more convenient. I'm probably doing it four or five times a day, and because of the nature of it, it's much easier to do and I can continue to do other activities, which I do appreciate.

Patrick from Florida - ColdCure Wrist - Dec 07, 2023

I have been amazed at the results of your product for treating my own knee injury. I have been so impressed by your company.

Joseph from Minnesota - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Dec 06, 2023

I'm an active person anyway, and this knee has set me back. In the beginning, I was hobbling like some two hundred year old person, hanging onto things, I had a cane and crutches, but I barely used any of them. I have to tell you, when the med tech comes in and asks you questions, they said, "What's your pain level?" and I said, "Oh. I don't have any today."

Dawn from Ohio - BFST Knee|Roll Tape - Dec 06, 2023

This has been miraculous. I am out of pain now, and for that I would have paid any amount of money. I'm very glad this has worked as well as it has. Bravo to you all.

Jan from Iowa - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Dec 06, 2023

This has worked wonders for my feet

Christy from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Dec 05, 2023

I've been doing around 4 treatments a day every 4 hours. I noticed just within a couple days treatment that its already getting better. So far so good, really encouraging.

S from Texas - BFST Foot - Dec 03, 2023

King Brand was the only thing that helped me. 5 Years ago when I had Plantar Fasciitis, I could not get rid of it with anything I tried. I was looking online and tried the BFST Foot wrap and it worked. And, I haven't had any problems since.

Richard from California - BFST Foot - Dec 02, 2023

I just started and I used the BFST yesterday on my elbow. As soon as I used it, my discomfort was gone. It did come back bit later, though that relief was amazing. These have all been worth every penny I paid so far. I'm really satisfied as well that you guys send the texts too asking if I need any help running it. I really appreciate it.

Richard from California - BFST Elbow - Dec 02, 2023

I'm going to recommend your company. I'm quite impressed.

Sharon from Washington - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Dec 01, 2023

I really, really like it. I was hesitant because of the price, but I thought, the way the ice pack fits is more targeted and it stays on. Any other ice pack I've had, you can't even be mobile with it at all, so I really like that aspect of it. I noticed that when I am off of it(my knee), and keep it up, and do treatments 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, it has dramatically improved. It holds the cold so well, I can do two twenty minute treatments with one ice pack.

Renee from Pennsylvania - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Dec 01, 2023

I want to thank your company for coming up with this approach. I'm really a believer in getting the body to heal itself so thank you for all that you do. I'm really pleased with your product, thank you!

James from Ohio - BFST Back - Nov 28, 2023

I have a meniscus tear. I can honestly say, I've used it(BFST) no more than six or seven times, and I think my knee is cured. I don't even think I need to get surgery for it! I'll hear some crackling in there and it'll still hurt, but I think with enough time and more rest this could easily be knocked out in two months. Like, wow. You guys saved me a knee surgery!

Valbona from Oklahoma - BFST Leg - Nov 24, 2023

It's a very nice, conforming unit. It goes right where I need it to be. It's better than a heating pad.

Steven from New York - BFST Top Shoulder - Nov 18, 2023

You talk to the doctors around here about the BFST and they're like "I don't know what you're talking about," and I'm like, "Well, maybe you should." Because it saved me from several unnecessary surgeries - which may have been necessary if I hadn't found the BFST several years ago. It's my first go-to, and when they say, "How did you fix it," I tell them, and they just stare, with this blank stare, and I'm thinking - Look it up!

Tiffany from Utah - BFST Side Shoulder - Nov 17, 2023

I've only had the knee one(BFST) for about a week, and I've been dealing with this problem with my knee for about four months. Within two days I was able to walk. I've been using crutches in my house, because I can barely walk. I couldn't step off of a curb, or into the threshold of my house, or into a car without struggling. But now, I've been able to actually climb a few stairs. This is amazing to me. A friend of mine, I brought it over to her house last night, and I let her use it on her back, and she said that her back feels so much better. She might actually be buying one too. I can't say enough about it.

Darlene from Texas - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Nov 15, 2023

I want to give a review for Talia. I called in today and she was the representative I got. She was amazing. It had been a couple of years since I ordered a product from your company. She searched by address and found my order. She stayed with the search until she found my past order. I was able to Purchase the same product. This sounds like it didn’t take much time. It did. She was determined to find the older order and I know there are ones that would not have taken the time to find what I was wanting to order again. She was so kind, friendly and I just wanted whoever reads this to know she gave great customer service. I did tell her this and she thanked me. I feel she needs to be thanked by the company for going above and beyond. Oh give her 5 *****!

Dane from Texas - - Nov 15, 2023

Thanks so much for the quick response and for the integrity with which you are handling this minor issue. So uncommon in today’s world, dominated by mega-corporations. Believe me, I’m appreciative and it will compel me to recommend King Brand to any acquaintance at every opportunity.

Glenn from Pennsylvania - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 11, 2023

This week, I had the most extraordinary experience. Having recently been diagnosed with a complex meniscus tear, I was researching non-surgical treatments when I had the good fortune to happen upon the King Brand website. The information presented on their site was so logical and detailed that I decided to order their Knee OTG Pack, which includes the BFST Wrap and ColdCure Wrap. I’d just started my treatments when I received a text message offering consultation and help in managing my treatment. Upon responding, I immediately received an extremely helpful phone call from a knowledgeable and interested representative of the company. Talia willingly spent considerable time on the phone explaining every aspect of recommended treatment and answering my many questions. So professional. So knowledgeable. So considerate and respectful. That experience is exceptional in this day and age where true customer service is nearly unheard of. I would recommend the King Brand company and their products to anyone. It is a rare opportunity for a quality product and extraordinary customer service.

Glenn from Pennsylvania - - Nov 11, 2023

I'm very pleased with my progress, and I can see the progress from when I started with the BFST wrap to today, just with two months. I just can't thank you guys enough, really, for everything. I can see where I was, and I was pretty hurt, and now I'm not. Just to be able to walk and not limp and not have the pain which I did have, I'm so thankful for that. The doctors were pushing surgery, and I just did not want any part of that, really - there was no alternative, there was just the surgery. I had asked questions, and I didn't even get answers to my questions when I had the MRI in front of me, just to even tell me, is this a big tear? And they wouldn't even answer that. And you know what, it was under 1 centimeter, so it was pretty small. I just didn't like the route they were encouraging me to go with. So I'm just thankful for you guys, and just the hope and encouragement through this whole process.

Jennifer from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Nov 10, 2023

My knee was paining me so I couldn't walk on it. I saw King Brand online and I said "I'm going to try that." And it healed me! I don't know what it did, but my knee pain all went away. I still use it when one knee or the other starts bothering me, I put it on for a few days and man, it's a miracle!

Charley from New York - BFST Foot - Nov 10, 2023

I've been dealing with this issue on my knee for about four months now. I actually had to quit my job because I couldn't walk too far. I've been using the product four times a day for two days already, and yesterday I didn't have any pain. I'm resting, and doing all the things I should be doing, but my mobility has increased already and I've only had two days of treatment. So I'm telling everyone I know about it. I'm thoroughly pleased and surprised at the results I've gotten so far.

Darlene from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Nov 08, 2023

Thank you so much! I ordered the king brand knee BFST and Cold Cure last October. I was diagnosed by my orthopedic surgeon stating I had a torn meniscus. I have a friend that told me about King Brand. He had a torn meniscus and your product completely healed him and me too! Not having to have surgery was a blessing and a miracle! I can’t wait for the BFST for my foot to get here!!!

Anne from Mississippi - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Nov 06, 2023

I improved so much. I used to feel a lot of pain walking from the front door of my house thirty feet to the mailbox. And now thanks to your BFST that I applied 3-4 times per day, I can walk two miles. Takes me an hour, but I don't feel any pain. I think I bought it...only four months ago. That is great improvement. I didn't recover 100% - I walk slower, but I am so much better than prior to the treatments, let me tell you. This is great. You are helping humanity way more than the surgeons.

Jose from Florida - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 04, 2023

I've got my routine down and it's helping me get relief. It's only been a couple days and I got up this morning being able to walk without crutches and a lot less pain. Thanks again for your wonderful products.

Lori from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Nov 04, 2023

I really appreciate your attentiveness and listening to me, because I have not been able to sleep for a whole week because of the pain... I've had little pains in my knee before, but I've never had this before... I appreciate it Talia, you did a great job. They hired the right person to do this.

Patrick from California - Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Nov 03, 2023

We are happy BFST customers in Ohio!

Richard from Ohio - - Nov 03, 2023

I've got an elbow wrap and it has been very successful. I had tennis elbow back in spring and it's fine now.

Ron from Illinois - BFST Elbow - Nov 02, 2023

I used your shoulder wrap and it definitely helped me... so I came back for the back wrap.

Tracy from Hawaii - BFST Back - Oct 25, 2023

I ordered your BFST for my knee, and I've had it two weeks, and it's wonderful. I love it. I would say I'm 75-80% better. I'm very pleased with the product. In July, I couldn't even make it six or seven steps sometimes. My pain was when I stood, and now I do have a little pain - but I didn't expect it to go away in two weeks. And your customer service is fantastic, I love it.

DOROTHY from Ohio - BFST Knee - Oct 18, 2023

My Friend lent me the elbow wrap a few weeks ago for an elbow injury. Now I have the back/hip wrap and we've been alternating between each other. You've made it so I've been able to continue our house rebuilding. We've both done other ice and heat wraps in the past. This has all been really remarkably effective. Thank you so much.

Elise from Minnesota - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Oct 16, 2023

I understood your routine and I have been having some relief from this great discomfort. I am glad to have your product. Thank you!

Marjorie from Florida - BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder|Accessory S... - Oct 15, 2023

I own an elbow BFST and a shoulder BFST. The BFST is the best product we have ever used to help with injuries. My husband just injured his knee and we are trying this before we pursue the medical route. We hope this works as well!

Carla from Indiana - BFST Knee - Oct 13, 2023

The shoulder BFST worked for both of us and the elbow BFST I use continuously!

Carla from Indiana - BFST Top Shoulder - Oct 13, 2023

We spent $500 on an orthopedic surgeon who just sent me home with printout copies of stretches, and it was totally wrong. I did them for one day and it got worse. I mean, the pain was just so bad. The Achilles is the root of it, it goes up into my calf muscle and into my thigh. I thank God for your website. I was telling my wife today, what I really like about your website - you're honest. You aren't telling us a bunch of fluff like most people.

Jon from Missouri - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 07, 2023

It has made all the difference in the world. The ice pack is amazing!

Judy from Arizona - ColdCure Foot - Oct 07, 2023

That(BFST) is the only thing that's helped my hip bursitis. I had physical therapy exercises but it hurt too much to do them. It made it so much less painful, that I can actually move. When I had questions and asked what I needed to find out, your people were really good.

Virginia from Pennsylvania - - Oct 06, 2023

This Baker's cyst showed up, and my knee swells up. At night it goes down when I sleep, then in the morning I'm fine for a bunch of hours, but then it gets puffy. So I said, you know what, let me spend the money. The information you guys had on the web was really good, there's been good reviews on it, so I'm going to give it 100%. I'm trying to avoid surgery - I've talked to a few doctors and they all want to drain the cyst. So I just wanted to give you a call and thank you for helping me out.

David from Connecticut - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Oct 05, 2023

I'm very very happy with your product and I'm glad I got it.

Peggy from California - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Sep 28, 2023

I think your customer service is brilliant.

Fiona from Massachusetts - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - Sep 28, 2023

I got the BFST and the ColdCure. I had good results with it and with the therapy, I didn't have to have a knee replacement.

Lila from North Carolina - BFST Knee - Sep 15, 2023

Different people have used the wrap with us and are actually getting results. We deal with some spinal flexion patients with plantar fasciitis and everybody so far says they've gotten good results from the wraps.

Craig from Utah - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 11, 2023

Nothing else works as good as these products, really.

Peggy-Sue from South Carolina - - Sep 08, 2023

I love your products, they really help.

Charlton from North Carolina - - Sep 07, 2023

This stuff really works, no question about it. It's been a godsend.

Monica from California - ColdCure Back - Sep 02, 2023

I swear by it, I think it's helped me considerably.

Phyllis from Georgia - BFST Achilles - Sep 02, 2023

The website you guys have about these products and knee problems in general, is just absolutely wonderful. It was very clear and it was really good solid information that I can trust. You can buy stuff that's a lot cheaper, but this just made so much sense. I loved the fact that there was some support, just to get this email that said "Please call us and talk about your treatment routine" was so good. I like your products and I like your website. You work for a good company!

Donna from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Sep 01, 2023

I appreciate all of the tips that you have been able to provide. I believe I have everything I need to move forward. Using orthopedic shoes and arch support inserts have just not worked for me. I really appreciate the matter of fact that King Brand is making resources available to me.

Michael from Colorado - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Aug 30, 2023

Your website has a tremendous amount of really good information about the healing process and re-injuries. I've been trying to do at least 3 treatments a day and I thinks its really helping.

Penny from Texas - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Aug 30, 2023

It's feeling 100% better than when I first injured it. The ice and the heat (BFST) definitely helped.

Mial from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 30, 2023

Now when you fly they don't let you walk around like they used to, I used to be able to stretch and move around. These battery packs have saved me! For long flights and my back, these are amazing.

Renee from California - - Aug 28, 2023

I'm very pleased. This is my sixth treatment, and I've noticed a difference. It's much better than what Western medicine has shown me so far. I really appreciate the service that your company is giving.

neal from Massachusetts - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Aug 26, 2023

I like that it's convenient. I work from home, so I can put it on and not have to worry about it falling off or shifting. And it's cold, boy is it cold! I know this is going to take a while to calm down, but I've already felt a difference, it's not as painful. I was glad I found it because my doctor had originally recommended injections, which I won't do because they're very painful and can cause tendon rupture. I just kind of stumbled on this, and now I've even recommended it to a friend of mine.

Sharon from New York - ColdCure Foot - Aug 23, 2023

I've used your product on a number of injuries I've had, and it's been a great, great treatment program.

Deirdre from California - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Aug 19, 2023

You guys are great about following up. I appreciate that.

Craig from Florida - BFST Knee - Aug 18, 2023

I have had seven years of plantar fasciitis - awful, just debilitating, and I have never found anything that works before now, so I want to thank you guys for that. It was my last ditch effort before trying surgery. Now I'm back on my feet, and it's pretty wonderful.

Halley from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Aug 11, 2023

I had tendonitis in my wrist and found you guys online, and it healed it, believe it or not. I used it four times a day for two months and it healed it. It's the only thing that worked, even though they gave me shots. Your company is fabulous.

Yvette from North Carolina - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Aug 11, 2023

I've had it about a week. It's a well made product, and it was the right decision to purchase it, I will say that. I've already noticed, when I do it 20-30 minutes before bed, I don't have any pain at night whatsoever now.

Francis from Florida - BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 11, 2023

It seems to be helping! I like the versatility of the back model because you can use it all over.

Sheryl from Ontario - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Aug 10, 2023

It's very, very well made. I like having 3 cold packs. I think it's well worth the money, it's designed to be conforming to the knee and it's designed to relieve the swelling from my torn meniscus. I give it a thumbs up.

Ron from Texas - ColdCure Knee - Aug 04, 2023

Your products are wonderfully made and very adaptable.

Delle from Iowa - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Aug 04, 2023

The product's awesome, I like it!

Dan from Idaho - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Aug 04, 2023

I've been using mine for maybe two weeks, and it's great. I'm not having pain anymore. I'm doing so much better, I'm really optimistic that I won't have to have surgery.

Janet from Oklahoma - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 03, 2023

I had a torn meniscus in my knee, and I think it's almost completely healed.

Marie from New York - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 03, 2023

I have piriformis so bad I don't get to sit and my stand time is limited. When I put this belt on, it fits just perfect. I have never experienced anything like this in my life and I've been buying ice packs from my first knee surgery. For flat packs these are just absolutely insane. My skin's not getting damaged, it stays at the correct temperature - you can sit on them. I put it on, went to the store, went shopping, went to the groomers, and went home - and it was still cold. Amazing product.

Robert from Arizona - ColdCure Back - Aug 02, 2023

Thank you for responding and I also received a voicemail regarding my question. I went back into your website and found the answer and I will congratulate King Brand on such a well-written website. It's so informative and I love your products also. Thank you very much for all that King Brand does for people and for what the company represents.

Karen from Arizona - Roll Tape - Jul 31, 2023

I've never had anybody say, "Give us a call to see how it's working" before, I think it's great that you guys provide this service.

Bob from Virginia - BFST Achilles - Jul 29, 2023

I have owned this equipment for about 5 years. I am replacing the old one. It is so effective, it has been a Godsend.

Guillermo from Texas - BFST Wrist - Jul 21, 2023

You have a great product, by the way.

Vickie from North Carolina - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Jul 20, 2023

I had a terrible fall down steps and have 2nd degree hamstring tear. Your products are dramatically speeding up the healing process.

Christopher from New Jersey - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jul 19, 2023

Bought the treatment knee wrap several months ago. I'll give you a 10, it has done wonders for me.

Charley from Florida - BFST Knee - Jul 18, 2023

I am very happy with the BFST and Cold Cure treatments! The schedule and instructions for use are great. After having a broken ankle and femur, I have not walked for 1 year. After one week of using the treatments, I can see a remarkable improvement in my joint mobility, bending and walking. I am grateful to find your website and products.

Brenda from California - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Jul 15, 2023

This thing is awesome, I've got to tell you, it's absolutely incredible. The BFST has been awesome, this is now my second day and it's significantly improved the pain in my shoulder. I have a torn supraspinatus. From the customer service to the quality of the product, I'm exceedingly happy so far.

Kurt from California - - Jul 14, 2023

The plantar fasciitis improved greatly with the wraps he was already using. I mean it, your company is amazing. My sister told me about you, she was going to have surgery on two feet and she was cured in three months. I needed spinal surgery and now I'm pain free. I can't believe doctors aren't giving you prescriptions for this product.

Daniel from Pennsylvania - BFST Foot - Jul 14, 2023

I am real happy with the products. Helped my knee. Cold cure is excellent

Nick from Alabama - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jul 08, 2023

I have been using it for about four days now and I'm following the instructions, and I can certainly feel a difference. I'm not done using it because my plantar fasciitis is bad on this one foot, but I can certainly feel a difference from when I first started using it. The biggest reason why I bought this device is because I've had this off and on for years, and two different times it got so bad I had steroid shots. Nobody told me that I needed to continue taking care of it, so it just kept coming back. When I found your site and read through everything, I found that this healing takes time and just because you feel better doesn't mean you can stop. I really appreciate your follow up. I'm very impressed with this device, and I'm very impressed with your company.

Terra from Indiana - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 06, 2023

You've been very helpful, and I don't know what they pay you but it's probably not enough because if you didn't have this service, I'd probably just send it back. So I really appreciate it.

Winston from Florida - BFST Achilles - Jul 06, 2023

Like I said you and your company all representative, and this title doesn’t do you any justice. I should call you insightful, kind and caring great humans. So every time I’ve called I’ve been helped and mostly comforted and that’s huge! I feel tended to! Really appreciate all your insight and direction. I feel a bit more empowered. Thank you Scott!

Rosemarie from New Jersey - - Jul 06, 2023

You guys are awesome. Your company has super customer service.

Kurt from California - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder - Jul 06, 2023

We have several of your electromagnetic wraps and we love them all. We're always amazed by how much they help, and you guys are awesome too!

Lauren from California - BFST Leg - Jul 05, 2023

I'll tell my friend about that Cold Cure Knee wrap all the time. He even ended up ordering one too. I'm a contractor and I don't stop and do what I want to do. I use it just like you guys say and my knee feels great! I think the cold is really where it is at. Thank you.

Dominic from Oregon - ColdCure Back - Jul 05, 2023

I've had this BFST for heaven knows how long. And I just love it. I've been using it for my back and when going on trips. I take it on cruises and everything. My back loves that BFST.

Deborah from Florida - BFST Knee - Jul 04, 2023

You guys are awesome. You are exceeding my expectations.

Miles from Florida - BFST Back - Jul 01, 2023

the BFST is amazing. It helps with my range of motion almost immediately after completing a treatment. I haven't heard of you guys before, but I'm glad that I found you.

Jennifer from Ohio - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jun 26, 2023

It's a good product, it is helping, my overnights are better and I wake up with a little less pain.

Daniel from Illinois - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 24, 2023

I found that it had a significant positive effect on my knee because it stabilized my knee. The stability that this gives me, I feel that it's really helped tremendously. Yesterday afternoon I was able to walk, working out in the garage unpacking some boxes, and I can do it painlessly. So that's excellent!

Irene from Illinois - ColdCure Knee - Jun 23, 2023

Great service and fast processing!

Steven from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jun 19, 2023

I have used it and has done the job. I had fallen on my shoulder and it took the pain away after a day. Many thanks

Leslie from Connecticut - BFST Top Shoulder - Jun 16, 2023

I tell you what, that ColdCure is already beginning to work. It's amazing, I love the way it fits the whole foot. Great product. Already I can feel a difference, and I've been using it since 5:30 this morning. I was a little skeptical, because you just don't know what you're getting, but I really love it.

Steve from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jun 15, 2023

I purchased your miracle Top Shoulder Wrap in 2019 when I had surgery due to recurring frozen shoulder. I underwent 2 surgeries in within 3 months on my right shoulder. Your wrap got me through the most painful time period of my life.

KerryAnn from New Jersey - Accessory Sling - Jun 15, 2023

I've had it for three days, and it's working for me so far, I can feel a positive difference.

Linda from Illinois - BFST Ankle - Jun 15, 2023

They both fit and function well. My shoulder is on the mend and feels Much Better. Your cold wrap and energy web do exactly what they've been designed to do, and they deliver. My shoulder is about 80 % better. In a few days , that should be greater still. Thank You So Much.

Robert from California - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 12, 2023

Talia, you do a really great job, and I feel a lot better today after speaking with you. I felt like this was a gimmick at first, but I do my research. And it made so much sense. The stretching and pulling of your foot just didn't make any sense.

Carlyn from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 10, 2023

You do have an excellent product. I recommended this to a friend of mine, she has a little tear in the meniscus. My friend was so impressed - when she was here the other day we put the BFST on her and she felt so much better when she was done, I'm sure she's going to order it. Ten years ago I had a Baker's cyst they had to drain, and a tear in my meniscus, and my orthopedic doctor recommended King Brand. I highly recommend your product. I use it three times a day. It's such a good device.

Geraldine from New York - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jun 10, 2023

You guys are great, you answer right away and I get a real person, so I appreciate that.

Joann from Oregon - Roll Tape|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 09, 2023

I love it. I feel like I'm getting some benefit from it. The relief lasts longer than just the time that I'm wearing it. I appreciate your call and the information you're giving to me.

Henry from Pennsylvania - - Jun 07, 2023

I have to say, you have a very soothing voice and you're very patient.

Montie from Colorado - ColdCure Ankle|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Ankle - Jun 02, 2023

This thing is like a miracle worker - way better than physical therapy. We tried it because of my wife's shoulder, she was desperate and we thought she was going to have to have to have rotator cuff surgery. She laid in bed with it(BFST) on her shoulder for a whole week when she wasn't at work, and in a week it was gone. For me, I like to do pullups, so if I start getting tendonitis in my elbows, I just use it for a couple days and I'm doing pull ups again! This thing really works. Whatever this guy figured out, the guy who invented this, he really figured out something.

Richard from Ohio - BFST Back|BFST Top Shoulder - May 31, 2023

It's unbelievable. I've got it on right now. My leg felt so much better when I got out of it. I love it!

Joseph from Florida - ColdCure Leg - May 26, 2023

I am so grateful for this BFST. Thank you, you really helped me. I so appreciate your company.

Rosemarie from New Jersey - ColdCure Back - May 25, 2023

I have to tell you, I've just been pleasantly amazed within a weeks time the difference. Just ecstatic actually. Today I did what I'm going to call "normal things" because I haven't done normal for over 2.5 months like biking, pickleball.

Jane from Ohio - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg|Pre-Cut Tape - May 24, 2023

You've been very kind and gracious and I appreciate you talking me through this. Now I know what my next steps are. I'm incredibly appreciative.

Julie from Arizona - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - May 20, 2023

You're a great company. This kept me from having to have orthoscopic surgery. They like to give you two or three of those, and then they tell you you have bone on bone, and we better go ahead and give you a new knee. They did some strange things to my poor leg, and made me walk forever to get some x-rays. I didn't even go to the first orthoscopic surgery - I thought, let's see if we can do this naturally. So I started looking online. Using it (BFST) three times a day, I didn't have surgery, I have no pain, and my meniscus grew back. And I sing the praises of this company to everybody who tells me they're in pain. If you have questions, the awesome ladies are there to answer, and it's like calling customer service in the United States in the 60s or 70s. Thank you so much for being so helpful.

Lauren from California - BFST Knee - May 20, 2023

I'm telling you. Not only my hip pain, but my sciatica is almost gone. I mean, it's almost gone. I was using it every day. It really works, it worked great for me! Thank you so much!

Jacalyn from Ohio - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 20, 2023

You guys are just as dreamy as your product!

Lauren from California - BFST Leg - May 20, 2023

It has really been helping, I'm very satisfied.

Tabatha from Georgia - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 19, 2023

Thank you! Your customer service is awesome!

nicole from Kansas - ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow - May 18, 2023

I ordered a foot wrap three or four years ago now. And I mean it healed me, there's no question that it did. I do believe in it and I've sung the praises, told lots of people, because no matter where I looked, nothing helped my foot and this did. And I had to work at it, and I had to be faithful with the rules and what to do. But it really did heal me, I don't have any pain and I'm wonderful now. I think your wraps are wonderful. I did everything they said to do, and no kidding, in about four and a half months I was doing better. I've told other people about this, and they don't understand why you feel so strongly about it. But I've tried so many things that other people did - that seemed to work for them, but didn't work for me - and this worked.

Barb from Idaho - BFST Foot - May 13, 2023

Thank you to Talia for her help today- it was a blessing to reach someone on a Saturday!

Tiffany from North Carolina - Accessory Strap|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - May 13, 2023

About a year ago, I ordered the heating and cooling, and it worked really well, I'm back to normal and no pain.

Monte from Iowa - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 12, 2023

What I am learning in this, there are times in life when you have to be very proactive, because the medical establishment will let you slip through the cracks. You guys are extraordinary with this follow up, thank you. I never recommend anything - but I'm recommending you.

Sheila from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Ankle - May 05, 2023

It definitely works, I've been trying to use it every day, at least twice a day. I'm on my feet and work retail so its a little hard to do it all the time, but I liked it so much that I ordered another one for my opposite foot so I could do both at the same time. For the very first time in probably about 15 years, I was able to finish the treatment, stand up on my feet, and not have them hurt so bad I want to fall. That's pretty amazing to me. I know its working. It cost me 300 dollars for a shot in my foot and the shot was more painful then my foot was before. Its worth the money for me to get another one of these to have them at all times and not worry and treat both feet at once.

Kimberly from Florida - BFST Foot - May 03, 2023

This the third day and I already see a difference, I've been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis for over a year. I've been doing what you said resting, icing, and heat (BFST). They said surgery doesn't really work, cortisone doesn't really work, and I thought I'd just be hurt forever. Its amazing, I really appreciate it. It's just going to get better, yay!

Kathy from Florida - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - May 03, 2023

I had really good results with the BFST for the knee, I had a torn meniscus and I used the products and didn't need surgery. It was miraculous. With the knee, the doctors said I'd need the meniscus surgery because I wouldnt get enough blood flow to the area, but between the BFST and Biking it, it cured it, I could hardly walk. Thank you so much.

Phyllis from Florida - BFST Knee - May 03, 2023

It does work, its helping my knee immensely. I'm using the BFST the first thing in the morning, around noon , and then in the evening. Its really helping my knee. It works so well even brought this up to my Physical Therapist who has been working with me.

MARK from Minnesota - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - May 02, 2023

I've been using all of your products and have been figuring it out. There pretty amazing from what I have to say. I'm really impressed, the design of both of the wraps is amazing, there easy to use and when you have a sling you can use it with either one of them. I've been using them more often because they make sense, they work, and I'm glad to have gotten them.

Lori from Idaho - ColdCure Side Shoulder|Accessory Sling|Roll Tape|Wide... - May 01, 2023

I received the elbow cold pack and BFST kit and have been doing the treatment for 4 days. I can already feel a difference and its being more proactive with my rehab, it's helping me heal quicker.

Dwight from Kentucky - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Apr 30, 2023

I just started using all of this yesterday, and I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it feels different already! I'm really excited about this because I hurt my knee almost 2 months ago, and sometimes when I'd roll over at night, the pain was incredible. I discovered this by accident and thought, well, it's a lot of money but I don't care, because I'll always use it in some form or the other, even if it's just the ice. I really appreciate your help, Talia, thank you for your patient explanation.

Pam from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Apr 29, 2023

I really think they're great products. I'd recommend it to anyone. They're well made and I think they live up to your product's descriptions. And I've been dealing with Raymond - he's been very good.

Roberta from Florida - ColdCure Back|BFST Back|Accessory Strap - Apr 29, 2023

I got the battery and that works beautifully, I love it a lot.

Roberta from Florida - - Apr 29, 2023

It's very nice to talk to customers and see how they are doing with your product, it's a very good thing and I appreciate your service.

Afi from Virginia - ColdCure Side Shoulder|BFST Side Shoulder|Roll Tape - Apr 29, 2023

I don't know how you could improve it, it worked wonders 8 years ago. I recommend your product to people all the time. I tell them to call this company, call their customer service and they'll tell you if they can help you. One thing I will commend you on is, you have excellent customer service. When I first found your website, it was three o'clock in the morning and I was in severe pain, I was googling non-surgical treatments, and your site came up, and I thought, "No way is this stupid little thing going to work..." So I called and talked to you guys, and you said, "Hey, try it, it's got a money back guarantee." I tried it, and I was out of pain within two weeks. So I will swear by your products at any given time.

Catherine from North Carolina - BFST Back - Apr 28, 2023

I purchased your foot one, for plantar fasciitis from soccer, and it worked really well. The product is good, it does help expedite the healing process.

Charles from California - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Apr 27, 2023

Thanks for the quick reply and the detailed voicemail. I can't say I'm used to this level of customer service lately. You guys are rockin so far, thanks for that.

James from Georgia - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Apr 26, 2023

You guys have been wonderful. I really appreciate working with you.

Lori from Utah - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Apr 26, 2023

I'm using the ice only so far, because it is unbelievably fabulous. I'm going to spread the word about your product.

Susan from New York - Basics Cold Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 22, 2023

You guys are awfully caring. It's a very nice, personal customer service touch. I had bought the shoe for the plantar fasciitis from King Brand a couple of years ago or so, and it worked great for me. I think it took about 2 months before I was completely healed, and then only a couple of times during the following year did I need to put it on for a day or two.

Patrick from Texas - BFST Back - Apr 22, 2023

I really appreciate your support and your help, and you are helping me. This is all new to me, I've never even heard of a Baker's Cyst, and then I look it up online and it sounds like it's more common than what you think. You guys are great. You certainly are knowledgeable about what's going on and it's helping me.

Carolyn from South Carolina - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Apr 20, 2023

The ice pack is good and convenient and works well.

lori from California - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 20, 2023

Thank you so much for your kind instructions. I also appreciate your empathy.

Penney from Hawaii - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Leg - Apr 19, 2023

I ordered a knee wrap for my husband last summer and it was a miracle worker after his hip surgery. He had so much knee pain that it was unbearable. Your device has worked wonders.

Jeanne from Mississippi - BFST Knee - Apr 17, 2023

Very easy to use, I'm looking forward to some good results!

Jeffrey from Tennessee - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Apr 15, 2023

Since I got your products, the very first night I put the tape on, I started sleeping pretty good at night. It's allowed me to tone the pain down and find two or three positions where I can sleep.

Clarence from Colorado - Pre-Cut Tape|Wide Roll Tape - Apr 15, 2023

I bought it a few years ago, and it really helped my knee. After, I didn't have any problems. My other knee started having a problem, and I was going from doctor to doctor, and nothing was helping. They gave me a foam roller and it worsened. Then, I used BFST last night, like 24 hours ago - I have not even used my cold pack, just the stimulator - I can feel that it's 50% less, my pain is gone and the flexibility is back. You do the exercises, you do the foam roller, but this thing! It gives me a strength, it has a flexibility and it's going back to normal. This is the only thing I have figured out. From now onward, I think I have a lot of faith. I've compared so many places, but this one is like a miracle.

munira from Texas - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Body - Apr 15, 2023

I ordered a battery pack recently, and I absolutely love it. I have several of the King Brand BFSTs, and the most recent one I've been using is the back, and this has just been wonderful because I was really having a hard time finding time to just sit for 20 minutes close to a plug to be able to use it several times a day. With this, I can just put it on and get in the car to go somewhere, and it's just wonderful.

Veda from Colorado - - Apr 14, 2023

I stopped physical therapy because it just hurt too much. Then I had an injection in the SI joint, and I think it actually made it worse, so I thought, I'm just going back to what's worked with other King Brand products. I have actually passed on the information, especially on the healing process, on your website to several people who have found it helpful. I feel like you just have so much good information on the whole website. I'm just so glad I found a company that has really helped me so much. So keep up the good work! Thank you so much.

Veda from Colorado - ColdCure Back - Apr 14, 2023

I called you, and you guys were there, and it was a very nice experience. Speaking with you right now is a very nice experience, because you don't usually get people anymore. It's nice to actually talk to people. You guys have definitely got the right thing going on there.

Carlos from Massachusetts - Pre-Cut Tape|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Side Shoulder|BF... - Apr 12, 2023

The devices are great. My wife has a severely broken shoulder, she has a plate and 11 screws in there. The top of the humorous had been shattered and broken off. Out of everything we have done device wise through physical therapy and everything, this has been the best device for her, as well for my knee injury.

David from Colorado - BFST Knee|BFST Side Shoulder - Apr 10, 2023

I do have to let you know that the BFST device is really helping my tennis elbow. I have told several people about your product and even got my mother to purchase a shoulder unit. Thank you again

Shannon from Maryland - BFST Elbow - Apr 10, 2023

I really like the ColdCure a lot. You've got a really great website too by the way. It does help, it does make it feel better for sure. It's definitely better than it has been in the last month, even just using the ColdCure, so I thought, why not speed it along with the BFST.

Carolanne from New York - Roll Tape|BFST Back - Apr 07, 2023

Thank you both for being so kind and patient - you are a blessing to King Brand Healthcare!

William from New Hampshire - - Apr 07, 2023

I love the ice packs, they really helped me through the years. Thank you so much, I like your product.

Margaret from New York - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Apr 06, 2023

I'm getting better. I've only been using it for less than a week, so hopefully this is going to be the cure.

TERRY from Florida - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Apr 05, 2023

Thank you so much, I'm glad I ordered this. I saw really good reviews from people who bought it when I googled something to help my pain, and I thought, "I've got to try it."

Susana from California - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Apr 01, 2023

It feels great, I have to say. The difference between BFST and a heating pad is night and day. It's almost like you can feel the warmth inside. So far I really like the wrap!

Scott from Illinois - BFST Knee - Apr 01, 2023

I received it Wednesday, two days ago, and my foot is starting to feel pretty good now! I like the ice pack because it does the whole bottom of the foot and the back. The blood circulation seems like it's helping, because I notice that after I do my treatment, my foot doesn't hurt for a few hours. I'm glad I found you guys online, because nothing was working. I'm a golfer and even practicing was hurting a lot. I'm feeling pretty good, hopefully it keeps getting better!

William from California - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Mar 31, 2023

Incredible customer service to date. Thank you

Shawna from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 28, 2023

I had great success with the kit in the past for a meniscus tear. Everyone I know has problems and they all go in to get surgery. I was not up for that. Once you cut that, its gone. I thinks there amazing products. I've had nothing but success with them.

DORENE from South Dakota - Pre-Cut Tape|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Mar 27, 2023

The products worked well, and my knee bursitis is greatly improved!

Barrie from Maryland - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Mar 27, 2023

It's working great, I feel like this has been a really great way to start the healing process. Thank you so much!!

Michele from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Mar 26, 2023

You're so helpful and so polite, I enjoy talking to you.

James from Indiana - BFST Knee|Roll Tape - Mar 22, 2023

I started doing the therapy Thursday, and honestly its been the first thing that revealed my pain. I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis and a heal spur for months. They've definitely been helping!

Heidi from Pennsylvania - BFST Foot - Mar 13, 2023

I've had improvement already so I'm very excited! I've always been so active, and I tore my meniscus going up and down the stairs too many times. I'm just so excited to have hope.

Carolyn from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 10, 2023

I knew if I called, you guys would help me.

ROSEMARIE from New Jersey - Roll Tape - Mar 09, 2023

I swear by your King Brand Gel packs for more than my Plantar Fasciitis. They work so well, I slip them under my back, and there the only thing that helps. Everyone asks, and I say that these are the best Ice packs I've ever come across. I truly believe your planar fasciitis treatment is the only one that I've come across saying that its going to do something to help, that it actually will do.

Della from Florida - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Mar 06, 2023

Your treatment for perineal tendinitis was amazing. Kept me out of surgery!

Michael from North Carolina - Wide Roll Tape - Mar 05, 2023

I'm a returning customer. Your products got me through Achilles repair and knee surgeries.

Ann from Texas - ColdCure Back - Mar 04, 2023

Talia, you've been so helpful, I really appreciate it and thank you.

Joyce from Saskatchewan - BFST Knee - Mar 03, 2023

I find your products great. The warmth is very comfortable. I'd certainly recommend it and I already have. I think it's a really good, well designed product.

Michael from Massachusetts - - Mar 03, 2023

That was a pain I'll never forget, when I tore my meniscus. That wrap is miraculous. Nobody can believe I healed without surgery.

Judith from New York - ColdCure Back - Mar 02, 2023

Your product is great, by the way!

Ann from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 02, 2023

I was really impressed with how supportive you guys have been. I really appreciate the follow up call!

Deborah from Kentucky - BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Feb 25, 2023

I couldn't be more happy with the whole program, your ice gel is far superior to anyone else's I know about. It's better than substituting it with an ice machine. My wife had a knee replacement, and these ice wraps are fabulous, they're unbelievable, which is making the experience easy to deal with. I have nothing but good to say. The large body cold wrap is perfect for after a knee replacement. It's been a totally good experience to buy that. And it's really cool what you guys do with the follow-up call too, so I'm totally happy.

Joseph from South Carolina - ColdCure Body - Feb 25, 2023

I really like how it conforms to a specific body part.

Keith from Indiana - BFST Knee - Feb 24, 2023

I've only had it for a couple of days but it seems to be helping.

Diane from California - BFST Back - Feb 24, 2023

I'm so glad I ordered this!

Whitney from Virginia - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Feb 24, 2023

It's great working with you guys. I'm really hopeful. It's been two days and my shoulder already feels a little better.

Timothy from Washington - BFST Side Shoulder - Feb 18, 2023

I've been using your braces for a long time and they are wonderful. I had golfers elbow and I haven't had it since I did your treatment. I'd been to doctor after doctor and they couldn't do anything.

Donald from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle|BFST Wrist - Feb 16, 2023

This is way better than what other are selling. I am healing so fast, I had two complex full thickness tears on the lateral meniscus of my left knee. And had proto-therapy, PRP injection, used thermal devices , pulse feet MF matts . My recovery is nothing short of a miracle! I've been playing tennis for a little over a week now. I'm a happy camper!

Ross from Florida - BFST Knee - Feb 15, 2023

The Knee wrap has worked like an absolute gem for me. My orthopedic suggested getting my knee scoped for a meniscus tear, but did this instead. I didn't see any improvements for maybe 3 weeks and then I woke up one night because it normally stiffens up , but I didn't feel any pain! I've ordered two of them and sent them to friends of mine. You've got to try this.

Bryant from South Carolina - BFST Knee - Feb 15, 2023

The information on your website has been very helpful and your products are excellent! Thank you.

Doreen from New Jersey - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Feb 12, 2023

This has been fantastic, I really have enjoyed the service and follow up since I purchased it, and the customer service by you today is refreshing and I really appreciate it.

Timothy from Minnesota - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Feb 11, 2023

I've been using the coldcure, and it feels great. I can bend my knee and move it now. Those Rigigel packs are great.

Dominic from Oregon - ColdCure Knee - Feb 11, 2023

The cold compression really makes it feel so much better. My husband is even using it, which is nice because he's a big guy and I'm kind of small, so we can share it with the straps you provided, which is working out great. Thanks for a great product!

Donna from Alabama - BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Feb 10, 2023

I cannot believe how much better my knee is

Robert from Arkansas - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Feb 09, 2023

I think it is helping. I really appreciate you having such great customer service, because sometimes when you order something and don't know how to use it, it's such a pain, so the follow up is great!

Linda from Florida - - Feb 09, 2023

I've had great success with your products. I've used them on my foot for plantar fasciitis and it was a huge help.

Holli from Alabama - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Feb 09, 2023

It's a great product. And the knee wrap works. Thank you for your patience on the phone this morning and for your lovely engaging personality. That's what makes customers calm down and try again to keep a product.

Sharon from Maine - BFST Top Shoulder - Feb 08, 2023

I very much appreciate the call. I'm definitely committed to staying with the product, and it has helped. I felt some differences, especially right after the BFST, just to be able to walk and move around, the mobility seems better. Thank you so much.

Dan from Hawaii - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 08, 2023

The useful links and tips you guys send out are really helpful, I actually learned quite a bit by reading those, so I appreciate that you guys do that. I really appreciate the help, you guys are really great to work with.

Shawn from Virginia - - Feb 08, 2023

I love it (the ColdCure). I could tell a difference the first day. I just love how it wraps around the knee, like oh my god, it's hitting every spot!

Donna from Iowa - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 08, 2023

Megan was FABULOUS! She listened attentively and treated me as if I was the most important customer in the world! She answered all of my questions and then some! She was very knowledgeable about your products and offered advice on how to use them to get maximum results! She even called back after we were accidentally disconnected. I have high hopes to going back to living life without this all consuming pain.

Donna from North Carolina - ColdCure Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|BFST Top Should... - Feb 07, 2023

I've been using your wrist wrap, and it's been doing a lot of good for me. I've had great success with your products.

Judy from California - BFST Wrist - Feb 06, 2023

I had a torn rotator cuff and I used the ice and the BFST cuff, and I have full range of motion. I'm a believer.

Judy from Ohio - Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Feb 03, 2023

The battery pack is a lifesaver. If you have back issues and you're going in the car or on a long flight, I've used it and it's literally saved me.

Renee from California - BFST Back - Feb 02, 2023

I had plantar fasciitis and it saved my feet. Every time I see him, my orthopedist says, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing."

Renee from California - BFST Foot - Feb 02, 2023

I'm happy to report yesterday I walked up 12 flights of stairs three times. That's one month after I got the unit and started to be mindful of the protocol, which, in my case, is the BFST, ColdCure, and compression. I can say I'm avoiding surgery. It's great, it's brilliant. I've been sharing that with folks in my position with similar complaints. Before buying your devices, I did research on electromagnetic energy and blood flow, and found that your company is FDA certified, and this is not some fly-by-night company - this is science. Even if the healing process continues for a year - how bad could that be?

Javier from New York - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder - Feb 01, 2023

I had plantar fasciitis and the BFST wrap helped my foot immensely. I had really good luck, it worked really well.

Glen from Colorado - BFST Foot - Jan 28, 2023

Compared to a week ago when I started treatment, I was awake all night in pain. Now I can sleep through the night.

CHARLES from Virginia - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jan 27, 2023

Your company amazes me, that you do this with the follow up call, that actually sold me on it. I looked into red light treatment, and I was like I don't know...yours came up on google and I finally decided, this sounds more legit, and I went with it.

Mary from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Jan 27, 2023

The tape has made me more mobile.

Heidi from Kansas - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Jan 26, 2023

I'll tell you this, the product is really good. My De Quervain's has really improved. I wish I'd done this a long time ago.

robert from Nevada - BFST Back - Jan 26, 2023

I love the KB brands of product. I've used it for Achilles tendinopathy that I developed, and even purchased the knee BFST recently as a gift for a friend.

Lori from California - - Jan 25, 2023

I bought the shoulder BFST years ago for a rotator cuff injury, and it really helped. They wanted to do surgery, but the BFST helped heal my shoulder. I have a Knee injury now, a client of mine let me borrow the knee wrap. I have faith in the products!

Judy from Ohio - BFST Top Shoulder - Jan 25, 2023

I ordered the Plantar BFST wrap for Plantar Fasciitis. Nothing worked except for your products. I was looking on the website for a product to help for a herniated disk, I've very hopeful.

Inci from Pennsylvania - BFST Back - Jan 25, 2023

I was in pain for three years with a ripped tendon, I couldn't even get a surgeon to look at it, they wouldn't touch it. I used the BFST for several months, and I haven't had any problems since.

Terry from Michigan - BFST Knee - Jan 25, 2023

My chiropractor was thrilled with the idea, and I like the device. I think it is helping.

Melanie from Illinois - BFST Leg - Jan 25, 2023

The product is fantastic. I've had this thing with my Wrist for probably two and a half years. I've looked at this so many times and thought "that isn't going to work", and it really does! I'm very happy with it.

robert from Nevada - BFST Wrist - Jan 24, 2023

Thank you so much for good products. I've really appreciated using them and the thought that has went into them! I've really benefited from the Cold Therapy.

Nancy from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Jan 24, 2023

My mother has used the products with great success. She had a knee injury and was able to avoid surgery with there use. She recommended the products and offered to buy them as a Birthday Gift for me, I was thrilled!

Shirley from Florida - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 24, 2023

The products have done wonders for me when I was treating for my Knee, and ACL injury. I used it and it was wonderful. I would recommend them for everyone and anyone having a problem in their joints and ligaments.

Shirley from Massachusetts - BFST Knee - Jan 24, 2023

It's a wonderful device, if you have to ice your foot, this is the best way to do it. Other gel packs you have to wrap them and they're bulky, but this is perfect. You want to use it more because it's just so much easier. You can get it right where you want it, no matter what kind of foot injury you have, but especially with plantar fasciitis, you can put a little pressure across the foot with this boot on, and get the cold right up against the arch where it has inflammation. It's a nice device, pretty sweet.

Holly from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jan 20, 2023

You were very helpful to talk to and I appreciate that a lot in a company. Thank you again for being so helpful, knowledgeable, and kind.

Wesley from Illinois - - Jan 20, 2023

"This is too good to be true. I bought the tape, and it's amazing. Its better than any brace out there. The tape that you guys sell is literally phenomenal! It's incredible, the support that it has. I'm blown away by the KB tape. The coldcure wrap - incredible. The cold packs from drug stores are nothing compared to the coldcure. I've seen a huge difference in stress. I'm surprised how well I'm walking. The BFST, at first I didn't trust it, but then I had a conversation with your rep - I bought asprin, natural painkillers, creams, oils, foot remedies, I've done everything and nothing compares to what you guys have. Your products are so well made. I'm blown away."

Christopher from California - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 20, 2023

I've gotten great results using your products.

Sam from Missouri - BFST Knee - Jan 16, 2023

I'm back to running again. I had multiple tears on my meniscus, and they told me I had to have a knee replacement. I was recommended to have surgery but didn't want to do it, so I got the BFST. It took me a year, but I didn't have to have surgery and I'm back to running.

Michael from Delaware - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 14, 2023

Thank you again for your outstanding customer service.

Louis from Massachusetts - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Jan 12, 2023

Your Wraps are definitely helping my severe hamstring and hip abductor injuries. As you know, severe muscular injuries can take quite some time to fully heal. They are definitely working!

Barbara from Wisconsin - BFST Back - Jan 11, 2023

I appreciate you and your products and your site, and I recommend it to people all the time.

Bess from Kansas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 11, 2023

I'm just amazed on how remarkably better I feel for having used them. I had an ankle injury. Not only has it improved the ankle, but I've had nerve damage in that foot. I can't believe the difference since I've started using the products. Its remarkable the amount of change in comfort level the products were able to provide.

Gregory from Maine - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 10, 2023

You are so kind. It's always good to know that there's really good customer service people that still exist.

Derek from California - BFST Knee - Jan 07, 2023

I feel like it's really making a big difference. I'm really happy! I'm dealing with a deep root meniscus tear, and all the doctor wants to do is give me cortisone, and I don't want to do that. I'm coming along really well without it. I'm not feeling much pain now. I went almost a year without being able to walk, and in just a few short weeks I'm feeling so good.

Tammy from Ohio - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 05, 2023

I am so glad I pulled this up online and found this, because so far I love these items and they're not hard to use!

Rebecca from Mississippi - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 05, 2023

My wife loves the device and so does my daughter!

Theodore from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Jan 04, 2023

It helped my meniscus tear so much!

Denise from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 30, 2022

It's nice to be able to wear the ice pack around the house or office. I like the system, it's working.

Timothy from North Carolina - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - Dec 30, 2022

I have used this product for a long time and love it. I left them in Pennsylvania when we headed south to our Florida Home, so I ordered more to have and keep in Florida. They help me tremendously!

Sandra from Florida - ColdCure Back - Dec 26, 2022

You are a gem. I have been a manager, and in customer service, and I would do anything to keep you working for me. You're a good listener, and you respond to what I'm saying and you don't make assumptions. Please pass that on to management. Thanks to all who have helped me with product info & use guidance! Your customer service & philosophy of are fantastic!

Debra from Wisconsin - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle|Roll Tape - Dec 23, 2022

I think your customer service is really excellent, and it's really refreshing given some of the other companies I've dealt with.

Mark from Washington - ColdCure Ankle - Dec 23, 2022

I've used your products before, and I love them.

Cindy from South Carolina - BFST Back - Dec 22, 2022

I had plantar fasciitis, and I had used everything, stretching, shoe inserts...and the BFST cured it.

Lisa from Michigan - BFST Knee - Dec 22, 2022

You have really great products. I injured my Achilles and I bought all kinds of stuff on amazon, mostly crap. You have a quality product.

Janet from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Dec 22, 2022

I recommend you guys to everybody - my brother, friends. This stuff is really good.

Randy from Texas - BFST Knee - Dec 22, 2022

When I got outside this afternoon I realized I did need the BFST today. It’s kind of like a piece of me, lol. The Cold Cures are a MUST HAVE, for sure.

Shanna from Alabama - Roll Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Dec 21, 2022

When I had my plantar fasciitis, your products were a godsend. I ordered 3 weeks before my trip and it miraculously healed before I left, but I continued treatments while on my trip and I'm sure I would have had the pain return on my trip if I didn't take the BFST.

Emily from Georgia - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Dec 20, 2022

Received Wednesday, and started that night. Used it three times a day since then. It seems to be giving positive results, I don't know what it's doing though. I've been fighting plantar fasciitis since March, stretches haven't worked. The BFST is doing something short of miraculous.

Ronald from Ohio - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Dec 19, 2022

I am loving the Cold Cure, and event brought it with me to Australia

Patricia from Florida - ColdCure Leg - Dec 18, 2022

I have to tell you, your product is very good. Your phone support is very helpful. Thank you.

Jean from Arizona - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Dec 16, 2022

I ordered one of your products, the BFST that I use for my shoulder and I absolutely love it.

Tony from New York - BFST Top Shoulder - Dec 14, 2022

I'm very happy with the BFST in spite of the fact that I'm only through my fourth treatment on my shoulder. I actually believe its having an effect. I'm really please to have finally gotten something that can help. The Drugs mask problems, with the BFST, I can know when I'm getting better.

Stephen from Georgia - Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Dec 14, 2022

We really love the BFST as my daughter and I each have 3. Started with foot then ankle and now the back BFST. I tell anyone I know how well they work.

DONNA from Ontario - BFST Back - Dec 13, 2022

I have the shoulder wrap, which is wonderful. This product, it is the best thing I've ever used, I mean it. I went to four doctors and they told me I'd have to have surgery and live with the pain, and with this the pain is gone. I've used it for six months every day three times a day, and it's like I never had the problem. My sister told me about it, she had plantar fasciitis, and she doesn't have it any more. I went five years thinking I was going to have to have surgery. I can't rave about it enough - I tell everyone who has a problem, look it up, it really works. 100% relief, it cured me. It's amazing.

Mary from South Carolina - BFST Top Shoulder - Dec 08, 2022

I recently bought some of your cold cure products. Very good, honestly!

Stephanie from Maryland - ColdCure Achilles|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Dec 07, 2022

I did receive this awesome product and I love it!! Thank you!

Teresa from California - BFST Leg - Dec 07, 2022

I'm a nurse, and I've referred patients to your company over the years - the feedback has been so positive.

Deborah from Texas - BFST Achilles - Nov 30, 2022

it was incredible. It didn't take much time at all to heal at all.

Steven from Missouri - BFST Foot - Nov 07, 2022

I am telling you, that BFST works so well! I'm 64, I've never had many injuries. Nothing would help the piriformis syndrome for six month, maybe even more. I thought my life was over I'd be an old man. Yesterday I walked a mile and a half, I rode bike for two and a half miles, and went swimming. It is a miracle little thing.

Michael from Florida - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Nov 06, 2022

I've only had it for 2 days, and I've had a drastic improvement

Raymond from Texas - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Nov 02, 2022

I've had such great customer service with you guys, when I ordered it, someone even called me because I had questions about shipping and they talked with me about my injury and treatments. Within a week I feel completely healed. You guys have been great! A week and a half ago I couldn't even walk without leaning on something, now I'm walking. I just can't believe the difference with the BFST! I went through this with my other knee before and it took me 6 months of Physical Therapy to walk decent. This came last Friday, I started using the BFST and I feel pretty good!

Lori from South Dakota - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 30, 2022

The cold pack is amazing, works much better than the cold pack I was using. Last night was the first night I've slept through since I got my injury. It's been amazing.

Mark from Washington - BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Oct 29, 2022

Love your tape! I've used others but your brand is the best.

Susan from Maryland - Roll Tape - Oct 27, 2022

it's working really well. I appreciate you.

William from Arizona - ColdCure Ankle - Oct 24, 2022

The product really did help my knee. I would purchase it again.

Annette from California - Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Oct 20, 2022

I'm a big fan of your product. Usually I wake up at 2, then at 4, because my knee would be throbbing. The first time I used it I got 10 hours of sleep.

Jorge from California - BFST Knee|BFST Leg - Oct 12, 2022

I woke up in the middle of the night in pain and ordered it. It's very easy to use. It's been wonderful. I'm really thrilled to have it. And top notch customer service!

Edith from Kansas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 01, 2022

I love it, and it's been healing me. I'm so impressed by it. I've been telling everyone.

Kiki from Florida - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Sep 30, 2022

This is so awesome. I wish I'd done this months ago!

Harriet from Ohio - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Sep 30, 2022

I've noticed that after 6 treatments and I'm already seeing results. The progress is just amazing. It's been one month today, and I do four sessions a day. Nothing else has ever helped.

Robert from Arizona - BFST Back - Sep 30, 2022

I think this is really good customer service. It's been very helpful.

Barry from Indiana - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Sep 24, 2022

Thank you very much for the "SUPER" customer service and support provided! It is rare in today's world. It's been a sincere pleasure to do business with the King Brand company.

John from Hawaii - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 23, 2022

So far I'm quite pleased with your product, and with the people who have answered the phone. You all have been tremendous.

Virginia from California - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Sep 23, 2022

It worked. It took almost a year, and there's still some stiffness, but I was looking at surgery before and now it's better. So thank you!

Rod from Oregon - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 22, 2022

I love both of the products. I do both the cold and the BFST 3 times a day. I had severe plantar fasciitis, and now I'm able to walk my 3 miles a day since I've been using them. I went to the foot doctor and he was no help, he gave me laser therapy, a cortisone shot, and nothing worked. Only the King Brand products have worked for me. I wish I had found them sooner!

Deborah from New Jersey - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 21, 2022

The BFST - It's really helping, I can't believe it. I love the ColdCure too. I'm amazed!

Barbara from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Sep 13, 2022

I have your ankle wraps and they got me back to my step class in no time so I KNOW your products are amazing!

Mary from New Jersey - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 12, 2022

Nothing I've ever purchased online has worked so well. It's the best device, I've been using it 4 times a day since I received it. I highly approve the device. I can barely feel any pain. I didn't know if I could ever teach martial arts again.

Nick from New Mexico - BFST Knee - Sep 12, 2022

I knew after my knee got better by using the BFST that ordering the BFST for my metatarsalgia was the route to go.

Cindy from Mississippi - BFST Wrist - Sep 12, 2022

You work for a marvelous company. I have been using your wraps for 10 years now, and I absolutely believe in BFST.

mark from Washington - BFST Side Shoulder - Sep 10, 2022

Every time I have called everyone has been incredibly kind, patient, and informative, and it has made a difference.

Deborah from South Carolina - Accessory Sling|ColdCure Side Shoulder|BFST Side Shou... - Sep 08, 2022

I'm telling you, your products work, honestly.

Beth from West Virginia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Sep 03, 2022

the wrap for the infraspinatus area has been totally life-changing for me so far just in the 2 1/2 days that I've been using it

Christinea from Ontario - BFST Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling - Sep 02, 2022

Whatever else you do today, know that you have helped this person!

April from Alabama - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Sep 02, 2022

You're a really good company. I really like doing business with you!

Stephen from Florida - Wide Roll Tape - Sep 02, 2022

You're a wonderful company, I have recommended you to so many people. You're a godsend. I hope one day your products are sold in stores across America.

Martin from Illinois - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 01, 2022

Thank you for the prompt order. I first ordered to a Canadian address. My knee wrap has saved me from another knee replacement and got me thru many, many nights by stopping the knee pain, but really I was beginning to realize I really should replace the cold packs. Love the new slip on, so easy and even seems to cover more area, so good. If the shoulder wrap saves me from reverse shoulder surgery and gives me more control of night pain with less drugs it is a win.

Ellen from Tennessee - Basics Cold Knee|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Aug 30, 2022

Thank you for all your help. Every time I call I'm helped and tended to. Scott last night took his time talking and telling me exactly what would help in healing this plantar fasciitis and I am so grateful and appreciative. I have a plan of action and some hope!

Rosemarie from New Jersey - BFST Back - Aug 30, 2022

I can't say enough good things about King Brand. I started out using King Brand products a year and a half ago. I had been fighting a losing battle with a bought of tennis elbow that comes and goes. I had it for a good 8 or 9 months at this point. I used the splint the doctor gave me from when I first started getting tennis elbow a few years prior and had no improvement. At my wits end, constantly in pain, and close to a year later I ordered the King Brand elbow products. I saw immediate results, and after 3 months it was like I never had tennis elbow. I've been pain-free now for several months. But then came the shoulder problems. I thought I might have torn something while working out; so, I went to my doc who actually did a Bankart surgery on me years before and he said that it was due to aging and there wasn't much I could do besides physical therapy. I was extremely busy with work and had no time for PT; so, I ordered the shoulder BFST wrap with high hopes. I am not disappointed. Feeling sooo much better after only a couple of months, and I'm going to keep on using it. I'm hoping to get back to working out with weights again soon. So, please, if you're having any type of musculoskeletal problems, don't hesitate to give King Brand a try first before wasting your time and money on PT. It definitely works.

Valerie from Massachusetts - BFST Side Shoulder - Aug 30, 2022

I took my wrap to my chiropractor and he said, "Whatever you're doing with your feet, keep doing it!" The difference is night and day.

Renee from South Carolina - BFST Leg - Aug 29, 2022

Just a few weeks ago, I was talking with my neighbor who had surgery to repair his Achilles. He was recovering and still having trouble, lot of soreness. I said "Hey, I used this BFST device and it really helped me." So I grabbed mine and took it over to him and left it with him and said "Try it before you buy it." A day later, he comes to my front door and says, "This really works! I used it 4 times a day and it really helps. Here, I'll give yours back to you, I already ordered one." So I was able to help someone.

William from Texas - BFST Back - Aug 25, 2022

The product is very well designed and it is working well for me.

Donald from Illinois - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 24, 2022

Wanna thank you for your device that has been very very helpful I've been using it for about 10 days and I can already tell the difference for sure less soreness less stiffness even when I get up in the morning. I'm still a little tentative but I figure with the cold pack and with the using the device I would say in a month out I should be in pretty good shape so thank you very much great product

Bob from Connecticut - BFST Foot - Aug 22, 2022

I am currently using the product and loving it!

Patricia from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 22, 2022

I think your products are wonderful. I just spoke With Megan in Customer Service, She was very Professional & Kind Please keep her around, Thanks For all your help a Positive Product With Healing Results!

Scott from Florida - Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shoulder - Aug 22, 2022

I so much appreciate your attention to the details. I will have no problem making referrals to King Brand, keep up the good work!!

Al from Michigan - - Aug 20, 2022

I wish I would've ordered something like this a long time ago.

Katie from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Aug 19, 2022

I love my ColdCure. I give your products and your company 5 stars.

Oreca from Texas - ColdCure Foot - Aug 18, 2022

I'm glad to help your company because you're doing good work. You're a lovely asset to your company, they should know that. You have a genial, personable manner about you that's comforting for someone who's in pain. Pass my joy on to whoever you work with.

Stan from California - ColdCure Back - Aug 17, 2022

There's a gal named Talia I have talked to, and she is fantastic, so thank you young lady.

Donna from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Aug 17, 2022

I'll tell you one thing, the system works. It's incredible. We're spreading the word about it!

Michael from Iowa - Accessory Sling - Aug 17, 2022

Thank you very much. Appreciate your great customer service. Your company's professionalism is well appreciated. I will recommend your product to anyone who needs it.

Kay from Illinois - Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Aug 17, 2022

it's a wonderful product. I've used it for my wrists, even though it's been 1.5 years, I'm almost healed. I'm very happy because surgery was apparently my only option! I'm so happy with the products.

Denise from Minnesota - BFST Side Shoulder|BFST Wrist - Aug 16, 2022

"I really like your products. I tell everyone about them. They really helped."

Angela from Iowa - BFST Back|Accessory Strap - Aug 13, 2022

I swear by these things. They're really really good. It really works for 3-4 hours of relief for my slipped disk.

Michael from Maine - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Aug 12, 2022

I'm really impressed with your products and company so far. I was amazed that it was delivered so quickly!

Kelli from Montana - BFST Knee - Aug 11, 2022

we do like the BFST wrap, it's working well for my hamstring

rafael from Arizona - Wide Roll Tape|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 11, 2022

I've been using the products for the last 2 weeks, and it's really helped me tremendously. You can put me down as a happy customer!

Frances from Alabama - BFST Foot - Aug 09, 2022

My husband ordered this for me several years ago. After using my orthopedic surgeon said I didn't qualify for surgery. I still use it from time to time so now I'm ordering for my daughter and a friend - so I can get mine back! It's a wonderful product!

Barbara from Arkansas - BFST Knee - Aug 08, 2022

I was going to reach out to you today, and then I received your text message inviting me to call. That's pretty great customer service!

Bonnie from Virginia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Aug 08, 2022

You guys did really a fabulous job, got everything out to me fast, I love the products, they're brilliant. They fit great, they're easy to use. I'm a big fan.

John from Texas - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Aug 06, 2022

"Your company is different and very special. I think everybody should have one of your products in their household."

Tatiana from Colorado - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - Aug 06, 2022

"I'm really impressed with the professionalism of both you and the gentleman who took my order, it's really refreshing. It was compassionate, it was easy to understand."

John from Nevada - BFST Achilles|Basics Cold Achilles - Aug 04, 2022

I love the product, it has really helped a lot. Having that secure feeling holding everything in place is really nice too.

Diana from Florida - Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shou... - Aug 03, 2022

"I've been through it and I know this brand just works. It literally healed. This really does work."

Dana from Texas - BFST Top Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape - Aug 03, 2022

I'm using your BFST and I'm already starting to experience some relief.

Brian from Illinois - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Aug 02, 2022

"I ordered your cold cure knee wrap...6 years ago. They have helped me so much. I tell everyone I know that has issues to buy these they are the best! They worked so good before."

Renee from Louisiana - ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee - Jul 29, 2022

"Your guy's stuff is awesome, I'm actually going to order more for the foot and the elbow."

ethan from California - ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jul 28, 2022

"I used to have popping in my's almost completely gone. You guys are a blessing."

Dana from Oregon - BFST Elbow - Jul 27, 2022

"You have a great product. I'm glad it's a good upstanding company I can call to resolve my issue."

Linda from Pennsylvania - - Jul 27, 2022

"I've had great relief from your other products and told other people about them."

Veda from Colorado - BFST Back - Jul 26, 2022

I had a problem with tennis elbow, and it worked fantastically.

Nilsa from North Carolina - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Jul 19, 2022

I'm really happy with it. I've only been using it for a few days, and I'm noticing improvements with my hip bursitis.

Gary from Missouri - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Jul 18, 2022

I really like the products, and my knee has been injured for 3 weeks, and I think they're working really well.

Antonia from Iowa - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jul 18, 2022

Thanks for great products and support.

Dennis from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Leg - Jul 15, 2022

I've had such great success with my baker's cyst. It's really given me noticeable improvements. I'm very happy with the products, so I've ordered the Back BFST.

Connie from New Jersey - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Jul 15, 2022

I have had fantastic results with your Plantar fasciitis treatment. Nothing else helped me.

Marsha from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jul 15, 2022

I'm telling you I can walk without limping for the first time in months and that's one week of using this product! It's amazing.

Carolyn from Illinois - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jul 11, 2022

I've had your products for a few months and I've used them and the ice pack definitely helps, it's a great invention.

Edward from Kentucky - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Jul 07, 2022

I really like it. My knee doesn't hurt anymore except for once in a while.

Michelle from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 07, 2022

The ColdCure just wraps around your knee so nice. You can leave it on and walk around with it. It's great!

Mary from Idaho - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 05, 2022

Your customer service is impeccable. I'm very impressed.

Maria from Iowa - BFST Foot - Jun 28, 2022

I'm really impressed with your products. I've told everyone about it.

James from North Dakota - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Jun 22, 2022

"You've been very helpful. Do you get anything for selling me this? Well you tell your boss you did a bang up job, I'm very happy with my service with you."

Phil from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jun 21, 2022

"Your products are wonderful!"

Don from Ontario - BFST Top Shoulder|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jun 19, 2022

It is an absolutely wonderful product that you have.

Lynda from Connecticut - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jun 17, 2022

Your products have been really really helpful to me in the past.

Judith from Illinois - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape - Jun 17, 2022

It's a great product that you have.

maryanne from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Ankle|ColdCure Knee - Jun 17, 2022

It's definitely improved considerably in the last few weeks.

Galen from Ohio - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Roll Tape - Jun 16, 2022

I'm feeling so much better. I'm really impressed.

Rebecca from Nebraska - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 10, 2022

your product worked tremendously for my rotator cuff injury. That's why I ordered your Achilles wraps.

Gigi from Pennsylvania - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 10, 2022

I've had a regular heating pad and a regular cold pack, but I've never been able to attach them to my hip. I really like the BFST and Cold wraps. They're so convenient.

Von from Minnesota - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Jun 10, 2022

You guys have taught me so much. I've got results so fast, that I forgot it was injured.

Nancy from Oregon - Roll Tape|ColdCure Side Shoulder|Accessory Sling|BFST... - Jun 04, 2022

You guys have good products. It's impressive that you can skip surgery and heal naturally.

Jeffery from Alabama - BFST Side Shoulder - Jun 03, 2022

I've used your products before for plantar fasciitis, and it worked beautifully.

Jane from Georgia - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jun 03, 2022

After just a few days the baker's cyst is still there, but it's not as large as it was. I'm impressed.

Francine from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - May 31, 2022

I was very impressed with the progress that I've made in the last 3 days

Becky from Maine - Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - May 28, 2022

I think I can already feel a difference in just 2 days of using your products

Kris from Texas - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 28, 2022

I feel like my knee felt better after 2 treatments. I'm already seeing improvements.

Natlie from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 27, 2022

It's totally amazing. I really love it. I don't know how you guys figured this out, but it's just amazing.

Gail from New York - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - May 26, 2022

I've been using these for a good while now, and they are working well. Thank you!

Pamela from Colorado - Pre-Cut Tape - May 24, 2022

It seems to work good, I like it.

James from Florida - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - May 24, 2022

I just want to thank you so much for your expert advice and products. I'm amazed at how accurate your information is. I had an injury as I twisted my back, I had to load a heavy pipe thread around a truck. I had one of the back BFST wraps and I put that on the hip and it helped tremendously last night. I've recommended you to 3-4 people and they've also received the benefits. To get this kind of council, it is just wonderful. I can't say enough about your company. Believe me I've looked all over the internet trying to find an answer. You're great and your company is wonderful.

Dan from California - ColdCure Back - May 24, 2022

I started using the products and the pain is just about almost gone! I play Judo, kind of how I hurt my knee. I was able to do most of my activities again. This product was a life saver for me! My Bursitis was reoccurring, I think I never gave it enough time to heal properly, but this product has totally worked. I am very happy to have bought these products.

Bruce from Alabama - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - May 23, 2022

I've been to three pediatrists. They told me to do exercises with stretching, they did help but I wasn't really happy. The stretches were helping but it didn't last! The BFST treatment and the ColdCure Treatment has been amazing. I'm on my feet all day as I'm a registered nurse. Since I've been following the directions to the T, the pain has went away. I don't have to decide "okay let me get up now its time to walk and I know I'm going to have pain". Thank you so much, I can't even begin, I'm glad I went back to researching and came across you guys.

VERONICA from New York - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - May 23, 2022

I had purchased your elbow wrap a few years ago, and I made a complete recovery. It was amazing.

Paul from Pennsylvania - BFST Elbow - May 20, 2022

I've used your products before, and I've had great relief from your products.

Erick from Maryland - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 19, 2022

I think your products are fantastic!

Pamela from Idaho - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - May 19, 2022

I bought both BFT and ColdCure, and I couldn't tell you how long it took, but I started noticing improvements fairly quickly. They wanted to do surgery, and I wasn't a fan of that option.

ELLIS from Kansas - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - May 18, 2022

It's a wonderful device. This thing, it works. I'm totally amazed. First thing I do is a treatment before I get out of bed. This thing is marvelous it's wonderful, it works. It cut my pain from an eight to a three-four. Honestly when you go to do a physical therapy session it costs you that much or more per session, but you can do this at home. It's probably one of the best things I've ever done. So if anybody asks you, you can give them my number and I'll tell them it's worth every penny.

Darlene from Utah - BFST Knee - May 17, 2022

I'm very happy with the BFST. It works for me and works wonderful.

Gerda from Illinois - BFST Knee - May 17, 2022

I'm a figure skating athlete and also teach, I actually just competed. Last night I did the BFST. Oh my gosh I have to tell you that after 1 treatment my hips felt so much better, I actually slept last night, it was wonderful. Thank you so much.

Kathy from New Jersey - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 17, 2022

This is my second wrap. I really like the product. I'll be happy to receive my order.

Rachel from California - - May 16, 2022

I've only used it a few days, and it feels like my knee is loosening up already. When I get up off the floor my knee always locks up. Last night was the first time I got up without my knee locking up on me. It's amazing!

Cynthia from Tennessee - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - May 10, 2022

I've been using it for 2 days and I'm markedly better.

Lorene from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - May 10, 2022

Well I love the BFST. Its um just since I got it, I do 4 treatments a day, and I just love it. Its wonderful, so I'm really happy I found your company. I wish I would have gotten the BFST years ago...

Karen from Arizona - BFST Knee - May 10, 2022

Thank you guys very very much, because all of you have been very nice since I got information and I bought my products. This was the only thing that I found to help out my knee deal.

Gonzalo from Texas - BFST Knee - May 10, 2022

the cold wrap is really nice, great quality, and it feels really nice.

Pam from Nebraska - ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - May 06, 2022

It's really helping.

Al from Michigan - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - May 02, 2022

when I put the tape on the very first day, I felt a difference right away

diana from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Apr 21, 2022

I'm really happy with the products. They are doing what they are supposed to do.

Constance from Massachusetts - BFST Foot - Apr 21, 2022

I really love your products. I think your products are just awesome. I've been making my own packs with alcohol and water, and these are so much better.

Tom from California - ColdCure Back - Apr 19, 2022

Your products are awesome! The cold wraps are so effective!

Lawrence from Nevada - ColdCure Wrist - Apr 15, 2022

It gets to where it needs to get, it's awesome!

john from California - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Apr 08, 2022

Hello customer service and team. My name is Jamie Glaser and I purchased the BFST package of BFST, cold cure, and support tape about 1 week ago. I have a chronic Achilles issue. ( small tear) I would like to THANK YOU because your system is working and giving me relief for the first time in years. I have been with the best therapists who have done A stim, E stim, Tens, massage, stretching, laser and more and some of that has helped at times but I never have 100 percent relief. In 2005 I had a moped accident and broke my tibia and my shoulder and now have metal in both places, the amount of circulation to my Achilles has been greatly reduced I feel. After just one week, using the BFST 2x a day, and your ice ( cold cure) I am experiencing great relief. While I don't use ibuprofen or other pain killers often YOUR system has given me about the same relief as the pills have on difficult days. I am writing because I am truly grateful to you for the care you have put into your products and to tell you that I am benefiting. One more thing.... I have had visible veins, arteries etc around the lower leg and ankle area for 15 years, a kind of varicose vein display. Since using your system these unsightly varicose veins have almost disappeared. I am so happy to tell you this and am amazed that you were able to help me with that too. Thank you very much for helping to make my life better.

Jamie from Utah - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 07, 2022

I'm very happy with the progress I am making!

Louise from Colorado - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Apr 04, 2022

the wraps and tape are working fantastic! The tape works wonders, and it has helped tremendously.

Diane from Alabama - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Mar 31, 2022

I was diagnosed with hip bursitis 6 months ago, and I've been in excruciating pain for a long time. I'm ready to pull my hair out. After 4 days, the pain is gone. I'm almost shocked that it's working this fast.

Peggy-Sue from South Carolina - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 30, 2022

I really do appreciate your follow up. You could teach corporate America what customer service is all about.

SHEILA from Florida - ColdCure Knee - Mar 29, 2022

It cured my plantar fasciitis

Jane from Alabama - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Mar 28, 2022

only used for a few sessions, and the pain has substantially decreased.

Pamela from Idaho - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 28, 2022

Product working very well. Thank you. Pain relieved.

Joseph from Florida - ColdCure Back - Mar 26, 2022

Thanks it's a great product

Gerry from Kansas - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Mar 25, 2022

Thank you, Megan. The hot and cold therapy has been great for my husband's recovery from Achilles' tendon repair. Your products and service rock!

Marianne from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Mar 25, 2022

within a week of using the BFST Shoulder wrap, my pain was completely gone. For 4 months, I had this pain that was unbearable.. for 4 months! Within a week my pain was completely gone! I love your products.

Kelly from Kentucky - BFST Top Shoulder|Accessory Sling|ColdCure Top Should... - Mar 23, 2022

I think I'm feeling a little better after a week of using it.

David from Ontario - BFST Top Shoulder - Mar 21, 2022

We love it. We use these wraps all the time.

Gwen from New York - ColdCure Back|ColdCure Foot - Mar 21, 2022

I have the leg wraps and they work just great!

James from California - BFST Leg|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Mar 21, 2022

I love your products. I've been using them for a long time. I really love the Battery Pack, I'm so glad you came up with that!

Carol from Tennessee - BFST Knee - Mar 18, 2022

I read the information that came with the knee device. It is a good product.

Worth from North Carolina - ColdCure Knee - Mar 17, 2022

I cannot believe how much that this has helped me.

Lori from California - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 16, 2022

They work very well. My boyfriend has used them for a while and they're amazing!

Barry from Ontario - BFST Back|BFST Knee - Mar 16, 2022

I love the ice packs, using it is great. The tape is fantastic.

Cyndi from Texas - ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow - Mar 15, 2022

Hello! Thank you for helping me recover from a knee injuring ... your protects are helping me a great deal as I continue to use them every day!

Tamera from Kentucky - - Mar 14, 2022

Hello! Thank you for helping me recover from a knee injuring ... your protects are helping me a great deal as I continue to use them every day!

Tamera from Kentucky - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Mar 14, 2022

I am very impressed with your product! The detailed instructions and quality of the products are excellent! Very thankful that I discovered your products. I am healing faster than ever before. I have told other people how impressed I am with your products, service and knowledge.

Garth from New York - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 11, 2022

Thank you for standing by your products and I can see that customer satisfaction is #1 priority for King Brand team. Customer care's response is prompt, which is impressive. Thanks again. I'll recommend your products to my friends!

Hiroko from Connecticut - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Mar 11, 2022

Your brand is king!! (your products help me so so much)

Daniel from New York - Accessory Strap|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Mar 10, 2022

You've got such wonderful products.

Nancy from Georgia - ColdCure Leg - Mar 10, 2022

It's one of the few things that gives me relief.

Christopher from California - ColdCure Back - Mar 10, 2022

I just received my king brand elbow wrap soft treatment set this weekend. I have used both a few times and it is giving me instant relief! Thank you very much and I am hoping this regimen will help my tennis elbow issues.

Alan from Kansas - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Mar 09, 2022

I consider this a great product. I appreciate you helping me. Thank you.

William from Maine - BFST Back|Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Mar 08, 2022

My husband ordered your knee wrap, heat & cold, a couple years ago. Have continued to use them & ordered the additional knee & back wrap recently. Thank you for such great products.

Bernadine from Texas - BFST Back|BFST Knee - Mar 08, 2022

It really helps a lot. It's a good product.

Leon from Oregon - - Mar 07, 2022

I am very impressed. I love it, I would tell anybody. My sister is a nurse with a master's degree and she recommended you guys. She has used you on a lot of patients. I don't know if I got better quicker or whatever, I don't know for sure, I just know the pain is gone, the swelling is almost nothing now and my foot feels a whole lot better, let me put it that way, after about 5-6 days.

David from Florida - ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Mar 07, 2022

I ordered those foot wraps and I want to tell you they are absolutely fabulous. It's the first time I could walk in I don't know how many months.

Delores from California - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Mar 03, 2022

I love this thing.

David from California - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg|Wide Roll Tape - Mar 03, 2022

You are awesome! Thank you!

Jonathan from Wisconsin - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Mar 01, 2022

It's wonderful. It's really helping me.

Tammy from Ontario - BFST Back - Feb 28, 2022

Your product and your instructions are awesome.

Paul from Connecticut - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 28, 2022

Thank you so much for responding. A few years ago I had a torn meniscus and I used your therapy. It was very effective, so I am looking forward to being helped with the Deltoid Therapy.

Gerry from British Columbia - ColdCure Side Shoulder|BFST Side Shoulder - Feb 28, 2022

It's working really well. My hands are doing a lot better and I'm very pleased! I appreciate your website so much. It really helped me.

Elizabeth from Texas - BFST Wrist - Feb 26, 2022

It's been working great. Today is my first day with no pain, pain free! It's a really good device.

Candy from South Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Feb 24, 2022

I have been using it for about 4 or 5 days now. I can definitely tell the difference.

Jeffery from Texas - BFST Knee - Feb 23, 2022

I like the product, I agree with the mechanisms and applications. They fit really well and work really well. Kudos on the product and I think it will serve me well.

Gary from Michigan - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Feb 22, 2022

I cannot believe the difference this stuff has made. I'm 50 years old and I feel like I'm 30 again. I was miserable every night and just in a few days made a huge difference!.

Tony from Tennessee - Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Feb 18, 2022

Your customer service is outstanding.

David from New York - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow - Feb 18, 2022

I had a knee meniscus about 2 months ago and that healed in like a month. It was great, it was wonderful. Now I can walk on my knee with no pain. It really does work, it's a wonderful device.

Jacqueline from Georgia - BFST Knee - Feb 18, 2022

I've got the products and I've been using them and they have been very effective... Very satisfied.

Astrid from Ontario - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Feb 18, 2022

I love it. I have plantar fasciitis and I do actually have, with the foot levelers measurement, I have arch drop, but it helps so much. It's been the best thing that I have found for sure. It has been so much better since I got this. I mean before I got the heat thing I was hesitant to spend the money on it, but I was like, you know what my foot hurts so bad I don't really care how much it costs and it's been so worth every penny.

KATIE from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Feb 16, 2022

Last week I ordered your ice packs and they arrived Saturday. I placed them in the freezer for several hours. That afternoon I wore the belt for an hour before removing it. It took me a couple minutes to realize that the pain that plagued me for months was gone. Not reduce a little but complete gone. Zero pain! I can't believe it. Physical therapy sessions did nothing to alleviate the pain. After an hour I used another pack to help heal. I slept all night for the first time in many months. My physician prescribed lidocaine patches. They did nothing. I used a tens unit continuously and it did little to help and after wards the pain was still there. Now I'm trying it on my leg pain that has been hurting me for fourteen years. Thank you so much for your product. Sincerely, Gary Berg

Gary from California - ColdCure Back - Feb 13, 2022

That kinesiology tape, I don't know who came up with that, man that was genius because it makes all the difference in the world between me, walking around and being able to walk around like everyone else or not, so it's really meaningful to me. It was just at a point where my pain was, I was almost nauseated, I mean you were that high level of pain throughout your day and then I got your knee brace and then that went away. I'm so thankful for it. I am just blown away. I had suffered for, I don't know, before I got your device probably about six weeks, and then I started using it and it felt good and this and that but within two weeks I was better. I'm thrilled with it. I'm really happy with it and I'm very happy with the kinesiology tape too. It is fantastic. I was at a point where I was ready to have surgery and I made the appointment and everything and then I started using your products and it didn't go away right away, but I would say within a couple weeks it got a whole lot better.

Sherry from Georgia - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Feb 12, 2022

First let me just say I think it works great! I have been using it, I got it I guess about a week ago, and I don't know what I did to my knee but it was starting to heal on its own but very slowly, and so I found you guys online and since starting treatment with your knee wrap, I just feel so much better, my knee is so much stronger so quickly. It's just going really well, in fact I've recommended it to a couple of my friends who are also having knee troubles.

SUZANNE from Nevada - BFST Knee - Feb 11, 2022

It seems to be helping. Pain level decreased or the meniscus tear is healing on its own. However, I believe your product is worth the cost & very effective. Be glad to discuss further. Recommend to anyone with issues similar to mine.

Bill from Florida - BFST Knee - Feb 09, 2022

I have to tell you that you are the first and only company that I have met in years that are willing to talk to the person about the product they got and how to use it and are very good at answering questions. You guys are phenomenal.

mary from Iowa - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee - Feb 09, 2022

Two years ago my father tore his rotator cuff. He was told by a surgeon that he would only regain 50%-60% range of motion back without surgery. My father did not want to have surgery and did a lot of research on how to heal a rotator cuff tear. He came across your website and purchased a BFST shoulder wrap. He used it as instructed. Two years later my father has 100% range of motion with no pain in his shoulder. This leads me to my story. I herniated my L4-L5 disc this past fall. I was in significant pain. I had very limited range of motion and had difficulty walking. I was told that my only option was surgery. In my opinion surgery should always be the option of last resort. I sought another way to heal my injury. My father offered to buy me the BFST back wrap. I kindly accepted based upon the results my father had with your product. I have been using the BFST wrap as instructed for 6 months now and no longer have any back pain. My range of motion has been restored and I can walk easily. I would not hesitate to recommend your products to anyone looking to heal an injury.

Dana from Maine - BFST Back - Feb 04, 2022

They are working well. Yeah I was really pleasantly surprised at how well it's helping the pain start to go away.

Charlotte from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Feb 04, 2022

You all have amazing Customer Service and I appreciate you very much.

John from Texas - BFST Knee - Feb 01, 2022

It's already helping. I love the product. The battery thing, the little attachment is so helpful. I love it, very happy.

mikell from California - BFST Knee - Jan 28, 2022

He loves it so far. Using the kinesiology tape is literally a life changer, like he can actually walk and he's in tears over it. It's amazing!

Jessica from Nevada - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Jan 28, 2022

On August 10th 2021, I purchased a plantar fasciitis BFST Foot Wrap and ColdCure Foot Wrap. It was amazing that after about a week after receiving it I received a call from the company asking me how I liked it and if I had any procedure of using it for my plantar fasciitis. I have had Bilateral Plantar Fasciitis for about four and a half years. I have gone to physiotherapy multiple times with no success. They did needling, acupuncture, the ultrasonic shock wave therapy, TENS therapy, and massage therapy- with no total improvement. The rep told me to be patient and do treatments about 3-4 times a day and don't lose hope. He said my case was obviously chronic and it wouldn't get better overnight. After about 8 weeks my pain was gone. I was afraid to say anything in case it was only short lived. To my amazement it is now 5 months. I have no pain, can golf, walk long distances and am pain free. When I read reviews before buying the product I was very reluctant but now rereading them I can see they were all true!!! I have been wanting to write this review for months now but was afraid to jinx myself. King Brand has given me my life back. Thank you. I hope people read this review and try it. It TRULY is amazing. Linda T (retired nurse)

Linda from Alberta - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jan 22, 2022

They've been working great. Not that I had low expectations for the product but I've had pain for a while and I'd had three cortisol shots and nothing really worked so it actually has been a lot better. I've been able to run some. I've been really pleasantly surprised just because I was thinking nothing was gonna work.

Betsy from New Jersey - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jan 22, 2022

I didn't expect a reply on Saturday. That's great service!

Marianne from Texas - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Jan 22, 2022

They do seem to be working. I was literally walking around in tears when I ordered it and I have noticed some improvement.

Cindy from Michigan - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 19, 2022

This is the third or fourth time that I've called today, and I've gotta tell you, everybody I have spoken to is like you people have THE BEST customer service. I'm going to give you such a good rating. You're all so... I don't know... patient and kind and nice and you just don't find that anymore. That's the truth, that's the doggone truth. No comparison, no comparison.

Linda from New York - Accessory Sling|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Side Shoulder - Jan 17, 2022

I really appreciate the follow up calls asking how the product was working. I will keep this company in mind should others have a problem with a Baker's cyst.

Carolyn from Virginia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Jan 15, 2022

A lot of good documentation by the way. Really easy to read.

Richard from Michigan - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape - Jan 14, 2022

By the way, it worked fantastic!

Susan from New Jersey - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 13, 2022

I love it. I bought two, the knee and the one for the larger body parts- that's my favorite. You can sit on that, your hamstring, you can wrap it around your leg. It's great!

Chelley from Illinois - BFST Leg - Jan 12, 2022

They're working actually great. I tore a tendon in my foot and particularly the ice wrap works good. It stays on my ankle where it needs to be and it works out good. It's a very good product.

Reynold from Florida - ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Jan 12, 2022

King Brand makes excellent products that work!!! I purchased the hip and back option and chose the heat and cool options which is a winning combo! I experienced immediate relief in my hip, which has been scheduled for total replacement on January 3rd 2022, but I'm feeling better! And my back, which has a "slipped disk" has experienced relief! I love the products so much I purchased both options for the back as a gift for my Dad! Thanks King Brand!

Nyasha from District of Columbia - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jan 11, 2022

Well it seems to be working so far. I'm happy with it.

Amy from North Carolina - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 07, 2022

The cold ankle wrap is working really well. I sprained my ankle really badly so that's helping a lot. I'm pretty happy with my wrap. I wish I'd had it when I first did it, but it seems to be helping a lot.

Annmarie from Arizona - Roll Tape|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 07, 2022

My husband loved- I don't know if you see what I had ordered for the ankle, I had ordered the same thing for his Knee. And he absolutely loves it. It actually helps him because he's on his feet all day, standing in a retail store and it HELPS him. Better than any other knee brace. He just comes home from work, sits down and watches TV all night with that thing on... he's like, "it helps me so much!". He needed it for his ankle so I'm like, alright let's get it for your ankle!

Mary from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Jan 05, 2022

I'm going to keep it and I love it! I'm going to order more products.

Paulette from Nova Scotia - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Jan 05, 2022

Thank you! Appreciate the fast service. This is my third King Brand device. The other two, wrist and arm have worked so well, my wrist and arm do not hurt when I play tennis. Now I have a knee I feel when I ski so have already started using it. Thank you. Ps - I also recommended King Brand to my sister for her ankle/foot. I hope she ordered it.

Heather from Ontario - BFST Knee - Jan 04, 2022

I actually think they are working to my amazement. I've been trying everything for the past two years and today felt pretty good actually.

Scott from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Roll Tape - Jan 04, 2022

I am really impressed with how well it's done and in fact I have a friend that I saw today and was talking with her about it and she's very interested in it. I'm very very pleased with it. I'm just thrilled to know that I can call you guys anytime and if I have any questions or concerns, I know that you're there to help and I really appreciate that.

Martha from Oregon - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jan 04, 2022

I'm satisfied with the product. It's really helped me a lot. I recommended it to my granddaughter and purchased two items for her ankle. I'm really pleased with it. It works.

Charles from Indiana - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 01, 2022

It's great customer service to receive that text and a phone number to call to ask some questions so I appreciate your time.

RONDA from Indiana - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Dec 29, 2021

I'm impressed with your customer service and calling. That's impressive to do that.

Robert from South Carolina - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Dec 23, 2021

"I'm really happy with the products, and I appreciate your call!"

Suzanne from Wisconsin - Roll Tape|Accessory Sling|BFST Side Shoulder|Wide Rol... - Dec 23, 2021

Orders been received, working wonderful! I'm glad it came in when it did. It's working wonderful, turned right around in two days here and doing pretty good!

Andrew from Ontario - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Dec 23, 2021

It's so nice knowing that you guys are there for everybody who needs the help. Thank you very much.

Melinda from California - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Dec 23, 2021

It is wonderful. I've really enjoyed it. I love the pads, they freeze beautifully, they're still pliable. I don't have a single complaint. Put me down as a very satisfied customer.

James from Kentucky - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Dec 22, 2021

It's really helped me to be able to walk a little better.

Margaret from District of Columbia - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Dec 21, 2021

Your device is amazing; it works great on my back. The product is awesome.

Edward from Washington - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Dec 21, 2021

I like how you get three cold packs.

Mary from Colorado - ColdCure Knee - Dec 21, 2021

I love them. I had low back pain for years and they are the only thing I've found that doesn't make me feel like I've wet the bed if you know what I mean, they all get sweaty and yucky and King Brand holds the cold and they're comfortable, they don't get lumpy. I absolutely love the products. In fact we bought a small freezer just for them to keep them cold and out of harm from the other freezer. They're great. I really think they're wonderful for pain.

Mary from Texas - ColdCure Back - Dec 17, 2021

I was really impressed with your service and your products. Thank you very much. Everything has worked out well and I'm using them as we speak.

David from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 15, 2021

I recommend them to everybody, I mean they're great. I'm a marathoner so they've been really working well for me. I have plantar fasciitis and I'm faithful to using them and the ice. They're good products!

Sandy from Massachusetts - BFST Foot - Dec 15, 2021

I've been using it religiously, it really works well! I'm amazed at how my shoulder has gotten better.

Annmarie from Pennsylvania - BFST Top Shoulder - Dec 15, 2021

"I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. The knee wrap has helped my knee so much. I am a firm believer in your products."

Lisa from Tennessee - BFST Knee - Dec 15, 2021

The biggest success I've had so far, the most dramatic, was and I guess I reported this, was using it when I bruised my ribs on one side a couple of months ago and the doctor said it will take four to six weeks to heal and I used the back wrap on that and the BFST, and I used it for four days straight three, four times a day and in four days the pain was gone, completely gone in four days, so that's pretty amazing!

Stephen from New York - BFST Foot - Dec 09, 2021

Thanks for your help I really appreciate it! It's definitely really nice to be able to call you guys. I'm sure you guys get this a lot but your customer service is just unheard of. I really appreciate your guys' help.

Geoffry from Washington - BFST Elbow - Dec 09, 2021

Thank you Dillon. You guys have the BEST customer service that I have dealt with in years. Very impressed with your quick response time and excellent explanation for everything concisely. I am looking forward to do more business with King Brand.

Romeo from New Mexico - ColdCure Wrist - Dec 09, 2021

So far the cold pack is really nicely designed and is working quite well!

Rachel from California - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 08, 2021

They're great! When I bought the back and hip wrap I actually said to myself 'why didn't I order this before?' I've noticed that the reduction in pain over time has sped up quite a bit. I love the products I think they work great.

Richard from Michigan - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Dec 08, 2021

I love that knee wrap because not only is it efficient and provides cooling pain relief but it's portable if you have to go to the bathroom!

Patricia from Connecticut - ColdCure Knee - Dec 08, 2021

The products seem really good and the quality seems really good and yeah so I would say I'm pretty happy with the purchase at this point.

Cary from Oregon - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Dec 08, 2021

I've already treated my meniscus and MCL with your products and had really good success, very good success actually...It's been I guess thirteen weeks I've been using it and based on my MRI I've had a lot of healing effect from that device so I'm definitely a firm believer in them.

SEAN from Texas - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Dec 04, 2021

The thing I really like is it's on a timer so in 20 minutes it shuts of no matter what, and it seems to be helping me! I think the big thing that this does is it relaxes me and I'm sleeping better at night. That alone is just great! The product seems to be working really well!

Patsy from Wisconsin - BFST Top Shoulder|Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 01, 2021

I love the products, I've bought many of them for many of my family members and they're great.

Lynn from Maryland - BFST Back - Nov 27, 2021

I've just been using them for probably the past week and so far they seem to be helping.

Eric from Colorado - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Nov 26, 2021

I think it's really improved my situation. I'm very happy with it.

Roy from Florida - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 26, 2021

I have your foot wrap and it did take two weeks for me to begin to notice the difference, but WOW, I can hike again. it's wonderful.

Paula from New Hampshire - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Nov 24, 2021

I love it and it's really healing my foot.

Pamela from Georgia - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Nov 24, 2021

It's going good.

Christoper from Florida - BFST Top Shoulder - Nov 23, 2021

This BFST is incredible. I'm not kidding you, within 24 hours my pain was greatly reduced. I'm so thrilled! It's really amazing, and I actually walked through a Costco warehouse this morning shopping and it was not a problem at all, so I'm really, really pleased.

Elaine from Washington - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 23, 2021

It seems to have helped tremendously...and I will say my husband used it last night, he was playing around on the ground outside and he was hurting, I said try it out and he did...and he said it felt great and today he woke up and said that thing really helped me...I'm happy with it. I think it's gonna help me a great deal. And I'm gonna tell other people about it too.

Rachele from Missouri - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Nov 23, 2021

So far they're working fine, good.

michael from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 20, 2021

Everything seems to be working much better, I don't have much, if any, pain left, my motion is good... I'm really happy with the results. I'm surprised by them quite honestly but very happy.

Ronald from Arizona - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Nov 20, 2021

I've been using it pretty regularly and it's been very helpful and it makes my knee feel better after I use it.

Kevin from Kansas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 20, 2021

I really really really love your products. This is the second time I've ever had one of those foot wraps. The last time I had a plantar fasciitis pretty bad, no really really bad, and it completely healed the plantar fasciitis in lickety split.

April from Montana - BFST Foot - Nov 19, 2021

The tape was a real game changer for the record. I was trying these compressed wraps, they're on my elbow but they were too restrictive. I don't know if that makes any sense or not but they weren't helping. It was just too much and I spent a lot of money on them.

Blaine from Arizona - Roll Tape - Nov 18, 2021

So far it's a great experience and I think it's really helping me. Thank you.

Pamela from Tennessee - BFST Knee - Nov 18, 2021

Well I've been liking it a lot and I can tell a big difference already.

Rhonda from Texas - BFST Back - Nov 16, 2021

I used it last night and this morning and it already felt better. It's been hurting for about a year and I came across this product a month ago. Luckily I came I across the product because I feel like it is working. There is a lot of good reviews on it just for my problem, Achilles Tendonitis. It feels like it's one of the only things that would help.

Mason from Texas - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 12, 2021

I purchased this Knee thing originally. And I used it, it was great. My mother-in-law, who is 72, was getting out of her husbands pickup truck. Her leg spun a little bit as she was getting out and she tore her meniscus. It was real problematic for the first couple of weeks. She went to the doctor, they said you have a torn meniscus, they talked about doing surgery. I said well look, you should use my thing. I gave her my Knee BFST and I gave her the ColdCure thing and I was a superhero after that. She bought me a new one because she used my old one, so I ended up getting a replacement set. It worked out really well.

len from Michigan - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 12, 2021

I do just want to say, the fist time I had this tendonitis flare up a few months ago, I came across the site and said, "Yeah that probably doesn't work". I regret now that I didn't spend the money and buy it then because in just a few days- first of all I didn't believe a cold therapy couldn't do anything different. Yeah it does. I was totally skeptical, I bought it this time because I was desperate and I knew I could get my money back if it doesn't work. The first time I put on the cold wrap I was like oh my God. Like within 5 minutes. It was obvious there was a difference. Cold really does help the pain. It was better even than an ice pack. It stayed cold for 20 minutes.

LaTasha from Florida - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Nov 10, 2021

I have had pain in my foot since 2018 when I broke it and within two days of using your product the pain is going away. It's just absolutely marvelous.

Lynn from Colorado - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 20, 2021

One of the reasons I did purchase this cause I'm really big on reviews and it got really big reviews but everybody raves about your customer service and I'm witnessing that first hand right now.

Tom from California - BFST Knee - Oct 15, 2021

I have bursitis in my hip and a sore lower back. The King wrap-around made a difference immediately! Low heat is what I needed instead of ice. It's easy to wear at home, slip the battery pack into your pocket and get more done! I am very impressed with the quality of the product and the professionalism of the staff to any questions or concerns. Highly recommended!

Marcia from Arizona - - Oct 11, 2021

The tape help my leg. The pain is going away. This a blessing. I was in so much pain.

Idalyia from Illinois - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Oct 08, 2021

"Amazed to feel relief after the first heat treatment and have been using all of the products with success ever since. I have been struggling with tendonitis and associated ankle/foot pain. So glad I ordered your products, and thank you for the follow up!"

GAIL from Indiana - BFST Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Oct 03, 2021

I really appreciate your company and the technology. And your customer service has been fabulous.

Justine from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 02, 2021

I had torn rotator cuffs in both my shoulders. The doctor wanted to operate and I was NOT ready for that. I used this product faithfully, and they healed. Yes it took several months, but it sure was better than several months recovery from surgery. Then I also had a problem with my ankle, so I got the piece for that, and healed using this device. I think these are great products.... based on what I have already tried!

Raelene from Pennsylvania - BFST Achilles - Sep 30, 2021

I ordered the Plantar Fasciitis BFST Wrap. Here's my status right now: Plantar Fasciitis has wonderfully healed up. I have very little pain and I'm very thankful for you guys for the device and the advice along the road.

THOMAS from Texas - BFST Foot - Sep 22, 2021

"Your CS crew is stellar, but you knew that already. Cheers!"

Sharon from Maine - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Sep 22, 2021

I love your products. Thanks so much.

Nancy from Washington - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Sep 17, 2021

Your company's very good. I literally found you guys through a Google Search. I think I Googled carpal tunnel and you guys were one of the top that came up. Super helpful, I got this stuff and everything's fine and I've been using the leg one for for my knee as well. I have meniscus tears, I'm all beat up.

James from Wattana - BFST Wrist|Roll Tape|BFST Knee|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCur... - Sep 13, 2021

Let me say that I've had previous injuries in the past. To date, your product really produced the quickest results.

Susan from Missouri - BFST Ankle - Sep 08, 2021

Thank you for the prompt service in replacing this unit. I can't say enough good things about Sam- Very professional and a pleasure to speak with.

JOHN from Pennsylvania - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Sep 08, 2021

I love these products, I appreciate it. The first product that I ever bought from y'all was a cold pack for a knee injury I had a couple years ago and that was great... Again I just want to thank you for the follow-up. When I send an email you actually answer it. Do you know how unusual that is? That's huge. This is huge for people that are struggling to get back on their feet and stuff, somebody actually cares enough to call you back?! It's huge so please don't stop doing that.

Debra from New Jersey - BFST Knee - Sep 07, 2021

the diagram an instructions were confusing, could have better pictures and mention that the logo goes on the back where the achellies is

Harris from California - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Sep 05, 2021

Oh my gosh, I love it. It's the only thing that has made my knee feel better... It's great. I use it all the time. Very surprised... It's one of the best things I've bought in a long time.

Rebecca from Florida - BFST Knee - Sep 01, 2021

I got a leg one because I have tendonitis in my shoulder, bicep, elbow, and hand but it's both arms... And I'll tell you, this is the only thing that's worked. I have tried anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, acupuncture - nothing. This is the first thing that has brought me any relief.

Grace from California - BFST Leg - Sep 01, 2021

I purchased a King Brand... BFST for a torn meniscus in my right knee and I have been using it for maybe a month and it is really helping a lot. Also, I did, I had a torn meniscus, oh mercy, a couple years ago on my left knee and it started bothering me because I was favoring the right knee. So I have been using it on the right knee and the left knee.

Judy from Georgia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 01, 2021

Your products are fabulous.

Ceilanne from North Dakota - ColdCure Foot - Aug 27, 2021

I appreciate your follow-up on the thing. In todays day and age if you get something and it doesn't work or you don't know, even get someone to talk to is impossible.

Robert from Washington - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Roll Tape - Aug 27, 2021

I appreciate your product, I think it is the awesome product and I think it's very beneficial. When I researched it, that's what I saw in it. With the deep soft tissue healing and understanding that circulation is crucial for healing. I survived being wounded in Vietnam. I understand a lot about taking care of my body and recover because I am 80% disabled or that's what they say.

Gary from Florida - BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 26, 2021

Hello. I ordered my products a couple of days ago for quick shipping & I have not heard if they have shipped yet. Will I get a Shipped Confirmation when my products are on the way?

Jeremy from Indiana - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Aug 16, 2021

Well, wish it had lasted longer, but I have certainly gotten a lot of use out of this little miracle. It is a good assumption that I likely would have ended up in a wheelchair for a while if I had not listened to others in your reviews. Thank you so much for a great product. You get continuous advertising and total endorsement from this verbose mom! And by the way, Stephen seems to be a great employee. He is knowledgeable, kind, and courteous. He was patient with me, and never defensive or dismissive. That is rare. Thank you Stephen. I hope King Brand allows you to progress to the level you aspire to in this company!

Cindy from Georgia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Aug 14, 2021

the packaging was loose and tossed around with components coming out of the box.

Karlotta from Georgia - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Aug 12, 2021

It's such a nice product, it really is working well. Love that ice wrap, so convenient.

Julia from California - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Aug 11, 2021

I especially like the cold pack. I have had a knee problem and I've been icing it for a long time and your system works much better than mine did.

Donna from Colorado - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 11, 2021

Ran a half marathon last Saturday made it through with minimal discomfort. Love your products.

Robert from South Dakota - BFST Achilles - Aug 04, 2021

It's been very helpful and I'm recommending it to all my friends. We're up in age and everybody's got some sort of issue. I hope they try it because it's really been helpful with my husband and myself.

Jackie from Georgia - BFST Back - Aug 03, 2021

"I absolutely love it! I cannot say enough good about it. I've told other people, I've got them looking at your website. I am truly amazed with it." ... "Before I got this I couldn't put any pressure on my knee and I was walking with a terrible limp. I have absolutely no limp at all; I can still feel that there's some soreness in there but absolutely nothing like it was before. I also use it on my other knee that has arthritis and I can't believe the difference in it." ... "I'm trying to talk my husband into getting one for his shoulder ... I talked to my sister-in-law about getting one for her ankle, and I just talked to my other sister, but I'm referring a lot of people to you because I am thoroughly impressed, then I was even more impressed when you called! I thought 'that is an amazing company." "Like I said, I am just so impressed with it. Because I'm so active. We cut our wood, I have a big garden, I do canning; I don't have time to sit around." "I got on your website and said 'That is the answer,' and I ordered it and it came in such a good time. Now I'm able to do my canning, I'm able be up and around, and I'm just thoroughly impressed. If you ever need a testimony, let me know!" "I would recommend this to anybody, it's amazing."

Rita from Ohio - BFST Knee - Aug 03, 2021

connections between the components are mildly loose. Slight movements during a treatment can unplug the connections slightly stopping treatment

Richard from California - BFST Knee - Aug 02, 2021

the bfst power supply should be made longer so they don't need to be so close to the outlet

Laura from California - BFST Back - Aug 02, 2021

I love your products. I'm a personal trainer and I've actually recommended them to several of my clients!

Victoria from California - BFST Foot - Jul 25, 2021

The products have really been helping a lot.

Kevin from Oklahoma - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jul 21, 2021

Thank you for reaching out after I received my leg wrap to see how I was doing. I have arthritis in several joints and have been using it in my knee and shoulder twice a day. I have experienced much less discomfort and increased mobility since I have been using the wrap. It was recommended by my doctor. It has helped significantly. Thank you for your pre-order assistance in helping me to choose the right product. The leg wrap is very versatile.

Mary from Indiana - BFST Leg - Jul 06, 2021

My wife loves the BFST. She has back fractures and this is the only thing that gives her relief.

Carla from Colorado - BFST Back - Jul 06, 2021

Your product is great and has really helped me get back to walking after breaking my ankle.

Michael from New Jersey - ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Jun 28, 2021

I had bursitis in my hip and I had a cortizone shot which didn't seem to help. This device is working well.

Kate from Massachusetts - BFST Back - Jun 28, 2021

Workin great, thank you. Its been amazing, great product. Im glad i got it and its working fine.

Albert from Delaware - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 26, 2021

It's doing great actually! This device has done well. My achilles is still a complete mess but the relief I get is mostly from your device.

John from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 24, 2021

I love the cold wrap, I loved it. Immediately, immediately I couldn't wait to tell my friend about it. that this is something I've never seen before. I have the gel wrap, the gel things and This was great, I used it for the first time yesterday. I was in heaven. I said oh my god this thing, it maintained the perfect temperature for like 20 minute. It was the best thing since sliced bread. I love the cool wrap....Everything about it is excellent.

Lori from South Carolina - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jun 24, 2021

Your products are outstanding! And my condition has greatly improved!

Walter from Georgia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 23, 2021

They are really nice. I mean, ya know, you don't have to have a zip-lock baggie of ice cubes. It's awesome. It works really great.

Rhonda from California - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Jun 22, 2021

Hello, shout out to Megan from Customer Service. Both my interactions with Megan were very positive and professional. Knowledgeable and helpful about various products. She phoned me a week or so after I was using the knee products to be sure I was happy with product and check if I had any other questions. That was a nice touch in the lost art of customer service. Much better than an email. Plus it lead to me ordering another product that we talked about a few weeks later. Knee therapy products are very helpful. Thanks

Ralph from Iowa - BFST Knee|Accessory Strap|ColdCure Leg - Jun 17, 2021

"I'm on week 2 and I already feel a HUGE difference! I'm pretty much pain-free."

Holli from Alabama - Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jun 17, 2021

"For my knee treatment it's been fabulous, it's really just been a lifesaver."

Elisa from Texas - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 16, 2021

"I have arthritis in one of the joints in my thumb and it's pretty well-alleviated and I'm pretty pleased with it!"

Valerie from Saskatchewan - BFST Wrist - Jun 16, 2021

I'm very happy. I'm glad I made the purchase and it's working well. I'm on the mend!

Mary from New Jersey - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Jun 16, 2021

I think this thing is amazing to be honest. I've hurt my leg and I used this thing for two days and then I felt immediately better. When I didn't have this thing and I hurt my leg, it took me almost three or four weeks before I started feeling better.

Jason from Minnesota - BFST Top Shoulder - Jun 16, 2021

"As far as the plug-in power and ice product have been working great, it's been making a big difference."

Michael from North Carolina - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 16, 2021

I love the material, its a really beautiful durable material... I like when I find a company that's there for you because you know some companies you order a product and you try to reach them later on, there's nobody available. They don't respond to your email, they don't answer your phone calls. That's poor customer service and that is really discouraging. So I'm so happy you guys are always available to talk to and to give advice or encouragement.

Jameela from Colorado - BFST Knee - Jun 14, 2021

Thank you very much. It really seems to be a great product.

Linda from California - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jun 10, 2021

It is a real godsend as far as I'm concerned. I'm healing up much quicker than I ever thought possible.

john from Oregon - Roll Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 10, 2021

I have been out of pain. The knee, of course, is slow healing but I am hopeful that maybe I can heal it. I'm pretty sure it is the lateral meniscus in my right knee. I am just very active so whenever I overdue it and I start feeling a little pain again it was like walking on a spike for a year every step I took. But now it is just a soreness sort of pain. If I overdue it then I put the cold on and then later on, after it you know cooled down, I'll put the warm on - I've been doing that when I watch TV or when I go to bed in the evening. It seems to be getting a tiny bit better all the time, but at least I'm not in pain and that was immediate. I am thankful... I'll keep at it. I sure love your product; the way it's designed, the way it's constructed. It is certainly worth the money I paid for it just to be out of pain right away. I haven't had real pain in it unless I just like crazy overdue it. At least it's not that stabbing kind of thing that went on for the longest time and seemed to move all around in the knee.

Lee from New Mexico - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jun 10, 2021

You can tell your owners that I'm not usually happy with anything I order customer service wise but you guys are unbelievable. I mean I got the product in a real short period of time, I'm happy with it and my leg is feeling so much better since April 19th when I fell. Now for you to answer the phone and not have to wait 10 minutes for somebody to answer, I am very impressed. I will definitely tell people that have an issue, which I have already been telling them, to get in touch with you guys.

Brenda from Maine - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jun 08, 2021

There's no reason to call me back but I just wanted to tell the company that I bought the ice ColdCure and the warming device to take care of my Tennis Elbow and I am absolutely amazed. It is totally gone. So I just want to tell you what a wonderful product you have, and thank you so much.

Sue from Michigan - BFST Elbow|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Jun 04, 2021

It's great. I've been using it and it works.

renato from Florida - BFST Knee - Jun 02, 2021

They work great. I am very impressed with product, even my wife is. Especially the back unit. I bought three units: one for the knee, one for the leg, one for the back. I just had a visit with my doctor who said "Well, yes, it's showing up in your leg, but it's being caused by a nerve pinched in the back." So I have been using the back to very good effect. It's great.

Dennis from New York - ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Leg|ColdCure Back - Jun 02, 2021

I have like 5 of the ice packs from you guys over the past couple years so they are great. I love them. I just wanted to let you guys know. Really good because I do a lot of work at the house so then you can throw it on and keep working. Really good. I even have one that's like 7 years old and it's just as cold as is used to be. So this stuff is really good.

Patrick from District of Columbia - ColdCure Leg|ColdCure Foot - Jun 02, 2021

Yeah, it's awesome. It has been way better than any I've bought. I'm glad to have it.

Elliot from Alabama - BFST Achilles - Jun 01, 2021

They're really helping and I'm amazed!

Pamela from Oklahoma - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - May 30, 2021

Thank you for your good product, I really love it.

Vicky from Texas - Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - May 27, 2021

Oh my gosh. They are a blessing. I'm having awesome results. I've had the bursitis in my elbow since February, I've had an injection of cortisone which did nothing. Within just a couple of days doing those treatments with the heat and the cold has made an incredible difference.

Deb from California - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - May 27, 2021

This was an awesome product. They are definitely making a change in my health. I am really pleased with the products. Really pleased. The instructions are really clear... The icing, the ice wrap is really very comfortable. Very comfortable, easy to use... Very good product. Hopefully nobody has an injury, and I don't recommend any injury, but I would definitely recommend the products.

Ralph from California - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - May 27, 2021

Good quality product and it does make my knee feel better.

Susan from Ontario - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 26, 2021

I already had a knee device and that worked out real well. I bought it, I don't know 3 or 4 years ago I guess and I've used it on and off and been happy with it. I think you have good equipment.

Wayne from Tennessee - BFST Ankle - May 26, 2021

I just recently purchased your product and I'm really loving it.

Kerrie from Utah - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 26, 2021

Very easy to use.

Dawn from Wisconsin - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - May 20, 2021

They are working wonderfully well.

Dixie from New Mexico - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 19, 2021

It fits great.

Frank from New Hampshire - ColdCure Back - May 19, 2021

The BFST works great. It's really helped me.

Nancy from Hawaii - BFST Foot - May 19, 2021

Thank you so much for all you're doing to help me heal! Best Regards to all at King Brand.

Laura from Nevada - Roll Tape - May 18, 2021

You're products work very well.

Steve from Ohio - BFST Top Shoulder|BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Sh... - May 14, 2021

We love it, it's very easy, as soon as we opened the box she was able to use it right away. It's definitely user friendly, and she seems to feel that it is helping her leg.

Nancy from New Jersey - BFST Leg - May 13, 2021

It's definitely the longest lasting ice pack, it fits perfectly.

Brian from Ontario - ColdCure Knee - May 12, 2021

I love it. I think there is nothing better.

Jane from Ontario - BFST Knee - May 12, 2021

They're working great.

Bruce from Michigan - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - May 11, 2021

I love it. The fit is great. I love the way it feels.

Renee from Pennsylvania - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - May 11, 2021

It's an amazing product I have to tell you. When I first started power lifting, I couldn't squat. My knees were so sore so I started using the knee thing for like 3-4 times a day for a couple weeks. Whenever I have a little something going on I'll just use it and it always- I'm 70 years old and it works fabulously.

Linda from Pennsylvania - BFST Top Shoulder - May 11, 2021

Fantastic actually! Much more than I expected. Yes they are working great... The heat thing really is- I had no idea it's so much different then a regular heating pad but it seems to be making a bigger difference.

Linda from California - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - May 11, 2021

Thank you for your email and calls. I am doing so much better now. The BFST and ColdCure works. I am using the BFST the most. In less than a week the the tissue lump has reduced by 3/4 and my pain is almost gone. Thank you, your product works great.

SHARON from Oklahoma - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - May 11, 2021

Works just great. It's all on the mend now. Very Satisfied.

RICHARD from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Elbow - May 10, 2021

Those things work awesome! I love it. I need one for my whole body!

Gary from Nevada - BFST Ankle|BFST Back - May 10, 2021

It is working really good.

Beth from Colorado - BFST Knee - May 06, 2021

Well I'm really impressed with the follow up that your company has given me since I made my purchase. I've gotten a couple of emails that have prompted me to ask any questions I have and things like that so it's very high quality customer service so I appreciate that.

Sharon from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 06, 2021

Yes they're doing great and it's actually helping.

Christopher from California - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - May 06, 2021

It's working wonderful.

Ronda from Alaska - BFST Side Shoulder - May 05, 2021

I love it. I have a bad case of sciatica. It is just what the doctor ordered. It's really wonderful.

Sharon from Texas - BFST Back - May 04, 2021

They're working great.

Pamela from Virginia - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist|Roll Tape - May 03, 2021

It's working great. I was offered to use it, my friend had it, and I tried it and after one use and I noticed a big difference in my hand. So I bought one and I'm using it almost daily.

John from California - BFST Elbow - May 03, 2021

I like the way it goes off on its own- twenty minutes. The convenience of having this at home. You have a great website. Easy to follow, easy to read and understand.

Ronald from Michigan - BFST Elbow - May 03, 2021

I love it, it's helping so much I can't believe it. I'm a registered nurse. Non-stop pain I have a torn meniscus. It's easy to use, and it's comfortable, and it gives me relief. You know, I haven't slept in weeks before I bought this product and now I am sleeping at night because the pain and the swelling has gone down, it's unbelievable. It's amazing, I'm so happy, it's the best money I've ever spent.

Angela from Ontario - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Apr 30, 2021

Well I'm walking now, I couldn't walk for months. I was in the worst pain ever, I bought the little brace on Amazon that you sleep with and keeps your foot up- I tried everything. Using your products, I mean I would do a commercial for you guys, I just love everything about it. I'm walking now and it's great.

Katherine from Nebraska - Pre-Cut Tape|Roll Tape|BFST Wrist - Apr 22, 2021

I used this system for frozen should and it really, really helped a lot with the pain and getting the circulation.

Patricia from British Columbia - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder - Apr 20, 2021

"Whatever you're getting paid, pay you more"

Alex from Louisiana - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Apr 19, 2021

Just wanted to thank you for making this amazing product. I have a bone spur and grade 2 torn tendon in my right ankle. Can barely walk the last two years. Tried every cream, many braces, special shoes, compress socks, canes, walker and a boot to relieve pain. Could not stand more than 10 minutes and had to take baths since I could not stand long enough for a shower. I finally got physical therapy approved after a year of doctor visits for they said just a sprain until I got a MRI. Then Covid hit. With $65 a co pay and time off work, I just couldn't afford it. Not to mention all the time going after work when It is so hard to walk. I was tired, in pain and now gained 30 pounds from no movement in 2 years. I found your product and decided to try since I tried everything else. I'm amazed I can walk! I used it 6 weeks. I now can walk 45 minutes with no pain. Ankle sometimes swells after then I use my ice wrap and I'm all better! I wish more people knew about this. I tell everyone that has any pain what a life saver and true miracle this is. Thank you!!!

Karyn from California - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Apr 16, 2021

It's been very helpful and you know, I'm glad I purchased it.

Paul from New York - BFST Foot|BFST Wrist - Apr 14, 2021

I really enjoy them... The website was very, very informative. I am using mine for the foot pain so I have just been following the directions and it is pretty clear. Yeah, I like it.

Patricia from Texas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 13, 2021

I love them, thank you. I have a full ACL tear and a meniscus tear so they are helping tremendously right now.

Rodger from Florida - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Apr 13, 2021

You know, those treatments are pretty good. I am getting significant relief. I really, really am... I'm glad you called me, thank you. I'll tell you that this is the best thing that I have gotten to help, to help me so far... So far so good. My pain in really, really, really going way. It really is. I am able to stand and walk and do stuff a lot better.

Paul from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Apr 13, 2021

I like it. It is doing what it said it was going to do... It heats well and I can tell that it is not in the top of the skin like a heating pad would. I feel it and it feels good. I like the 20 minute time out and the different settings. Fits well - with the straps I can tighten it or loosen it as much as I want. It is pretty nice... It works and I like it. Nothing else worked to heal it. I tried prednisone and voltaren cream, which helps, but after 2 or 3 weeks of that it didn't really get any better. I would say that is it better than it was as of 3 weeks ago... It works... It does what it says it does and does it well. So I am pleased.

Paul from North Carolina - BFST Knee - Apr 13, 2021

"I think it's definitely helping." "It's more mobile and not bothering me as much."

Janice from Tennessee - BFST Wrist - Apr 13, 2021

Oh it's working out fantastic, I appreciate it so much, and you guys are so fast in terms of getting that stuff down here. I'm actually walking really good; First two days I couldn't walk at all. I'm telling you, that circulation is key to healing. Everything fits perfect, even when I had a dysfunctional knee replacement, you guys took care of that right away. That's definitely your customer attention to quality, and you guys aren't losing me for no reason. Everything is perfect, I couldn't ask for a better result.

Lorenzo from Virgin Islands - BFST Back - Apr 12, 2021

The other day she sprained her ankle. I didn't use the heat on it at all because it was inflamed. I reviewed your site, I'm a big reviewer so I reviewed everything and it helped with the information that was out there to know what to do.

Melissa from New York - BFST Wrist - Apr 09, 2021

I have ordered from you guys before and I loved your products and it helped me heal. My shoulder and hand. I had three torn muscles in my shoulder and I had rotator cuff damage tear and I used that product like crazy. I used it all the time for like two weeks and it started getting better. And then I had to do physical therapy for it because of the muscle tissue but it worked. It was incredible, it saved me from having surgery on my shoulder. I highly recommend you guys.

alexandria from Oklahoma - Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 09, 2021

I feel a big difference since I've been using it the last 2-3 days that I don't quite have that tugging and pulling from the bursitis. I think it's really calmed it down a lot. I had a bad reaction to a medicine I was taking for it and when I read up on this I said oh I'm going to try this... I wanted to get back to you and say I love it and I can do things, I can get up and walk around and still do my stuff. Sitting is the worst for me and standing wasn't bad. I can still do my stuff around the house and wear it and I love it.

Vincent from Pennsylvania - Accessory Strap|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Apr 08, 2021

I'm a firm believer in your product, definitely.

Gary from Connecticut - ColdCure Achilles - Apr 07, 2021

Working great. Getting good results from it.

Tom from Indiana - BFST Top Shoulder - Apr 07, 2021

I just wanted to tell you, oh my gosh, I'm mad at you guys because I hadn't found you sooner... because I have been having trouble with my piriformis muscle and into the sciatica and stuff and I have been dealing with it. It started in June, June of 2020, and I am just now getting relief because of the products that I bought from you guys. I mean it was so bad I couldn't even roll over in bed, that my hip hurt so bad. I am doing the cold and then also the heat treatments. You know because I had it so long, the first day I got it I did the cold treatment and I got so much relief... Actually I wasn't feeling then the sharp shooting pain from the nerve going down my leg after I started that so that was just amazing. Then... so I did the cold treatments for two days and then I started then alternating the heat treatment, you know, in the morning and then I just did one more cold treatment. And now I have just been doing the heat treatments now four times a day. I no longer have like the never pain, you know, going down my leg. I just have in the morning my leg is just still a little bit numb and every once in a while. You know I do computer work so I sit a lot, however, because of this, I try to move around and not stay stagnate so I even like stand up next to my desk and everything. Just every once in a while I'll still get the numbness, but it has gotten, oh my gosh, 80% better... I had been searching... at first started by going to the gym, you know, because I was reading online and doing all this stretching. But it was crazy because after like 3 months of stretching one day I woke up and I was stretching and I'm like going "it's hurting more then what it did yesterday. I must not be doing the right thing," so I just like totally stopped. Then I read of like resting and then so I rested for a while and it just didn't seem to be getting any better. So then I tried some chiropractic and that helped out a little bit, but it still wasn't getting it, you know. I mean I have been trying for like months, but nothing has really helped until I found these products. So I am so thankful.

Teresa from Florida - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Apr 06, 2021

Helping sleep better. Really impressed with the product

William from Indiana - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Apr 05, 2021

You have an excellent product, and you're doing an excellent job!

Larry from Illinois - BFST Knee - Apr 05, 2021

I am happy to let you know that I used your products on my knee and for the first time in two years, I feel no pain or discomfort. I had a torn meniscus from a fall, and have had surgery, steroid and blood plasma injections, and nothing worked until I used BFST. Thank you and everyone at King Brand for your products and your concern. Many years of prosperity!!

Trisha from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 04, 2021

I love your product by the way.

Ellen from Ohio - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Apr 01, 2021

I think they're working fairly well. I haven't had to use the cold very much yet but the heat does seem to be very therapeutic. I was using regular heating pads, not regular heating pads but infrared heating pads but the wrap that you guys have is pretty awesome because it wraps directly on the foot and applies the heat directly to the heal.

Miles from South Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Mar 31, 2021

The Achilles Wrap must be helping because the osteo-surgeon that I go to said that I'm healing much faster.

Wendell from Texas - BFST Achilles - Mar 31, 2021

I'm very pleased with the battery. I almost didn't get it, and I did. It's longevity as far as treatments or whatever- I'm pleased with it. I thought I'd use it like once and it would be dead or whatever but I can use it several times. I'm very happy with the product.

George from Maryland - BFST Elbow - Mar 31, 2021

Thank you again. I would definitely recommend your treatment device to anyone in my running group who has similar problems to me. Take care.

Pamela from Ohio - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Mar 31, 2021

I've had it before, it's the second one and it's a great product. It's one of the few things that works for something like that... You got a great product, keep it up.

robert from Missouri - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Mar 31, 2021

It works great, I love it.

Rosalee from Virginia - BFST Foot - Mar 30, 2021

It helps out so I can do activities

Chris from Oregon - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Mar 30, 2021

I Really, really like it, it's helping me, and I'm really glad I came across it. I started using the BFST, and boy I can sure feel the difference.. BIG difference! So I am very pleased. We will recommend you.

Linda from Illinois - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Mar 29, 2021

You guys are awesome. Everybody's been great. Follow-Ups have been great. I can't say enough positive. I'm glad I made the choice.

John from New York - BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Mar 29, 2021

It is Excellent When I'm finished, I don't feel any pain at all.

Armando from Florida - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Mar 29, 2021

"That thing is awesome, I recommended it to my friends."

Anthony from Alabama - BFST Elbow - Mar 28, 2021

I can say that the BFST has fixed my plantar fasciitis. I used the wrap 3-4 times per day for about 4 months. After that I started forgetting to use it as my foot didn't hurt much anymore. Even after a week or so I could tell it was helping. I now use it once a day just to make sure, it doesn't come back. Thanks for such a great and relatively cheap product. I'd recommend it to anyone. In fact I'm going to order one for my back right now.

Richard from Queensland - BFST Foot - Mar 25, 2021

I am extremely pleased with my purchase of the BFST Elbow wrap: It is of very high quality and I like that the heating automatically cycles on and off so it does not get uncomfortably hot and the 20 minute auto shut off. I 'm also very impressed with the customer service I've received from King Brand I will defiantly be ordering more products.

Todd from Minnesota - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Mar 25, 2021

Buying the battery pack was the best possible thing I could have done because I am able to do the treatments kinda without just being connected all the time to somewhere. So I can even do them in the car.

Mike from Pennsylvania - - Mar 24, 2021

"I like that they are easy to put on and I can use them on different places of my body, I like the velcro straps, and I like the Cold how it has the 3 little packs to go with it."

Hallie from California - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Mar 24, 2021

I think it's helping tremendously.

Judy from Florida - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape|BFST Foot - Mar 19, 2021

I absolutely love it. You guys have amazing customer service by the way.

alanna from Georgia - BFST Knee - Mar 17, 2021

I was impressed number one with how quickly I got it, the quality of it. It fits well, it seems to work pretty well, so I'm a pretty happy guy and I think you sealed the deal with a follow-up phone call.

Steve from New York - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Mar 16, 2021

I am wondering why on your website you advertise your shipping as Express? I place an order 6 days ago, I live in Missoula which is approximately 8 hours East from your initial shipping location. From there it went to Seattle where it sat for 3 days. Then it was shipped to Billings which is approximately 4 hours East of Missoula. If went right through (or over) Missoula to get to Billings, where it sat for 2 days (one of those being a Sunday). I don't normally sit around watching my tracking updates, but I have been in a lot of pain and was expecting to be able to start using the product within 2 or 3 days of my order. Either you paid for Express shipping and didn't receive it, or your website is misleading.

Holly from Montana - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Mar 15, 2021

the gel packs were difficult to fit inside the wrap

robert from Georgia - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Mar 14, 2021

I love it. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here probably gonna give it to my dad and get me another one... It's really self-explanatory and it works for me.

Kenneth from Texas - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Mar 11, 2021

My husband actually got a foot wrap a couple of weeks ago, and when he got the foot wrap he has been very pleased with it and very impressed with your company and your website and everything so that's why I'm trying the shoulder one.

James from Ontario - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Mar 10, 2021

That was for my wife and she loves it.

Paul from Florida - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Mar 10, 2021

I talked with Nick who is extremely helpful and knowledgeable great customer service, the cold wrap and the BFST work wonderful would recommend them to anyone!

Dirk from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Mar 10, 2021

It's all working out really well, thank you!

Sandra from Florida - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Mar 10, 2021

They're pretty self-explanatory, so they have been good.

Wendy from Minnesota - Roll Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Mar 10, 2021

I'm impressed with your products. I mean, they're expensive, but you get what you paid for, I guess.

Stephen from Oklahoma - ColdCure Ankle|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Ankle - Mar 10, 2021

I can tell there's some improvement just in a week.

Sandra from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 10, 2021

I've been using it consistently, sometimes four times a day, sometimes two or three. I really enjoy it! It's done a lot to help my knee.

Robert from Texas - BFST Knee - Mar 10, 2021

It seems to be working pretty good for me so far, better than surgery. It has taken out a good portion of the pain so far.

Robert from California - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Mar 10, 2021

Its been doing very good, I'm up and about and moving a lot better, the heating pad has been a blessing... I'm thankful that I got it, I am still recovering well since using it.

John from Florida - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Mar 10, 2021

They are working really well. I really am enjoying them and I'm really glad that I purchased them.

Carrie from Texas - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Mar 09, 2021

I like the products a lot and I love the ice wrap!

Tammy from Georgia - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Mar 04, 2021

It works great!

Linda from Wisconsin - ColdCure Back - Mar 04, 2021

Everything seems to be on track and it's working!

Michael from Ontario - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Mar 03, 2021

They do last a lot longer and are a lot better than the other ice pack we used!

Jerry from British Columbia - ColdCure Back - Mar 03, 2021

I couldn't be more happy! I am so happy with the progress I've made in the past 10 days.

Lisa from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Mar 03, 2021

I love my BFST wrap! The convenience of the 20 minute built-in timer made it so easy to use. I used it 3 - 4 times a day and after about 3 weeks on a torn bicep tendon, I was able to start a gentle work out! Now I use it 1 - 2 times a day as I continue to heal, and I am now up to level 2 on the controller. This is an excellent in home treatment! Thank you! Carol in Montana

Carol from Montana - BFST Wrist - Feb 27, 2021

Love the ColdCure Wrap and the Knee BFST Wrap! I have been using on both knees with complex meniscus tears. On day 3 I could feel an improvement.

Victoria from Ontario - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 26, 2021

"I fell off a bike and tore my meniscus in two places, and the doctor said...'You're gonna have to have surgery.' One of my physical therapists...recommended you, and it is amazing. My recovery has been amazing, and I have been sharing the word to everybody."

Lynda from Arizona - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Feb 25, 2021

"I have diagnosed shoulder tendonitis, and the doctor was like, 'Get some sort of wrap, and use it a lot.' Google led me to you, and it feels a lot better."

Adam from New York - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder - Feb 25, 2021

I LOVE the product. I use daily on my shoulder now for just Maintenance. I am a Firefighter and had a shoulder injury and was panicking that I may need surgery. I used the device 2x a day and over time my shoulder pain subsided. I am completely sold on the product and would highly recommend.

Christine from California - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Feb 21, 2021

"I looked at it and I hesitated, and I thought, 'Well, okay, can this really be it, or is it a glorified heating pad?' As it turns out, at least from my experience, it's much more than a glorified heating pad because I've been putting a heating pad on my elbow for a long time and it made it feel better when it was on there and for a little while afterwards, but that was about it... I'm happy with the product."

Mark from Missouri - BFST Elbow - Feb 17, 2021

"You know, I have a lot of tendon pain where it connects to the lower pelvic bone, and it's helping with the pain."

Noel from Texas - BFST Back - Feb 17, 2021

The ice packs are incredible. Those are really, really nice so I am glad I had gotten those too. They feel really good when I put them on.

David from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Feb 11, 2021

"I had an MRI that said it was the meniscus, and I went from using a walker, to a cane, to nothing."

Darlene from Ohio - BFST Knee - Feb 03, 2021

Unless you have had Golfer's Elbow you have no idea how much it really hurts, so I bought the ColdCure, the BFST Elbow Wrap, and the Support Tape. I bought these following your recommendations on your website and followed your instructions as closely as possible on each product. I used the BFST Elbow wrap the first thing every morning and just before going to bed every night. I used the ColdCure Elbow Wrap about three to four times a day, but I always waited at least four hours after using the BFST elbow wrap before using the ColdCure. We must not forget the Support Tape which I used every day for two weeks changing it every two days. It took about two weeks of treatment before the soreness completely went away and never came back yet, but if it does I will know exactly what to do. So thank you King Brand for your recommendations and your great instructions. Best Regards Meilleures salutations Charles

Charles from Quebec - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Feb 01, 2021

I have been completely satisfied with my purchase and I believe it assisted in helping to heal my tennis elbow. I used it as directed 4 times per day. Occasionally I had to revert to icing but overall the BFST system works very well.

Heather from Ontario - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 27, 2021

Oh, I just can't get over your company. It's just I think you are marvelous. Customer Service is like out of this world good.

Pam from British Columbia - BFST Back|Accessory Strap - Jan 17, 2021

I love your products. The BFST and ColdCure Wraps have helped my severe arthritis in my hips so much!!! My doctor is amazed at my progress.

Veronica from Ohio - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Jan 12, 2021

I injured both my elbows, one more severely than the other. In the more severely injured one the bursa apparently broke and the swelling on the elbow was larger than a golf ball. The other elbow was irritated and sore but not as bad. I used some ice on them and then hoped that time would heal them. Not much progress was made. I then found King Brands online about 3 or 4 weeks after the injury from a search and ordered the elbow sling with both the ice and heat applications. It turns out it was really too long after the injury for the ice to help, (although I now use the gel packs for ice applications anywhere on my body I need a cold pack right after an injury). I used the heat wrap as much as possible. It is difficult to use it as much as four times a day as recommended especially when I started using it on both elbows. It took time and a lot of patience, but the inflamed and painful swelling slowly went down and the pain is almost completely gone. It works. It just takes patience and consistent application of the heat wrap to help the body heal. I will always keep King Brands in mind when the next injury comes up to foot or ankle or wrist or whatever. It is really worth the expense and I might add not something that my doctor would have even tried. So thanks King Brands! -Robert

Robert from Oregon - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 10, 2021

Just letting you know that this product is awesome.

Trudi from British Columbia - Roll Tape|BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jan 06, 2021

Several years ago I bought the arm version of it. Two of my shoulders, I had frozen shoulders. Physical therapy did not help, I was in there 3 times a week it did not help and I saw your product and that's what healed me. Just want to let you know. I'm buying this for my husband and my daughter.

Fei from Florida - BFST Back - Jan 06, 2021

I purchased the BFST and Coldcure wrist wraps several months ago. After several weeks of use the carpal tunnel I was treating improved and I continue to use the wraps daily which offer continued relief from the pain I had been experiencing.

Steven from Washington - BFST Wrist|Roll Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Jan 04, 2021

I ordered a BFS for my knee about a month ago, and I'm loving it!

Ruth from Texas - BFST Knee - Dec 10, 2020

The products are amazing! I used the knee ice pack and truly love it. I have bone on bone in both knees so this is so helpful.

Corrine from Ontario - ColdCure Knee|BFST Back - Dec 01, 2020

"I was so excited to read the reviews and read all about it, but I am pleased with it."

Thelma from Louisiana - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 23, 2020

I must tell you of my experience w/ your Knig Brand Back wrap. About 4 months ago I acquired hip pain somehow. I am very active w/ exercise: treadmill, elliptical, bicycle etc., but this pain made it impossible to do any of these activities. The first diagnosis was arthritis, steroids assigned. A second was bursitis - use heat + cold application. None of these helped and the pain increased, to the extent that even after 18 holes of golf, riding in a cart, I was barely able to walk. On a whim, I ordered your Back wrap; I think I saw it advertised on the internet. At first, following directions, no improvement. The second week, using power 3 some relief. Two weeks later the pain vanished! I have been completely "cured" and attribute this relief to your product, surely, to it, since nothing else worked.

Peter from Florida - BFST Back - Nov 19, 2020

coldness was too intense

Jody from Wisconsin - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 06, 2020

I'm actually really pleased. I have made some pretty significant improvements. I don't know how my tennis elbow situation developed, but, um, by far and away that wrap has been the most effective treatment to date. Ya know, I'm actually pretty impressed. You never really no what to expect when you order and don't just visit the doctor, I guess. You do it for yourself, do it yourself care. So, you know, I'm happy with it. I seem to be getting the pain has been subsiding, the tenderness has gone away.

Anthony from Minnesota - BFST Elbow - Oct 01, 2020

Actually, it's going really well, it's really helping... It has felt the best it has ever felt in two years. I'm like extremely pleased. Thank you.

Heather from Iowa - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Oct 01, 2020

It really helps, if I'm honest with ya. I have a torn meniscus in my knee so I had an MRI and all this stuff. Believe it or not, I was looking at what I need to do to rehab it, and all that, because I can't have surgery yet... I said "ya know what? I'm gonna try this thing." And I will tell you what, I'll be darned, after the first, I used it one time one night and two times the next day, and I'll tell you what, my knee really it just... I'm just being honest, it helped tremendously.

kevin from Georgia - BFST Knee - Oct 01, 2020

You know what, actually, that thing is really superb. It helped me, not even using it the last couple of days, it helped hugely. So, ya, I was so glad I found it. I found it online and I had never heard about it from anyone, I just tried to find something that would give me some relief. It's a very good product.

Patricia from Arizona - ColdCure Achilles - Oct 01, 2020

Just wanted to say............I love it, sorry that I have a badly sprained ankle but your product works extremely well. I am going to show it to my Pedorthist @ the Foot/Ankle clinic which I am attending.

Michelle from Ontario - ColdCure Ankle - Sep 24, 2020

I am currently using your product for the wrist, the wrist wrap. I just want to say, first of all, its really helped a lot because I have been using it since, I think, May. My wrist has, I'm not exaggerating, tremendously gotten a lot better because I couldn't even turn it certain ways. So it has gotten a lot better.

Daniel from New York - BFST Wrist - Sep 21, 2020

I'm loving it. I've had plantar fasciitis for years and nothing has... I mean I have tried different things that have helped, but nothing has ever gotten it to go away. This is the first time that my foot feels pain free for a large part of the day. So I almost don't even recognize it. I still kinda wait for it to hurt because I am so used to it hurting. So, ya, I love it.

Stephanie from New York - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 21, 2020

King brand has changed injury healing for me forever. Then cold cure started me off by cooling things down easily and often. Inflammation was handled in record time. Now using the BFST warp daily and by tendinitis is really just a memory. It's great to have the information support to know to continue treatments to fully heal and prevent reinjury. Can't say enough good about both products.

Ron from Washington - BFST Elbow - Sep 16, 2020

"I've used it for about two days, and I just wanted to call to say thank you for putting out an amazing product. I've only had it literally for 48 hours, and I just want to say thank you...Today I woke up and, for the first time in a year, I can walk on my heel, and walk without pain again... My only regret is that I didn't find you sooner, and I want to thank you again for giving me my life back."

eve from North Carolina - BFST Foot - Sep 14, 2020

Hi - the ColdCure Back/Hip Wrap was a life saver for me - I had had a bad fall and twisted every muscle in my back, including those I didn't know I had! Moving around was pure agony and getting into bed especially painful, With the constant use of the hot and cold packs it started to ease within a couple of days. Once the initial discomfort subsided, I continued using the warm belt only, wearing it to bed and most of the day - the heat really helped and I actually enjoyed wearing it it was such a comfort and support for by back. I would definitely recommend this product. Diana Walker, Nanaimo

Diana from British Columbia - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 07, 2020

I Absolutely LOVE both items I bought- the ColdCure Elbow Wrap and ELBOW BFST Wrap. I have recommended to many other players. Mark Dallas, TX

Mark from Texas - ColdCure Elbow - Sep 02, 2020

I want to tell the story of an injury to my achilles tendon, that after 14 weeks of ice, heat, rest, stretching, and ibuprofen; still wasn't even hinting that it was healing. I saw your achilles wrap device while strolling through the internet, looking for an aid, ordered the wrap, and waited for this "miracle device" to arrive. 5 days later, it arrives, I speed home, slap it on my ankle, and turn it up to notch #3, totally dismissing the recommended slow migration process, and instantly am totally disappointed! No pulsation, no burning heat, no vibration, no noise, no NOTHING! I call customer service, and the rep has me try a few things to make sure that the device is working properly, and she explained to me that all of the things that I was waiting for the device to do, weren't going to happen; sure, I might feel SOME heat, but everything else was not a function that this device does. She asked me if I would like her to send me another one, and I told her, "no, if this is a working the way it was designed to do, I will just keep it, and give it a chance". Boy, am I glad I did. 4 -20min treatments each day, for 5 days, and my achilles felt at about 70%. 5 days after that, and now at this present time (3 weeks), my achilles is at 90%, no swelling, and now I am working on its strength endurance. This device, in it's own, quiet as a mouse way, has this 60yr old achilles feeling young, energetic, and spry again. In about 2 more months of strength training, I Invision all of my explosion being back, and basketball, jogging and tennis will be just around the corner. Thanks guys for the vote of confidence, your faith in your product, your wonderful and professional customer service, and last, but not least, your INCREDIBLE device!!! AMAZING. AMAZING. AMAZING. Best of everything to your company and your customers! Coach Scot Smith Sr. God bless!

Scot from California - BFST Achilles - Aug 28, 2020

"I need to tell you this stuff really really works. Really works good... Thank you guys... I have no pain in my knee anymore"

Rhonda from South Dakota - - Aug 28, 2020

I ordered my right shoulder BFST wrap to heal from an injury, because of a friend's recommendation. The feeling while the BFST is in use is relaxing, but I questioned if it was really doing anything. What was happening was a quick healing, my shoulder turned around quickly. I wish I started using this BFST wrap sooner. My I have recommended it to other friends who are amazed of the healing power.

Drusilla from Maryland - BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 27, 2020

Its going really, really good. I'm really happy with this product, and without it I don't know what I would have done honestly... I'm going back to work Monday and I haven't been to work in almost five months...Its amazing...When you're using it three times a day with the heat it really helps it heal...Thank you so much, I'm very happy.

Sandra from Ontario - ColdCure Ankle - Aug 07, 2020

"Good Morning! Just a brief update. What a great product. I was just thinking it was a great break to have located it. I was doing a search for something to deal with knee pain. My wife tore her meniscus about a year ago. All her doctor could suggest was injections and surgery to repair it. We have have been doing the cold wrap for about two weeks now. Added the BFST about 3 days ago. She is walking much better now. Your products are amazing. We had the BFST, first but were delayed using it due to the USPS delaying delivery of the Cold Wrap. She says the BFST supplies warmth that is very comfortable. Today is probably the 3rd day we have used it. Both are easy to use and work fine. No more pain pills or injections. A shame that these treatment modalities aren't known recommended by physicians. We'll certainly inform her doctor next appointment. Thank you!"

Donald from California - ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 06, 2020

The back/hip wrap worked extremely well. I especially liked the fact that it actually stayed in one place on my hip and I didn't have to stay in one spot during treatment. I've improved considerably so I use it infrequently now but definitely keeping it ready for use if I need it.

Shaira from Wisconsin - ColdCure Back|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 31, 2020

I just wanted to pay compliments to the Customer Service Rep (Sarah). She was a great help this Evening with our questions. So calm and informative. She is a credit to Kingbrand. Please thank her for us.

Reid from Arizona - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 30, 2020

Hello, I just wanted to give praise to the Plantar BFST Wrap. I have had plantar fasciitis for about 1.5 years. Have seen doctor who prescribed a bulky and impossibly to sleep in boot. Then I bought the Strasburg Sock which worked like the boot but more comfortable. I bought heel cups, orthotics etc. Nothing worked. Then I saw your website and ordered the heat wrap on June 29, 2020. Today is July 25, 2020 and I have no pain at all. Incredible. I wish doctors would know how to treat this common problem instead of offering surgery as the last resort. Thank you for explaining the condition so well, complete opposite to the medical community. I am very grateful.

Jutta from Virginia - BFST Foot - Jul 26, 2020

Wow - that is great customer service. Thanks Scott. You folks have been great throughout the whole process and have really been the only thing besides rest that has sparked progress for my foot tendonitis.

Vincent from Arizona - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jul 21, 2020

I purchased the Side Shoulder and Elbow BFST wraps and want to share my experience. After struggling for a decade with back pain I finally worked with a kinesiologist to learn how to heal myself. Free of back problems I now only suffer from random injuries. In the fall of 2019 I strained the tendons in my left forearm hammering in stakes too aggressively. Hoping it would resolve I continued normal life and activities. I'm by no means a sedentary 40+ guy so by the time March rolled around things never improved and were getting worse. I had strained the tendons in my left forearm so bad it became chronic. The pain started to pang in my shoulder, bicep, forearm above the elbow and my wrist strength had deteriorated. My flexibility in my wrist was virtually down to 20% without pain and I couldn't type anymore without shoulder, arm and wrist pain. I could not interlace my fingers and do an inverted stretch of my forearms at all. I knew it was all connected to that initial injury and compounding. Sadly the pandemic of 2020 hit right about the time my injury had become its worst, so seeing my kinesiologist was out of the question. So I thought about what he might do for me, or the course of treatment he might suggest. With nowhere else to turn I started to research my symptoms and came across King's Brand website. I knew it was all promotional media but what they said resonated with all my healing experience over the years. It was solid common sense with a bit more explanation about heat and cold that also added up. I knew I needed both cold and heat treatment. But it had to be really focust and very effective or I might not get the right benefit. I decided to take my situation seriously and bought both the Side Shoulder and Elbow BFST wraps. It was an investment. Trying to save some money, I decided to use the cold packs I had on hand. When the items arrived I could tell that these were medial-grade quality. The media I read on their site was so far, spot on. I was encouraged. I followed a regimen of 3 heat treatments during the day at work. One cold at night, followed by heat then bed. After two weeks I was still not seeing much improvement. But after suffering for 5 months I decided to give it a whole month. On week three my shoulder pain was gone. By week four I could interlace my fingers and stretch without pain. Now in week five I can resume working out without pain and begin re-strengthening my arm. It feels so good to lift and workout again. I'm back to 80%. It's still a bit sore in my shoulder when I do pushups, that tells me I'm not done. I plan on continuing treatments another 4 weeks or until all symptoms are gone. I can't share enough about how fantastic this product is! What really made it work was STICKING TO THE TREATMENT PLAN. But without this amazing product I think it would've taken a lot longer and been MUCH more inconvenient to get a complete and effective heat treatment right where I need it most. These products really do offer a well-designed and targeted solution for hot and cold remedy!

STEVE from Massachusetts - BFST Elbow|BFST Side Shoulder - Jul 09, 2020

I was wondering how it was going to work, but once I got it it was pretty self explanatory and it really does wonders. It really is great.

Max from New York - ColdCure Foot - Jun 23, 2020

I have rheumatoid arthritis. I have gone from walking with a cane, to not walking with a cane at all. The products have really helped.

Kelly from Nebraska - ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Foot - Jun 23, 2020

I am real real believer in your BFST products. I injured by left elbow and it would not heal. I tried everything I could think of and frankly was getting really desperate. I search the web for elbow treatments and discovered your products. Upon receipt I was instantly skeptical when I saw I paid so much for a simple heating pad but since I had it I though I'd at lease try it. Again instantly I knew this was no ordinary heating pad.. it really worked! I was blown away. More recently I had a pulled back muscle and immediately order the back pad. Once again success! Now a month ago injured my wrist and thumb so just placed my order for that product. Buy these products. You won't regret it!

Timothy from Oregon - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Roll Tape - Jun 21, 2020

I'm using it everyday. Oh, it has really been a life changer for me. So, anyway, you guys are always so nice.

Marc from Nevada - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 15, 2020

I'm enjoying continuing to use the product. I think it seems like, considering I've had an impingement for 2 months, everything I've tried under the sun prior to the ordering of your product. I'm really excited to say that I feel improvement.

Barbara from Oregon - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Top Shoulder - Jun 15, 2020

My right knee Patellar Tendonitis started during mid April 2020. By Mid May, it went from bad to worse where I had excruciating pain which simply won't heal. Couldn't sleep well during the night. A mere bending of the knee became an issue. I tried all sorts of wraps, cold, heat and finally ibuprofen to control the pain. The area around the bottom of the knee cap (Patella) was visibly inflamed. After doing several internet searches, I came across KingBrand which had all sorts of claims. I'm a skeptic by nature and question everything. I said to myself, "I've tried everything else hence no harm in trying one more thing". I decided to spend on the BFST knee wrap and long story short, after having used it for a mere 2 weeks, I'm able to walk which I've not able to do without limping for at least 4 to 5 weeks. I'm at week 3 of using the BFST wrap and for the past 2 days I've been walking at least 2 miles which I feel is nothing short of a miracle. I'm simply awed by it's performance. It does exactly what the company claims. It heals your soft tissue. I was literally going no where with other modes of therapies. I'm sure I would have eventually improved however not being able to walk for several weeks was extremely depressing. The BSFT wrap seems to have accelerated the healing. During the period after receiving the wrap, I called the company as well as email correspondence. They addressed ALL my queries patiently and helped me understand the mechanism of BFST wrap operation. If you're on the fence whether to use the BFST or otherwise please do yourself a favor and actually get one. You'll thank yourself for doing so. It WORKS ! Period ! It is not a gimmick. There are several such products out there but this one *actually* works exactly how it is advertised. I'm an actual customer and NOT paid by KingBrand to write this review.

Mohan from New Jersey - BFST Knee - Jun 10, 2020

I started using the BFST shoulder wrap on both shoulders on May 31st for rotator cuff injuries. It is June 7th. The crackling noises are almost gone, the arm weakness is subsiding and the sharp pains are almost completely gone. This is a weeks time! Wow. Love this technology. Thank you and Many blessings!

Joanna from Arizona - Accessory Sling|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Side Shoulder... - Jun 08, 2020

I just love your stuff. You guys, your sites are so thorough. I was just blown away.

Sandy from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Jun 08, 2020

I got a one of those Achilles wraps, the BFST Achilles wrap, for my wife and absolutely fantastic product. Love it to death.

Stephan from California - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - May 21, 2020

the only things so far that's helped

Valerie from Florida - BFST Top Shoulder - May 20, 2020

I'm very happy with my treatment it's working great!!! I'm telling everyone about your great service and products.

JAMES from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - May 17, 2020

I love your products, and thank you so much for the call. I noticed there is Free Support and I wanted to reach out.

tony from Alberta - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - May 11, 2020

FIVE STAR RATING!! King Brand BFST Back/Hip wrap was an excellent choice to relieve lower back pain in my case. My chiropractor discovered slight misalignment from a work related event and performed adjustment. I purchased the BFST Back/Hip wrap knowing how effective the BFST Top Shoulder wrap ( purchased last year) worked for me with a partially torn rotator cuff. There is definitely a healing element I have noticed as compared to 850nm near infared light therapy that works at the intercellular level with deep tissue repair of which I use together. King Brand BFST functions in a similar fashion with increased blood flow. I am living testament as both form of treatments have made huge improvement in healing and also general maintenance to remain recovered. Regarding King Brand, I have found the wraps to be of very high quality indeed as a professional medical device and are very well made with many year of use to come. The support staff is very easy to reach, quite knowledgeable in product design and can well answer any application questions. Upon purchase, I received a call from support several weeks to follow up on my experience and offer any guidance. This takes King Brand to a very high level of customer satisfaction with high recommendation.

Randall from Pennsylvania - BFST Back - May 08, 2020

It has been wonderful. I know that I'm still not completely well, you know what I mean, but what I hear is horror stories of people telling me that it's going to take 3, 4, 5, maybe even 6 months to heal... I can't believe it. Yes, I feel so much better. I'm working on it and doing it at least 4 times a day, you know my treatments and stuff. Am I completely well? No. But it hasn't been a month since I've had that machine! So I just think if I give it another month or so I think I'm going to be in pretty good shape.

Mary from Ohio - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - May 05, 2020

I can walk now without a limp. Still a little pain, but I'm not limping. Isn't that wonderful?

Melyni from Maryland - BFST Knee|BFST Back - May 04, 2020

I think that you have a very nice product.

Carole from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Roll Tape - May 04, 2020

I'm so excited. These are so comfortable.

linda from New York - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - May 04, 2020

It has helped tremendously. I'm using it on my upper arms, I fell and I injured my upper bicep. I couldn't believe how much it helped. It's awesome.

mary from Kansas - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - May 04, 2020

My partner and I bought and used both the Knee BFST Wrap and the ColdCure knee wrap. We were both experiencing knee pain: I had a torn meniscus, and experienced frequent pain especially when going up and down stairs or dancing (I'm an ex dancer). I couldn't even bend my knee past 90 degrees without experiencing significant pain. The BFST wrap helped a lot. The product is carefully designed. If you've ever applied a hot or cold pack to your knee, you've probably noticed that your knee is an awkward shape, and the pack probably didn't fit it very well. What's more, you probably had to hold it in place for the entire time you were applying cold or heat. The King Wrap products solve both of these problems. The well designed, high quality Velcro strips shape the ColdCure or BFST pad to your knee and hold it securely in place. You can just lie back and relax. I don't have scientific evidence to bear out the claim that circulation is increased for hours after you use the BFST pad, but I can attest that I did feel better not just during the treatment, but afterward. You may have noticed that this is not the cheapest product on the market. You may be wondering "Is it worth it?" I can tell you that both my partner and I have used the BFST wrap dozens of times apiece. There are not many health products that I can say the same about. I can truthfully say that now I am free of knee pain - but even so I sometimes use the BFST wrap, simply because it feels good.

Ricardo from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 01, 2020

so far I'm impressed with the product and the customer service

R from Maryland - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - May 01, 2020

Your product is wonderful, I used it 3-4 years ago and it saved me from surgery.

Margie from Texas - BFST Knee - Apr 15, 2020

"I like the way the wrap is attached to the body and does not move around"

Kelly from Ontario - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Apr 15, 2020

I placed an order for $303.85 (knee wraps) which were supposed shipped to me on the 16th, arriving on the 18th of March, only I never received them. I have no idea if someone else received them, for there to be a definite trace affirmed, but I live down a very steep hill, and have for forty years, and not once has anyone dared to venture down tnis far, for it would be too risky, being seen before being able to get back up the hill! NOt that it's the kind of neighborhood that invites burglary anyway. But larger than the surprise that the order never arrived but was apparently sent, was the surprise that you worked hard with the post office to get a RE-order sent to me! For which I am forever grateful, for, with the pandemic, I may have to wait several months before an arthroscopy can be done, and this is helping so much to alleviate some of the pain. I wanted to write to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bending over backward for me. I simply don't have words. Thank you is so small and seemingly so trite, but it is most sincere. I just thank you with all of my heart.

Lois from Ohio - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Apr 13, 2020

I love it, I just love it! It's a really great product.

Bruce from Ontario - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 20, 2020

I really am liking the BFST!

Robert from Oklahoma - Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 20, 2020

It really makes a difference, it really helps!

Kathleen from Massachusetts - BFST Knee - Mar 09, 2020

Its awesome! I went through quite a bit of struggle and I used that. In one week... wow! The simplest thing but very efficient.

Luís from Ontario - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Mar 09, 2020

Your product saved my life. Let me tell ya, I tell everybody in the world about it. No really it did. That knee wrap in itself saved me from having to get a surgery. I couldn't believe it. I just, I'm truly like every-time I meet someone that has any kind of knee injury I'm like "you guys gotta get this," because I was told I had to have surgery and I didn't. I didn't end up having to do it. And my knee is completely 100% normal again. So that's pretty awesome.

Lysa from Oregon - BFST Ankle - Mar 04, 2020

I did tear the meniscus in my knee, in October of '17, around that time, and I wish I knew about this. But I've been using it and I really see, I'm starting to see a difference. Well this is a good product. But it's amazing, I said "oh my gosh" I wish my orthopedic surgeon had said "get that" instead. Well, you guys have a great product here so I just wanted to thank you.

Carol from Georgia - BFST Knee - Mar 04, 2020

Immediately I was relieved of some discomfort and pain... I've been suffering from plantar fasciitis for quite a while, off and on for the past two years... and one night in the middle of the night I got up and I just said I'd had enough and I went to the internet and found your site and ordered those two products, went back to bed. The products arrived in two days, and I IMMEDIATLEY got relief!

Mary from New Hampshire - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Feb 28, 2020

It works wonderfully well! I'm very well satisfied.

Jerry from Wisconsin - BFST Leg - Feb 28, 2020

In October, 2019, I started the full King Brand treatment. I really stuck to the regiment as was suggested. There were a few setbacks at first, but as of today Feb. 24, 2020, I can truly say my knee has greatly improved. I still have a daily routine that I follow, using the combined ColdCure Knee Wrap, BFST Knee Wrap, and the KB Tape. I can walk freely with only minor pain when I may step incorrectly. Although, my torn meniscus was probably minor, it was a problem. After 2 shots from my Dr. the pain somehow came back. I do know I still must be careful in my activity. I also plan to start doing the exercises that are listed in your plan. On more comment, at first I was skeptical of only using the tape. I bought all kinds of wraps, braces, etc. They not only restricted my movement, but seem to put to much pressure on my knee, causing pain. Took me awhile to feel confident that the tape would support my knee. This has worked for me because I was able to do the exact daily requirements. Thanks, King Brand.

Eloise from Alabama - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 24, 2020

This product is fantastic. I use it because I broke my, I hurt my meniscus and so on. My cousin who's in her 70's, she just had this problem on Saturday and that's why I bought it again because I had it shipped to her. I mean you guys are excellent in what you have.

Marie from Florida - BFST Knee - Feb 20, 2020

"Everybody there is very nice, and I recommend your products to everybody I come in contact with that have any problems with their feet, their shoulders, their wrist, anything because my testimony is that I had Plantar Fasciitis at one point and I had shock to my heels and I had physical therapy and it did not go away. I used your products, and it went away. I had no more Plantar Fasciitis, which is apparently very hard to get rid of and I do cardio dance, I do yoga, and I do cycling and all of this stuff; completely gone away."

Cynthia from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jan 31, 2020

"Everybody is super nice, and the units are pricey...but the cost is like one visit to the physical therapist and it's almost the cost of the unit, depending on where you go...And the thing is, I have been living with this shoulder thing, I had a bad shoulder and I was living with it for like 3 months and I'm like, 'Let me see if they have a shoulder thing,' and I was like 'Oh, they do!' I finally ordered it, and I'm about a week and a half in and at first it felt like it was almost aggravating it, sore in a way. And then this week, all of a sudden, I'm getting a lot of my strength back, and I'm not in pain all the time and it seems to really be working."

Cynthia from North Carolina - BFST Side Shoulder - Jan 31, 2020

This is going to sound slightly crazy but I have recently had both hips replaced (last 4 months) and the day before Christmas Eve, I was in a hurry to get to Costco and took a tumble down one step in my home and fell directly on my knee of the most recent hip surgery. I literally crawled back up the stairs as I could not put any weight on my knee without crying in pain. My daughter took me to Urgent Care (Ortho) and they did all the "tests" and x-rayed my hips (make sure everything was ok there) and ordered an MRI for my knee. There is/was a tear in the radial of my meniscus and it hurt worse than my two hip surgeries (not exaggerating) and so I was sure I was going to have to have surgery however the Dr. said to wait three months and see how it was doing. R.I.C.E for me and also doing some research I came across the knee products and ordered them. I followed instructions carefully and mostly used the BFST every four hours as directed for about two weeks, it almost felt better right away but now it's 34 days from my fall and I am walking without a walker or cane and my knee feels great. I am still using my knee brace for stability but for the most part, my knee feels GREAT!! Thanks King Brand....I highly recommend this product!! Thank you! Diane Beck Missoula, Montana

Diane from Montana - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jan 27, 2020

I am very happy and grateful to have used the wrap for my torn meniscus. It helped my knee to heal without having a scope which was booked for me. I am able to go for walks and enjoy my days pain free. Thank you for checking back with me.

georgina from Arizona - BFST Knee - Jan 14, 2020

They really are a miracle... I know there are people that think "Oh, that can't work." I does work. I know for a fact... To be honest, it helped my husband when he had his left knee affected by a meniscus tear. He actually noticed within one day he could actually move the knee better and he had been in such terrible pain and, I mean, it was diagnosed. It was ultrasound diagnosed; he had a tear. I mean, nothing helped him. They were tugging at him and telling him to do this, telling him to do that... Finally, he went to the family doctor. The family doctor got the musculoskeletal ultrasound which confirmed it... For a while he couldn't even lift up his foot to walk. He used your product and after about five treatments it was... he was actually able to lift his foot up again to walk and he could walk up a flight of stairs. Yeah, so I'm a big believer.

Shelley from Ontario - BFST Foot - Dec 18, 2019

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your product. In May I was diagnosed of having a Bakers Cyst. I also had some problems with arthritis in my knee. And had a bone spur break off in my knee. Extremely painful!! I had to go to the emergency room as I was in so much pain & could barely walk. I went to an orthopedic surgeon that wanted to give me a cortisone shot. I told him I would think about it, as that was not the route I wanted to take. He said to me as I was leaving his office, something to the effect that he would be seeing me again! I should tell you that walking is huge in my life. I have 2 dogs and walk them 2 miles daily and have walked all my life. This was devastating for me. I went on the internet searching for treatments for Bakers cyst, when I came across your website. My husband read about your guarantee and product line also and suggested I purchase a BFST knee wrap as well as the Cold care treatment. I used your product regularly about 4 times per day. My knee started to feel better right away. I have gradually reduced used the bfst to about once per day. I am truly amazed at how good my knee feels. I would say that my flexibility is back to about 99.5% of my original movement. Thank you for a great product. I have recommended your product to many people & will continue to do so. Thank you again!!

Greg from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg - Dec 17, 2019

should not use usp

Bruce from Massachusetts - Roll Tape|BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Dec 10, 2019

Upon the advice of a MD, I started doing the Plantar exercises for a year and it did not decrease the symptoms. I am a RN and after reading an ad about the King products, I started using the cold wrap about a year ago. I even take it on trips as we travel extensively. On time I accidently left the wrap behind while traveling-UG! I just ordered another foot wrap so I can treat both feet at the same time

Pamela from Illinois - ColdCure Foot - Nov 28, 2019

What I love most is that I got it in a couple of days. I was able to use it and go back to work because the pain was so debilitating, and was starting to feel a lot of comfort.

Esmerelda from Texas - ColdCure Knee - Nov 16, 2019

I bought the Cold-Cure Back/Hip Wrap and have been totally satisfied with it. I follow the instructions, and use it for 20 minutes at a time. It works great.

Anita from Arizona - ColdCure Back - Nov 12, 2019

What a neat gizmo

Daniel from British Columbia - BFST Top Shoulder|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Nov 11, 2019

"It's the best investment I've ever made...It really has made a difference."

Anthony from New York - BFST Side Shoulder - Nov 06, 2019

Hello King Brand Friends. The cold cure wrap completely turned my life around. I was suffering from hip/thigh bursitis after a hard sit-down backward fall in late March 2019. When pain began, about a week later, my ortho docs thought it might me sciatic nerve pain or bursitis. I was desperate for relief, had two cortisone shots, and took way too many analgesics. After months of severe pain and disability, I was beginning to think that I had to adjust to a new normal as a disabled senior. Within several weeks of applying the cold pack for any new injury (turning over in bed, walking--almost any activity) gradually I was walking better and suffering much less pain. Now several months later from the first cold cure application, I have nearly returned to my pre-injury life. I tell everyone about my experience and how cold has made it possible to heal from the recurring injuries. With each movement, the bursa were getting re-injured, so heat and physical therapy were the wrong treatments. When I asked my doctor if he thought I would benefit from the King Brand medical cold wrap (found with an on-line search), he agreed it was worth trying. The three cold wrap inserts are easy to refreeze and quickly. I found the cold was never too cold to risk tissue injury and much, much more convenient that any ice pack. Your company is the best. You have given me my life back. I take fewer analgesics, no more cortisone injections, and travel with my King Brand cold cure products. But, there are fewer mobility injuries, and I am able to care for myself and others again. I am no longer so mindful of taking along my walking stick when I go out. I will be in your debt always. Barbara McDaniel Ray, age 82.

Barbara from Georgia - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Nov 04, 2019

I promote your product to all the guys at my golf club, it's great!

Marc from Maryland - BFST Back - Oct 31, 2019

my knee in two weeks has felt the best it's felt since July.

Barbara from Pennsylvania - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Oct 28, 2019

I started them Wednesday and by Saturday was able to walk down the stairs instead of on my butt

Steven from Tennessee - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 28, 2019

Your products are wonderful the BFST have really worked miracles for me. The tape is really nice and stabilizing. It gives you security and movement. Your products are outstanding.

Mary from Virginia - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Oct 16, 2019

It's really helped, I feel so much better.

Richard from New Jersey - BFST Achilles - Oct 08, 2019

It's a wonderful product it's so easy to use. So convenient because you don't have to hold it onto your foot.

Barbara from Illinois - ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape|BFST Achilles - Oct 07, 2019

I like it a lot because it wraps around. I've never found any gel that works as good as your gel pack.

Jenny from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 07, 2019

Megan on the customer assistance line was very helpful and caring. She is a credit to your company.

Ann from South Carolina - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 04, 2019

I was very impressed with your Customer Friendly service. The initial package was received quickly and with an option to speak to someone to ask questions or receive help with directions and use. I would and I will recommend King Brand HealthCare to my friends

Patricia from New York - ColdCure Back - Oct 03, 2019

I'm happy with the quality of the products, and the speed in which the products arrived.

Al from Maine - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 01, 2019

This year I set a personal goal to climb Mount Washington, New Hampshire (6288 feet) and started training in April. In June I sustained a knee injury from my training as I increased the height and distance of my training; severe tendonitis. I ordered your products and started treatment on my right knee right away; I also consulted with your staff on the healing process. I took 1 1/2 weeks off from everything, while icing my knee multiple times a day. Into week 3-4 I started using both, ice after a short hike and heat after. In addition, I used your compression tape as my hikes got higher and longer. This past Saturday, I climbed Mount Washington and completed the climb and decent in 8 hours for a total of 10 miles. I don't believe I would have completed my goal without your products because I am 61 years old and the healing time for anything I do takes longer. I tell everyone I know about your products now. Thank you for your support for making my personal goal come through. Anyone who has climbed Tuckerman's Ravine knows how difficult a climb can be.

Pamela from New Hampshire - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 30, 2019

I discovered online after struggling with plantar fasciitis for months despite a half dozen cortisone shots, and which basically solved that foot problem. It will take a while to notice results, but my diligent 3x per day usage as directed solved 90% of the pain i suffered in my feet. NOTHING else my podiatrist did or recommended resolved that problem!

Lawrence from Florida - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 29, 2019

My experience with King Brand Healthcare has been a positive one and the follow up call with a representative to make sure I understood my products was impressive.

Rebecca from California - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Sep 27, 2019

they've really helped me

Linda from Texas - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 25, 2019

I believe in your products. I've been using two of them and they've been working beautifully and I've recommended them to many many people.

Rosanne from New York - BFST Knee - Sep 21, 2019

I've used it twice and I've noticed a marked improvement

Charles from California - BFST Achilles - Sep 21, 2019

A few years ago I tore the ligament in my miniscus/knee twisting it while walking or dancing. I couldn't walk or cycle without pain. I looked online for a healing alternative and found your company. I read the info on your website and I loved the idea that infrared gets down past the skin/dermis into the ligament/muscle and helps it to heal a lot quicker. When I bought my pad/wrap I got a call on the phone from a customer service agent to help me with the wrap, she gave me instructions on the best way to use it and answered any questions I had. The customer service woman I spoke to had torn her own knee ligaments several times during skiing. She said she became a rep because of the effectiveness of the product. My own experience now echoes the same. After using the wrap twice a day within three weeks my knee was back to normal. Best product ever! Highly recommend.

Melodye from Illinois - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 21, 2019

I love it. Thank you so much for calling. I'm in the middle of moving and my leg is really sore and it's been working wonders. I have shopped for weeks looking for a leg wrap until I met up with a complete stranger who provided me with King Brand health care products web site. Reviewed their site and found so much information. Within 2 days I received my parcel and found it to be top quality. No more mushy gel pals. Also received a courtesy call to see how If I was satisfied with their products. NOW that is the way the service industry should be like! I highly recommend checking out this site from Collingwood , Ontario

Anne-Marie from Ontario - ColdCure Leg - Sep 21, 2019

I love it. I've only been using it for three days and I was able to get onto the treadmill for the first time in a long time.

Crystal from Nevada - BFST Achilles - Sep 21, 2019

I just wanted you to know my knee loves both wraps. They have helped alleviate the pain Id been in.

Donna from Idaho - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Sep 20, 2019

Doing exactly what it is says on the package

David from Pennsylvania - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Sep 20, 2019

So far the ice device is working great and I am very impressed by how much it helps!

paul from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 18, 2019

When I purchased the knee wraps I was in extreme pain and could barely put any weight on my right knee. I was fearing I would have to go under the knife and I saw your website and all of the other testimonials. I dont like doctors and did not want to go to one unless it was my last resort. I decided to purchase your product and give it a try. I kid you not, after about 3 weeks of treatment, my pain level went from a 10 to about a 1. After another week or so, I had absolutely no pain at all. I could not believe the total transformation. I am a high school sports official and have been telling my fellow officials that are dealing with knee pain about your product and the results that I had from using it. They are now borrowing my device and giving it a try. I 100 percent recommend this product to anyone out there dealing with knee pain. It really works!

Brent from Texas - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Sep 16, 2019

I was amazed and quite pleased with the results from the ultrasound wrap, and will continue to use it as directed. Also appreciate the checkins after the purchase. Thanks!

Gary from Tennessee - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Sep 05, 2019

My cold pack is amazing and the tape is excellent , so my feet are better now in just few days.

Rosa from Virginia - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Aug 27, 2019

I think it's working. Yesterday was the first day that I didn't have to take pain relievers to get through the day. Tell your staff that they are thoughtful, curious and professional. These are amazing products. I am thrilled I found you guys

Jack from California - BFST Side Shoulder - Aug 27, 2019

I recently hurt my ankle (not even sure how!) and went to a foot doctor. He told me I had Achilles Tendinitis and should go to PT. After 2 weeks at PT my ankle was getting worse from all the stretching. So I looked on line and started reading about Kings products. What I really liked was that it explained on the website what was going on- I had hurt my tendon, then instead of resting it and using ice to decrease the inflammation I was stretching and upsetting it more! I followed Kings suggestions of icing and then bringing in the sleeve for blood flow, stimulation. WOW, seriously this really works. it is getting better every day, and it is worlds better then it was last week. My last thing I want to add is that I was so excited about how fast it was working that I started putting the foot wrap on my shoulder (an old injury) and now that feels better too! Just told my sister to go on the site and see if they have something for her wrist injury! I am a very happy customer, would highly recommend. Emily W

Emily from Pennsylvania - BFST Achilles - Aug 26, 2019

You have one of the most phenomenal products I have ever seen in my life. It's incredible.

Kermit from Michigan - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Aug 22, 2019

I can feel that it definitely did heal my knee.

Jose from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 22, 2019

It's been wonderful. It's the only thing that's given me relief

Linda from Florida - ColdCure Achilles - Aug 20, 2019

I've only been using it for three days so far, and I'm surprised that it's already working.

Sergey from Alberta - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Aug 16, 2019

I love how it fits, I love how it feels. The gel packs are great.

Angie from Utah - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Aug 16, 2019

I'm really pleasantly surprised. I've used it once and I already see a difference.

Lena from Oregon - BFST Foot - Aug 15, 2019

Happy with the purchase

Murray from New York - Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Aug 12, 2019

I love it, I love it, I love it. It has helped tremendously

Kathleen from New York - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 02, 2019

This was the perfect solution!

Brian from Nevada - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Aug 01, 2019

It's wonderful, its perfectly designed, like perfectly. For only $50 it's the perfect product.

james from Oregon - ColdCure Back - Aug 01, 2019

The product is made well, and the design works really good. I was in desperate need of this particular product for my right shoulder injury... I will be ordering more predicts in the future, as well as telling others about your products.

Denise from Ontario - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jul 30, 2019

Best products ever made. Use their products for injuries and talked with customer service on how to use them. The service people are excellent and instructed me on the use and the results that can be gotten. They were absolutely correct. The best part is using their product you can treat an injury without meds. I recommend them highly.

Carol from Connecticut - ColdCure Elbow - Jul 30, 2019

I really like them.

Patty from Texas - ColdCure Leg|BFST Leg|Roll Tape - Jul 30, 2019

I am loving every minute of it

joseph from Massachusetts - BFST Back|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Jul 29, 2019

You make quality products, I am really impressed with your products!

Gail from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 28, 2019

It's wonderful!

Cathy from Illinois - ColdCure Wrist - Jul 24, 2019

I like the product, things are going in the right direction

Kevin from Colorado - BFST Knee - Jul 24, 2019

The shoulder support & ice packs are so nice & the sling gives me relief from the weight of my arm. Very comforting.

Jennie from Washington - Wide Roll Tape|Accessory Sling|ColdCure Side Shoulder... - Jul 24, 2019

They're the best thing ever, I could not believe how fast this recovery is going!

forrest from Virginia - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jul 23, 2019

What a great product... very well made!

Peter from Florida - ColdCure Back - Jul 21, 2019

it's great, it stays cold longer and you can position it to where you need it.

Martin from Oregon - ColdCure Back - Jul 19, 2019

I've been in pain since 2014 and I cannot tell you what a relief I have had since last week when it arrived. It is just wonderful. I've told everybody about it since they know how much pain I've been in... Thank you so much, you've been a blessing for soft tissue. It's amazing, simply amazing.

Pamela from Texas - BFST Wrist - Jul 16, 2019

It healed me !

William from Iowa - BFST Wrist - Jul 16, 2019

Thank you for your great customer service

frank from Ohio - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 09, 2019

All your products are magnificent and work perfect!

wilja from California - BFST Leg|BFST Achilles|BFST Back - Jul 09, 2019

your products are helping me a lot

David from Pennsylvania - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Jul 05, 2019

Your products are incredible! I had a torn meniscus that has almost completely healed itself thanks to your products! I had physical therapy as well, but I am sure that my diligent use of your products as directed for my knee, have contributed greatly to my healing. I especially love the BFST ultrasound heated knee wrap! Thanks for your excellent products and your wonderful customer service! Sincerely, Kathryn Jesionowski

Kathryn from New Mexico - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 03, 2019

It really really helped me within probably a week!

William from Georgia - ColdCure Ankle|BFST Ankle - Jul 03, 2019

I'm dealing with an Achilles Injury and the tape is helping support the area very well.

Peter from Maryland - Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 02, 2019

your wrap with the cold packs are the best thing that I have found for my heel spur

rebecca from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot - Jul 02, 2019

They are working great. I can already tell I have improvement.

lisa from Tennessee - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Jul 02, 2019

I am very impressed with the product, its good quality, and I'm very impressed with you guys... you're awesome.

Odin from District of Columbia - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 26, 2019

They're high quality and they work well... I'm very happy with them!

Jeff from Minnesota - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jun 26, 2019

I had first a few months ago bought the knee ones for my meniscus tear and that one, that one worked great! My pain went away in about 3-4 days and hasn't come back since!

Robert from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jun 26, 2019

Appreciate you following up. You know, I am really happy with it, with the results I am getting are really super. In fact Im going to buy another one.

Alvaro from California - BFST Knee - Jun 25, 2019

Im doing well, Im glad I got it

kristine from Maine - BFST Foot - Jun 25, 2019

I wish I had got it six months go! It really helps.

Ray from Florida - ColdCure Achilles - Jun 25, 2019

The product is totally awesome! I had swelling for, lets say a month and a half to two months before I purchased your products and the cold pack... it worked great! Now I'm using the BFST and its awesome.

Virginia from California - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Jun 22, 2019

I like it a lot!

Elizabeth from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Back - Jun 21, 2019

They're for my husband and he is LOVING them !

Ramon from Florida - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Jun 19, 2019

Dear King Brand Healthcare Products: I was in severe pain as I was discovering I had Plantar Fasciitis (PF) and realized I needed relief fast. I reached out to a physician who emailed me what appeared to be a nice article about how athletes can recover from PF. The article really emphasized how a nighttime splint, stair step exercises, and arch supports would be the answer. I rushed to have a nighttime splint overnighted to me as the first step (sorry about the pun). I awoke during the first night of wearing the splint, finding it only increased my pain and symptoms. Still desperate, I searched the Internet and found King Brand's web site, products, and articles. The 10 Myths article clearly showed me I had gotten well-intended but bad advice about the night splint, which further injured my plantar. I also learned that I needed the cold compression wraps and the electrical stimulation, and that arch supports alone was not the answer. So, I had King products rushed to my home. Almost immediately I felt that I was better informed having received information that was correct, and that I had in my possession the key to recovery and pain relief. I am well on my way to recovery now. One last comment, or compliment, one evening after about a week of using the King Brand products (Cold Cure & BFST foot treatment), I received a telephone call from a King Brand employee who called to check on me. I was very much impressed that the company, which already had my money and my confidence, cared enough to call and see how I was doing and to see that I was properly using my purchases and whether I had any questions. I have NEVER had a company demonstrate that type of customer service and concern. THANK YOU, King Brand Healthcare Products! Sincerely, Richard W. Carter

Richard from Texas - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Jun 16, 2019

It's awesome!

Tracy from British Columbia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 14, 2019

My wrist feels better already!

richard from Ontario - BFST Wrist - Jun 08, 2019

They're great... It has really helped!

Lisa from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Wide Roll Tape - Jun 08, 2019

I have had severe plantar fasciatis at times to the point where I could barely walk. I have had cortisone shots which last 5-6 weeks only and then I am in trouble once again. The wrap absolutely has worked for me better than any advise or medication any Doctor has tried on me, including the boot to wear at night which cost nearly $50 and was useless. I use the heat wrap 98% of the time, and rarely use the cool wrap because that seems to do the trick for me. I cannot be without my Kingbrand foot works!

Janet from New York - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jun 04, 2019

This is a great service that you have, having the ability to talk to someone. Thank you for your information and your knowledge.

Ron from New Jersey - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg - Jun 04, 2019

Exceptional company, exceptional products. This is the reason I continue to order from your company.

david from Florida - ColdCure Back - Jun 04, 2019

I love the products. I have Plantar Fasciitis in one foot. I've been struggling with it. I've been doing what we've all been told to do. I ran across the KB website and read it and it made sense. I am improving day by day. If I can continue to work with it, I think I will come out ahead. Prior to this I wasn't getting anywhere. It's just making a huge difference. I'm so happy that I stumbled across your website.

Sandra from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 04, 2019

Its great, I love it!

Jeffrey from New York - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jun 04, 2019

I like it very much! I can't believe that I have actually been without pain for the last three days... It's amazing!

Darl from Kentucky - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Jun 04, 2019

A good buddy of mine told me about this deal. He said it really worked better than the surgery. He had surgery on the one knee and the other knee he used your device. He said the one with the device is a lot better than the other one.

Jerrald from Texas - BFST Knee - May 31, 2019

I have used the BFST on my elbow to speed the healing and it saved me.

Dedria from Kentucky - Roll Tape|ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - May 30, 2019

I recently bought your products for Achilles Tendonitis and I must say it has made a world of a difference... I was tired of hobbling! Its working great.

Carolyn from New Jersey - Roll Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - May 30, 2019

I've been using both of them, it seems to be working so far.

Cecilia from Ohio - Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - May 29, 2019

I like it very much because of the gel packs that go into the sleeve. I haven't seen anything like that before. It works very well.

DAVID from New Hampshire - ColdCure Ankle - May 28, 2019

I've been liking it. Feels great. Easy to use.

Kevin from Ontario - BFST Achilles - May 28, 2019

You guys are awesome. Your reputation, you deserve it!

TERRY from Texas - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - May 28, 2019

Its really working , its outstanding!

Elizabeth from California - ColdCure Knee - May 28, 2019

I love it... it's made a big difference and I thank you guys for that product.

Francisco from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - May 24, 2019

I cannot count how many times I have referred people across the world to King Brand BFST! I had endured years of pain in my knee which would keep me awake for hours. Having tried every analgesic, anti-inflammatory over the counter and prescription medications to no effect, I turned to King Brand BFST. Within days the pain receded and within weeks I was completely pain free. It's three years now and I'll use it when I have overworked my knee and pain returns, always a very fast recovery. It is a blessing to not need medication and I will keep spreading the word to anyone in pain. Thanks for a terrific product! Dave

David from Ontario - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - May 23, 2019

It's been two weeks since I purchased the leg and ankle BFST for hamstring tightness that led to Haglund's disease/ankle Tendonitis on my right leg this February 2019, and your products have a made a huge difference in my mobility, gait, and dare say, mental status for the better. I am fifty-eight years old, and when I walk, my body mechanics looked more like a ninety year old walking. Very slow, guarded, strained. I have been fighting bilateral chronic knee DJD and OA for the past 15 yrs. due to both of my meniscus being injured/torn while running on a code in a medical setting ( I am a LVN state of Texas ). I have refused knee surgery, as in the states, you run the risk of poor fitting devices, poor surgical outcomes, and in the case of one of my former classmates, who had a knee surgery take a bad turn, she ended up with a severe infection that led to her having a major MI at the age of 54 yrs old. She is totally disabled and can not work. I am trying to postpone any knee surgeries until the FDA approves the Agili-C implant for knees. I have explored other options such as Stem cell therapy, however, it is out of reach for most individuals due to the high cost associated with the procedure. Your products are wonderful, and hopefully, I can make it walking until I can get the Agili-C implants. So I am ordering the knee BFST to aid my Euflexxa injections, and wrist BFST because I also have CTS that flares up from time to time. Great products, prompt delivery, and customer service. GO CANADA😇 Thank You, L. Hairston

loyce from Texas - BFST Achilles|BFST Leg - May 22, 2019

it's early but I do see a bit of relief

Jeffery from Michigan - BFST Foot - May 21, 2019

I'm feeling the best that I've felt in 2 years after only a week of using the product

Joseph from Arizona - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - May 21, 2019

Works like a charm!

Shannon from Arizona - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|ColdCure Ankle - May 21, 2019

found the taping instructions that came in the tape box confusing

Martha from Oregon - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape - May 18, 2019

I am quite amazed at what its doing

Bonnie from Alberta - BFST Knee - May 17, 2019

I like them, they're great!

Cathy from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - May 17, 2019

I couldn't have asked for better customer service!

Wanda from Illinois - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - May 16, 2019

It's going well so far. I'm pretty happy with it. It's feeling better after a few days already.

Stephen from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - May 15, 2019

I'm icing and I seem to be getting better.

Sylena from Maine - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - May 15, 2019

Its actually feeling a lot better and I've only had it for like a week!

Charles from New Jersey - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - May 13, 2019

I really like both of the products, they work really well!

Rhonda from Colorado - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 12, 2019

They're perfect!

Taras from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - May 10, 2019

I think it's working quite well. I think my Achilles is responding nicely.

John from California - BFST Achilles - May 08, 2019

I had such great success with the foot KB products

Gail from Illinois - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - May 05, 2019

It's going very well. Actually feeling like it's healing my plantar fasciitis already.

Naim from Delaware - BFST Foot - May 02, 2019

I am doing so much better. I'm almost ready to play golf!

James from Indiana - Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Apr 30, 2019

Its helping a lot

Robert from Iowa - ColdCure Ankle - Apr 30, 2019

I detected that I was getting virtually no heat from my unit 1. before 10 months after purchase 2. again before 12 months after replacement Given my intermittent and lighter usage, this raises a red flag as to the reliability or quality of that BFST product. The concept of the BFST is not far removed from that of a heating pad. Nothing should go wrong with it. This Achilles BFST was nice to have as a standby was not used consistently or had much usage. Why is this King Brand?...something seems wrong. Am I stuck with a lost investment? My combined for product invoicing from King Brand is in the area of $650 Thank you for the opportunity to raise this issue

Nillo from Ontario - BFST Back - Apr 29, 2019

I wish I had found you guys years ago. The first time I had used the BFST I was no longer in pain.

Ron from Florida - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Apr 24, 2019

I've been using it every day and it seems to be helping

william from North Carolina - ColdCure Achilles - Apr 24, 2019

Your representative Serena was excellent! She was patient and personable. If all your reps are like her, you have an excellent staff. Tell her thank you for being kind to an old man in Oklahoma.

Edna from Oklahoma - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Apr 22, 2019

This is the second King knee wrap I have purchased. They do the job. My doctor told me i had a torn meniscus and would have to have surgery sooner or later. That was before I started using the heated King knee wrap. It has done wonders for my knee. I use it twice a day and the pain is less and less. Compare the cost of the wrap to the price of surgery. Oh yea, don't forget the pain you will miss after surgery. I would choose the heated King knee wrap every time.

Bobby from Mississippi - BFST Knee - Apr 11, 2019

I am so thrilled to have found them. First time I've found relief in 6 months.

GWYNNETH from Ontario - BFST Wrist|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Apr 06, 2019

it's helping me, I'm enjoying it.

Kathy from Michigan - BFST Foot - Apr 02, 2019

After a week its been the best its probably been in about 2 years

Jack from Georgia - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Knee - Mar 30, 2019

I love your products

Dave from New York - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Mar 30, 2019

Im telling you, its working real good. Its the first improvement Ive had in several months. Im not back to where I want to be but getting there.

Dennis from Michigan - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Mar 28, 2019

Best thing since sliced bread

Steve from Texas - BFST Foot - Mar 20, 2019

In 2009 I bought my first King Brand product to help heal my torn rotator cuff. I was back to work within a reasonable time. This injury frequently ends paramedic careers. In March of 2019, I sustained a nagging knee injury and did not hesitate to purchase another King Brand product. Within a week, there was a 50% improvement, and I was able to enter my karate competition and placed first. Thanks King Brand! Steve Kawamura - Paramedic 18yrs - Karate Practitioner 32yrs

Steven from Ontario - BFST Knee - Mar 18, 2019

I really appreciate your follow-up call. It speaks volumes about the quality of your services.

Marcus from Virgin Islands - BFST Foot - Mar 16, 2019

I've tried wrapping it with other things and I could never make it stay on, and when I wrap this one it stays on pretty good. I'm pleased, I like it a lot.

Billie from Alabama - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Mar 15, 2019

I really like it a lot, 4 treatments a day and I'm feeling better. Being able to sleep at night now. Much much better, I do recommend this product. After a few days I could tell the difference.

Bonnie from Louisiana - ColdCure Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Wrist - Mar 14, 2019

Thank you for your great customer service and the KB tape was the best I have ever tried. It saved me. Thanks again. And I will return as a customer.

Sharyl from Illinois - ColdCure Top Shoulder|ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape - Mar 14, 2019

I have a positive review regarding my recently purchased Cold Care and BFST King Brand products this past week! I developed Plantar Fasciitis approximately 4 weeks ago on my left heal! Suffering a couple of weeks with extremely painful heal pain, I was informed by trainers that I have Plantar Fasciitis! I was given the usual treatment remedies, stretching, massages, etc. I looked up the condition and discovered King Brand products! I made a call to customer service and 3 days later I started using both products immediately! Within one day I began to feel much better and after 5 days of 3 times a day with both products, I am so much better and walking without extreme pain! I am hopeful that by the end of next week to be completely pain free! That is my goal! These products are the real deal! I am about to order the BFST knee wrap to help me with my partially torn meniscus! Cannot hardly wait to start! Great Company and Outstanding Customer Service! My name is Clay Buckelew and that is my review!

Clay from Texas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Mar 14, 2019

working like a charm

Russ from Alberta - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Roll Tape - Mar 13, 2019

I like it so much better than what I was doing, just using an ice pack. That was just not working. The other thing that's really nice is that it's not chunky like an ice pack.

Nathaniel from Kentucky - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Mar 13, 2019

Its actually one of those gadgets that actually works.

Annie from California - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Mar 08, 2019

I've used the BFST and ColdCure Back Wraps to deal with a back injury based on a recommendation from my Physiotherapist. Works really well. Comfortable and well made. The ColdCure gel packs are amazing -- they produce a consistent 'cold' over a long period (20 mins plus) I've tried the cheaper drug-store brands and they just don't compare. I highly recommend King Brand for anyone doing injury recovery or pre-workout therapy.

Wayne from British Columbia - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Mar 07, 2019

I absolutely love it. I already feel relief. I have been dealing with golfers elbow for 2 years in both elbow, I dont even golf. Ive done injections, Ive done therapy and this seems to be doing the trick.

Kimberly from Illinois - BFST Elbow - Mar 07, 2019

This seems like its going to be the perfect thing for me because I notice within 3 days that my foot felt better. Ive been walking with crutches, I am able to put full pressure on it within 3 days.

Nickie from Arkansas - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Mar 05, 2019

I love this thing!

Andre from California - BFST Knee - Mar 05, 2019

The equipment itself is by far even better than they said it would be!

Barbara from North Carolina - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Feb 26, 2019

I love how they fit!

Vicky from Washington - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape - Feb 25, 2019

My son said they are an absolute miracle

Christy from Oklahoma - BFST Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Feb 19, 2019

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your company , your products and your follow-up consultation. I am a firm believer in your product as it has helped me tremendously with healing my tennis and golfer's elbow. I was on the fence too when I was looking at the price tag but truly it's invaluable and it will be part of my go-forward recovery, so I can stay on the golf course.

Daniel from Florida - BFST Elbow - Feb 15, 2019

it is working great, it's helping a lot

Hunter from Virginia - ColdCure Elbow - Feb 13, 2019

I love it. It's helping out with my tendonitis.

william from Mississippi - ColdCure Elbow - Feb 13, 2019

so glad i found this. The wraps are very comfortable and easy to put on yourself.

Kelly from Texas - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Feb 13, 2019

I have a meniscus tear. Nothing has helped me until I found the Knee wrap.

Jane from Florida - BFST Knee - Feb 12, 2019

Really impressed with the quality, design, and convenience of it

Gloria from California - BFST Back - Feb 12, 2019

I wished I had found it earlier when it was bad. Over the past couple days of using the BFST, it's almost like new.

Andrew from Maryland - BFST Knee - Feb 11, 2019

So far so good, started when the parcel arrived. It's coming along well, I'm starting to feel better.

Zea from South Carolina - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Feb 11, 2019

I really love the BFST. It feels like it's deep within the shoulder and it feels great.

Sharon from Massachusetts - ColdCure Top Shoulder|ColdCure Wrist|Wide Roll Tape|B... - Feb 11, 2019

I have no complaints. It seems to work. I'm already fixed and back on my feet. It fixed my patella after a little bit of rest and a few treatments with the Electromagnetic Special, and we're back rockin' and rollin'

Kevin from Minnesota - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Feb 11, 2019

I've been using them and they're working quite well.

Jacob from California - ColdCure Elbow|ColdCure Wrist|BFST Elbow|BFST Wrist - Feb 11, 2019

It's been a god sent for my bursitis

Jean from Louisiana - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Feb 10, 2019

Hi I have been wanting to write to you but the time was an issue I just wanted to let you know that you guys have created this product that has helped me with my planter fasciitis its like 95 percent better Ive used it for six months now and I still use it once a day along with it I started using my weight machine for legs legs strength so Im thankful that I found your item At a point where I had gotten really disappointed after using many many many products I was limping at that time I couldnt work properly so thank you again this was the best spent money

MUNAZZA from Nevada - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Feb 08, 2019

I was skeptical of the advertising claims by King Brand. Bottom line, this product is keeping me skiing at the age of 71 after a knee infection, knee operation and an industrial accident hurt my back. Thats all you need to know, but if you want the details, read on When I was considering buying a knee wrap, I was aware of an exercise technique for the knee called the tailgate swing, a gentle swinging of dangling legs which stimulates blood flow into the knee, the same concept for this product, using electricity to indue blood flow. I have been doing this knee swing for several years in the hope that my meniscus in both knees will heal, or at least not get worse. It does help, but hasn't been dramatic. So I purchased the King Brand knee wrap and started using it as directed. As an experiment, I also used a regular hot pad behind my low back, which is also sore and stiff, especially after skiing. I thought that if my knees improve with the King Brand on my knee, but my back doesnt improve while using the hot pad, then there must indeed be something different about the King Brand. My experiment revealed that while my knees definitely got relief after two weeks of use, my back did not improve one bit by using a hot pad. So, realizing this product works, I placed an order for the low back pad and started using that, and soon my low back was doing better as well. Both were less stiff, less painful both before, during and after skiing At the same time I started using the King Brand pads, I started doing yoga regularly and to my amazement, Ive had some natural movement, in my back doing the pigeon pose, my low back on the left side popped and is now much better, I have had this pain since an industrial fork lift accident 50 years ago. I went skiing the other day and was astounded to have no back pain at all. I am convinced the King Brand healed things up enough for this to occur. At the same time, my right knee fibula joint has been causing pain, it was lessened by the King Brand, and then one day I experimented with kicking my leg out straight and something cracked in my right knee and that pain disappeared, and it doesnt hurt skiing any longer either. I am still using the pads regularly as my left knee had a partial meniscotomy and I can definitely feel an ache in the knee after skiing or weight lifting where I have cartilage rubbing on cartilage. I am hoping that eventually the meniscus will grow back, its not supposed to because theres no blood flow in the center, but I have great hopes that the increased blood flow in the knee due to the pad might help it grow back, especially if I get a stem cell treatment. So, at this point, I have ordered today an ankle pad and a leg pad, because my ankle pain is more noticeable now that my knees hurt less, and because my knees are allowing me to ski more runs, my thighs are really sore for days after skiing, so, Ill use the leg wrap on those problem muscles The best part about this therapy is that I can do it while I am watching TV at night, and during the day sitting at my desk working on the 6th novel in my Arken Freeth and the Adventure of the Neanderthal series, first book SeaJourney, won first place in an international young adult writing contest and is free on Amazon Kindle. So this is one therapy that doesnt take time out of your life to do, like the knee swing I described above. You can use the King Brand while relaxing at night watching TV. Thank you King Brand. You have really helped me keep skiing at age 71. And Im not limping along, I ski pow in the trees and go as fast as I did age 30 on the hard pack cruiser days

Alex from Oregon - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Feb 08, 2019

The BFST Knee Wrap is what helped prevent me from Meniscus Surgery.

Joyce from California - ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Knee - Feb 08, 2019

Oh, I love it. I've actually overdone it, lifting some stuff that I shouldn't have, so I had to go back to the cold packs again. The ColdCure is definitely helping.

CYNTHIA from Texas - BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Feb 08, 2019

The products have been great. I have an Achilles injury from running and it's been helping tremendously just by icing. Overall I'm very pleased with it.

Andrew from Ontario - ColdCure Achilles - Feb 08, 2019

I'm doing very well. They're working great. I've already recommended them to several people.

Steven from Kentucky - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Feb 08, 2019

Doctors refused to operate on my wrist because of glucose levels. I was able to repair both wrists so that they are not painful anymore. It was so bad in the morning that I would almost cry from the pain. It really has helped me.

Ron from Washington - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Feb 08, 2019

I think they are really quite wonderful. I like them.

john from Kansas - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Feb 05, 2019

Its helped helped a great deal

Sharon from Ontario - BFST Foot - Feb 05, 2019

I was kind of skeptical when I first ordered it, I didnt just want to run out to the Dr, you know a foot Dr whatever cause I don't even really know who I would go to so I thought based on what I read on your website as far as things to do and not do, I thought well that stuff kinda makes pretty good sense as far as trying to heal from an injury so I went ahead and ordered the stuff and its done what it is advertised to do so I thank you very much. And the stuff is very well designed, its a good product.

Neal from Virginia - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Feb 05, 2019

I've been trying all these other things and nothing really worked and this really seems to be working after a really short time

ed from Washington - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Feb 05, 2019

I love it! This is giving me great relief

Kenneth from Pennsylvania - BFST Side Shoulder - Jan 30, 2019

The ice pack is the greatest thing I've ever had

Robin from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jan 30, 2019

They really work well

KURT from Michigan - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jan 30, 2019

I suffered for almost 2 years from plantar fasciitis. It was so bad I thought I would never be able to run again. Then I found your site and ordered both the BFST and ColdCure foot wraps. They turned everything around for me. It feels so good to be able to be able to be active again.

Brian from North Carolina - BFST Foot - Jan 28, 2019

great product. delivered on time

barbara from Virginia - Pre-Cut Tape - Jan 28, 2019

Very comfortable tape that stays on. Arrived super fast.

Beverly from Illinois - Roll Tape - Jan 28, 2019

I think long-term this will be very beneficial for me.

Dean from Texas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jan 24, 2019

Thank you. Your customer service was great! We will use you again

Gary from Florida - Roll Tape|BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jan 23, 2019

its fantastic

Joseph from Massachusetts - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Jan 23, 2019

I've used it quite a bit and I'm finding some difference so my knee is definitely improving. I really am surprised, my knee has been bothering me since back in May and I've been icing it and putting heat on it and all this kind of stuff and its just gotten so bad, just the few days Ive used that, the wrap, I mean I cant believe the difference. I still have a ways to go but I just find like from where I was, if I sat down when I go to get up like I could barely, you know I would have to stand for a few minutes and try to move the leg to get the knee going, I mean since Ive been using it, just a few days, I can get up out of my chair and I don't have that struggle, so yeah I am quite amazed.

Cathy from British Columbia - BFST Knee - Jan 11, 2019

Once again, thank you very much for the professional approach on calling back. You certainly didn't have to do that. In todays world you certainly do not see that kind of professional response and I do appreciate that.

RICHARD from Florida - BFST Knee - Jan 11, 2019

Your product has been helping me from my plantar fasciitis. I look forward to every evening when I do my hot treatment. I have done the cold compress as well as suggested. Now I am having knee problem and thinking of buying one for my knee

Charyle from California - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Jan 09, 2019

I love it

Delia from Texas - BFST Body - Jan 08, 2019

Here is my experience with product I purchased from King Brand; I ordered the product about the 1st week in August 2018, I had my Baker's Cyst aspirated several times over the course of 2 yrs, without any relief, it just seemed to keep getting bigger and bigger. I measured the knee and the cyst it measured 18 3/4 the beginning of August and I measured the knee and cyst about 2 weeks ago (2nd week in December) 2018 it measured about 12 1/2 ... And I wasn't able to go up and down the stairs without pulling myself up the stairs with the hand rail... I am happy to say, that can walk and go up and down the stairs almost pain free.. King Brand has been wonderful to me and helped with this Baker's Cyst, it is almost gone... Thank You King Brand Sincerely, Melodie E

Melodie from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 21, 2018

I am so happy with the product

Patrice from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 20, 2018

I like the wrap. I like how it feels.

Mark from California - ColdCure Elbow - Dec 11, 2018

I've been using it so it seems to be working. I'm not taking time off, I'm still running and stuff, so it's probably not healing as fast as possible. But it is helping, I know that.

Ryan from Hawaii - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Dec 11, 2018

I love it. I think it's great. I'm very satisfied. I will not hesitate to recommend your products for anyone with an injury.

Rita from Florida - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Dec 10, 2018

It's helping out tremendously, her tendonitis in her ankle is getting much better.

Stan from Louisiana - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Dec 08, 2018

It's much better than I thought, I thought this package was gonna be freezing but it isn't at all, it's very comfortable. I'm very happy with it.

Joan from Virginia - ColdCure Elbow - Dec 07, 2018

I have been very happy with the results of the heat wrap. I sprained the ligament in my knee and was discouraged that it didn't seem to heal as soon as I had expected. So I found your product online and ordered it immediately. I was already feeling better in about 3 days. I have been using it for a week now and it continues to feel better each day. I sometimes forget that I had hurt it. I am using it 4 times a day. I was very appreciative of the girl that called me to ask how I was doing and all her advice in using the product. Thanks again.

Susan from Ohio - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Dec 06, 2018

I'm loving the product. It's a great product, I really like it. It's helping my shoulder.

Miranda from Alberta - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Dec 05, 2018

It worked out really well, I really like your product.

Michael from California - ColdCure Back - Dec 05, 2018

It works really well.

DeWayne from Washington - ColdCure Elbow - Dec 05, 2018

I'm in misery, that ice wrap I sleep with it every night and I wake up feeling a lot better in the morning. I love that pack because it's not hard, it's like soft, you know, pliable. I do like it very much.

LOST from New Jersey - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Dec 04, 2018

I appreciate a company that cares enough about their product that they'd call to make sure that you're happy with it. That's great.

Lucy from Ohio - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Dec 04, 2018

The ColdCure is great.

Alyssa from Ohio - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Dec 04, 2018

It's working very well. I've been using the heat pad about 4 times a day. It's really helped out on the left shoulder, it's really made an improvement on that. I'm really happy with that.

James from California - Accessory Sling|ColdCure Top Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape|... - Dec 04, 2018

I love it. It is pretty wonderful. It's so well designed, you can even sleep in it. Very nice.

Kathy from Washington - ColdCure Back - Dec 04, 2018

It works wonderful and I'm really pleased with it.

Bill from Ontario - BFST Ankle - Dec 01, 2018

I'm happy with the King Brand product. I figured they're one of the better ones. I purchased other products over the years and they tend to be a lot more bulkier or the gel tend to not hold its shape and so on so I've been very happy with the King Brand products.

Gregory from Colorado - BFST Side Shoulder|Accessory Sling - Dec 01, 2018

I love the product and It has worked to help with the Bakers Cyst I have behind my knee and have shared the website with multiple friends.

Melodie from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Nov 30, 2018

It's helped me a lot, I've only put it on 3 times but I can significantly feel a difference. It's helped me a lot, I mean it doesn't 100% cure me but man it made a difference.

ALBERT from Arizona - ColdCure Elbow - Nov 30, 2018

I think it's improving and if it keeps going the way it is I'm going to be really happy. I'm already telling other people, so I think it's good. That's really nice of you to call and to even care after you sold the product. I think that is very impressive as a company. That's great customer service.

Sandra from California - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Nov 30, 2018

They're wonderful and I tell everybody about them. They're a great help.

Kathleen from Utah - ColdCure Achilles - Nov 30, 2018

I have just been doing the ice and that's been helpful, and I like the way the ice packs sit in the knee brace so that's nice.

Heidi from Colorado - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 29, 2018

It's a great product and I will certainly refer it to friends if they need it. I never seen anything like it before, everything else is sort of like kloozy, but this is so well designed and easy to work with.

William from New York - ColdCure Achilles - Nov 29, 2018

I really liked the ankle wrap and the ankle wrap worked so well for me that's the reason I purchased the knee wrap.

Linda from Arizona - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Nov 28, 2018

I've had significant improvement using it. I'm using the product, I'm really pleased with it and very thankful too.

David from Georgia - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 28, 2018

I like the products an awful lot. They're well made products and I'm very pleased with them.

Diane from New York - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 28, 2018

I'm very satisfied with the products.

Charlayne from California - ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Ankle|ColdCure Back|Roll Tape - Nov 28, 2018

Thank you for taking the time to explain everything so clearly and carefully. I truly appreciate it.

Patricia from California - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 27, 2018

They are great so far, I really do love the product and it does help out, if I'm walking around at work I bring them with me and I can take a break and put them on there, and it's great.

Anthony from New York - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Nov 27, 2018

I have been using the coldwrap mainly because I had a lot of swelling. I do feel relief from the ColdCure as a matter of fact I'm doing it twice a day so I can keep a steady process, so I can see if I can maximize healing. I really like the shape of the device, it's really easy to use it's sturdy I like it. I keep it in the freezer and just use it twice a day for about 15 to 20 minutes and I feel it does help.

Margot from Texas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Nov 27, 2018

I love the way the ice packs, they're not ice packs they're cooling packs and I put them in the refrigerator. I love the way it holds it's cool. I'm really impressed with King Brand, that y'all care enough to even follow up with customers. It's phenomenal.

Michelle from New York - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 24, 2018

I'm super happy with your product.

Charlotte from New York - BFST Wrist|Roll Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Nov 24, 2018

It's working wonderful. I'm just amazed, this is maybe my fourth day and I can already tell a huge difference.

Pam from Texas - BFST Knee - Nov 24, 2018

It's great, it's perfect.

Karen from Minnesota - ColdCure Back - Nov 23, 2018

The only comfort that I have had with this condition is because of your package.

DIANE from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Nov 23, 2018

I love the tape, it gives me a feeling of confidence and a feeling of comfort.

Mario from New York - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Nov 23, 2018

I really appreciate you all taking the time to call to follow up on the product, I'm really impressed!

Irma from Texas - BFST Foot - Nov 22, 2018

It's just a really good product it relieves the bakers cyst I'm very happy with it.In fact I took it to my orthopedic doctor and showed it to him and he was glad that I found such a product. I've showed it to some other people that I know have knee problems and I think everyone's pretty enthusiastic about it.

Mary from Kansas - ColdCure Leg - Nov 22, 2018

The cold pack I love, the arm thing is great because I can walk around with it, love your cold pack.

amy from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Elbow - Nov 21, 2018

I love it.

Carole from Alaska - BFST Foot|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Nov 20, 2018

It works great, it's perfect. I sure appreciate it. Thank you so much for your service, it was first class.

John from Alabama - - Nov 17, 2018

They work great, they're helping out 100%.

Jeramy from Alabama - Roll Tape|ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Nov 16, 2018

In July I tore the meniscus in my left knee. I had some pain and the knee would lock up when I would sit for long periods. The doctor said I would need surgery at some point because the tear was in an area with little blood flow and would not heal on it's own. I had an 8 day bike trip planned for Oct. The doctor said biking would be ok, so I planned surgery for the end of Oct. I found King Brand online while searching online. I used the KB support tape when I rode my bike, then used the cold cure wrap post work out. I did PFST treatments 4-6 times per day. After 2 month I was able to walk pain free. In Oct, I rode my bike 444 mi on the Natchez Trace Trail from Natchez, MI to Nashville. I had no knee pain. Between the King Brand products and the biking I was able to cancel my surgery. I no longer have knee pain. The knee is not 100% but I plan to continue doing the treatments. I'm so happy that I found this company. Phyllis Bitow

Phyllis from New Jersey - Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 15, 2018

I recently purchased the cold cure and BFST for elbow tendinitis. I am so pleased with the results. I will be using these products as long as I remain active, which will be forever! My husband is now also using it. The follow up call I received and helpful information was also wonderful. Great company. Great buy! M. Verola - Florida

Michele from Florida - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Nov 15, 2018

I do love it because it's so much easier than trying to keep an ice pack on there. I love it conforming, I just went out to get the mail, I didn't have to take the pack off, it could still be on. I like that a lot.

Shirley from Texas - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Nov 15, 2018

In regards to the shoulder treatment thing I received, I love it, 2 thumbs up. Great item, I'm very happy with it.

Randall from Pennsylvania - BFST Top Shoulder - Nov 15, 2018

He love that one, it's so good. It help him a lot

jorge from Ontario - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Nov 15, 2018

It worked, it was like a miracle, I couldn't believe how well it worked. It's a good product and I like how you call and check up.

Diane from Florida - BFST Wrist - Nov 15, 2018

Thanks so much for following up. Not many companies actually do that anymore. I purchased the shoulder wrap after success with the first elbow wrap for tendonitis a few years ago. I occasionally overuse by arms, so I have been using the new elbow wrap for flareups, and love that it works so well. The shoulder wrap has really helped with a biceps tendon flareup after rotator cuff/biceps tendon surgery a few years ago. Both are so easy to use, and the side benefit is that it forces me to sit down for 20 minutes a few times during the day! The warmth is very relaxing. I like your products so much that I sent your home page link to a family member who has a foot issue, and she forwarded it to a friend who recently had knee surgery. Thank you for making such high quality medical products.

Veda from Colorado - BFST Side Shoulder - Nov 14, 2018

I really like it a lot, I've been using it I mean I've just used it for the 2 days but I have used it and I really do like it.

Gail from Connecticut - BFST Knee|Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Nov 11, 2018

I think this thing is working remarkably, I mean I don't know how to describe it, I'm making big progress. I've gotten to the point where I'm doing the heat thing 4 or 5 times and I did the cold stuff too and what I'm trying to say is I'm doing great! Last night I had to go out to dinner and so I thought I'd be really daring and that's the first time I used that tape, and I went in regular shoes, and I could walk ok. Honey, I'm telling you this might be revolutionary, and so I'm almost improving to the point that I'm scared I'm going to you know, do too much and go backwards so I'm trying to be conservative but I've got it on right now. I just thank you, if I continue on this, as I say I don't want to get over confident and then do something and go backwards but this is helping me tremendously. I had this ice pack in my refrigerator I had used that several days before this got here and I had also been wearing my boot which I think has helped, but it was not progressing at any kind of significant rate. I mean I felt like a kid at Christmas when that package came I ripped it open I put it on and I did at least 2 versions of the cold before the electrical thing and I still don't understand how that tape helps you because it doesn't effect how you move your foot around, but by golly it must do something good because I walked better yesterday than I have since this thing has happened.

John from South Carolina - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape - Nov 11, 2018

thank you so much I had not expected, in your mail it said someone would call me and I was not sure. but its true someone called me and I very much appreciate it, that's very good and not only to sell some products but also you have service after sale so that's very good thank you.

zhe from Maryland - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Back - Nov 11, 2018

I like the product, it's very good.

Eunice from Wisconsin - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Nov 10, 2018

They're easy to use and really happy to have this. I'm really impressed and very happy with the support.

Lisa from California - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Nov 09, 2018

It works, my knee's doing a lot better.

Debbie from Alberta - BFST Knee - Nov 09, 2018

I could kick myself for not noting the name of the personable lady who solved my delima on the phone just now, but I would just like to say what a pleasure it was talking to her, and also how much I have enjoyed the relief your back heat and cold therapy has given my 87 year old back! Thank you!

John from Alabama - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Nov 08, 2018

They are great wraps I mean before I had the blue gel ice pack which you know I had to stand on, at least with the gel pack with this one it's connected to my foot. The heat one keeps me mobile. I love the cold I mean it's colder then cold when they come out of the freezer it's amazing and the boot it fits really well.The beauty of both of the wraps is the fact that you can recline and get your foot up that's a big plus and get the cold and just to rest it and I imagine with the BFST as well having less of a fight to get the blood flow to that region will help the situation.I'm glad that I bumped into your brand, its good that you put yourself up in search engines and that's how I found you. I use a search engine and your ad comes right up at the top and I just started reading it and I was like good lord this makes sense. I spent thousands of dollars to get to where I am today and the money on these wraps is the best money I have spent to date, so onward and upward we'll see if we can knock this thing out before a year. I think we can make it work and I appreciate the guidance.Thanks so much for the advice.

Benjamin from New Hampshire - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Nov 07, 2018

I ordered your product and have been using things for about a week and things are going well. I can tell that I'm having decreased fluid I didn't know how that was going to happen, my doctor wanted me to go get it drained and take Naprosyn and see a pain specialist but I told her I was going to hold off on that because I knew this was coming in the mail. I'm not taking Naprosyn cause the cold packs are helping out and I'm not using them every day now because I read the directions and the pain has really diminished but boy for a whole month before I even went to the doctor it was horrible.

Kathy from California - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 07, 2018

Your products are amazing and have done tremendous healing for me. I tell everyone I come across who has a need for one of your products about it and direct them to your website. I know several people who have bought multiple pieces and are as pleased as I am.

Donna from Iowa - BFST Back - Nov 05, 2018

I really like the way they work, the cold one really helped after I got it, I did it for the first 48 hours and that really helped to reduce a lot of the swelling, I switched to the warm one but anytime if it feels like I've been walking too much and it feels kinda tired or sore I switch back to the ice.

Cheryl from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Nov 04, 2018

I'm very impressed that you called and really appreciate it.

James from Georgia - BFST Foot - Nov 03, 2018

In my piriformis area and my hip and so they fit really nicely in my chair. So when I am working I can sit on them which is what I am doing now and it kinda hits right in that area where I really need it.

Stephanie from North Carolina - ColdCure Body|BFST Body - Nov 02, 2018

It's great. I love it.

Joan from Florida - BFST Foot - Nov 01, 2018

Ya I appreciated your guy's customer service.

Peter from District of Columbia - Wide Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Nov 01, 2018

I love the products, they are great they are actually an improvement over the freezie wraps.

Augusto from New York - ColdCure Elbow|ColdCure Knee - Oct 31, 2018

I absolutely love it. It's everything that it says on the website. I tore the meniscus, both sides, and strained the MCL. I've had residual swelling and inflammation and that has really helped.

Kathleen from Florida - ColdCure Knee - Oct 31, 2018

It's working great, I'm really pleased with it.

Sylvia from North Carolina - ColdCure Knee - Oct 31, 2018

I just wanted to thank you for your courtesy, your helpfulness, your professionalism. You don't get customer service like that as much as you would like to. You're the best asset. Sometimes in a situation, you don't know the questions to ask, you don't know what you need. You made sure you told me what would help without me asking, you put my mind at ease.

Patricia from British Columbia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 31, 2018

They have helped tremendously, they have been amazing.

Douglas from Michigan - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 31, 2018

The information on the web site is very helpful

Sandy from Idaho - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Oct 29, 2018

I know the product, I have another one for me that was from my daughter. I'm so happy, it has helped both of us it's wonderful.

Marianela from North Carolina - BFST Back - Oct 28, 2018

They are, very very helpful.Since I started your treatment program I have seen about a 15% improvement in my discomforts all along where as before it was pretty steady no improvement.

William from Florida - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 28, 2018

They are well made and they are easy to put on and take off.

Deborah from New York - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 28, 2018

Everything is going well and I sure am happy I found your company

John from Florida - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Oct 26, 2018

A girl called me yesterday, she was so helpful and told me some good tips.

marlene from Florida - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 24, 2018

I had severe pain in my achilles tendon with a lump in the center of the tendon. This went on for about 4 years until I finally went to my orthopedic doctor. I was diagnosed with severe tendenosis which is micro tears in the tendon. I had tried physical therapy with stretching, ultra sound and laser light. None of these helped for more than a day. The Doctor put me in a boot for 10 weeks to rest the tendon but it was not getting any better. Why? Because the blood flow was compromised and until that flow could be increased the tendon would not heal. I started researching options for tendonosis help and found King Brand. I ordered it and within 4 days of using it, 3X's a day on the tendon I began to feel a reduction in my pain. Now I have been using it almost two months and I have an 90% reduction in my pain. I can actually palpitate the tendon and feel little if any pain whereas before I could barely touch it and the lump of scar tissue is greatly reduced. Some days when I am walking I all of a sudden realize I am not experiencing any pain. I also had some mild tendonitis on my left achilles tendon so have started using it daily on that tendon and it is almost gone. The BFS does work, nothing else I had tried before getting their product worked. I would highly recommend trying their product.

Ellen from Utah - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Oct 23, 2018

So far I'm very happy with it. I've actually had some relief. I was having trouble sleeping and everything, and I'm starting to sleep better now.

Cynthia from New York - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Oct 23, 2018

So when I ran across you guys, I was floored. I'm doing well. I'm an active person who is crippled. After my last treatment at night, the BFST is the last thing I use and I have not had any cramps, not a single one. And I thank you guys very much.

pat from Arkansas - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Oct 23, 2018

I"m doing teriffic, I've been singing your guys' praises to anyone I can find. I am going to be writing a letter to my doctor to tell him, so he can tell his other patients. I'm amazed, and it has been nothing short of a god-sent.

Glenda from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 23, 2018

I just spoke with Megan who was incredibly helpful. She was efficient yet compassionate. For the first time I feel a glimmer of hope. Thank you so much. I am looking so forward to yur product.

Anne from Washington - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Oct 23, 2018

I'm very pleased with that, that's why I keep come back and buying. It's working very well.

Victor from New Jersey - BFST Leg - Oct 23, 2018

The service that I received fro you is the best I've received in years. The item you've sent me, it's helping.

Chester from Texas - ColdCure Knee - Oct 23, 2018

This has helped me more than anything else.

Celia from Texas - BFST Foot - Oct 22, 2018

this is great tape, I have been ordering for 3 years or so and the service is also good.

barbara from Virginia - Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 22, 2018

fast shipping and a great transaction

sue from Florida - Roll Tape - Oct 22, 2018

Thank you very much. I have managed to get some of my foot pain under control. They are working for me.

Tim from Alberta - - Oct 22, 2018

Just a note to say thanks for your product as it has really eased the IT Band muscle problem I had for many months. Two types of massages only gave minor relief. Now, I use the leg wrap to only for what it is intended but as opened out, on my shoulders as I seem to carry the weight of the world there

Barbara from Texas - BFST Leg - Oct 22, 2018

I really like it, I think it is helping a lot.

Michelle from Colorado - BFST Elbow - Oct 22, 2018

I love that wrap, it's wonderful.

Sharla from California - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Oct 20, 2018

I love it.

Terry from California - ColdCure Back|Accessory Strap - Oct 20, 2018

Megan was very helpful and very thorough on it and not pushy. Shes the kind of people I can deal with and I just want to tell you she was very good.

Dale from Tennessee - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 19, 2018

It's one of our favorite things. We've told all our relatives that they need to get one and keep buying them as for gifts.

steve from Connecticut - ColdCure Back - Oct 18, 2018

I just wanted to tell you that you are really good at your job. You handled this whole situation with such grace. My mom is hard of hearing so that is why I made the call. The fact that you said you were sorry this happened would have totally won her over. It wasn't your fault that we didn't pay attention to the website description of the product or that something fell out of the box but you started with I am sorry this happened and that is so appreciated. You were very kind, up-beat, and so knowledgeable about the product. All of that combined is rare these days. Hope your day is a good one. Thanks for your help.

Paula from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg - Oct 17, 2018

It's made a world of difference in my leg. They were both very sore, I couldn't even walk. It's really good.

Janice from California - BFST Knee - Oct 16, 2018

It's great

Irene from Alabama - BFST Top Shoulder - Oct 15, 2018

it's the best cold wrap ever

Mike from Wisconsin - ColdCure Knee - Oct 14, 2018

It's working fabulously. I went to my doctor's office yesterday and he looked at my leg and told me to continue wearing it. It's actually working wonderful and I can bend my leg with no pain.

Dorothy from Louisiana - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Leg - Oct 12, 2018

It'a working very good. I have a small tear in my meniscus and it's really helping. It's working really good.

Mary from Iowa - BFST Knee - Oct 11, 2018

I've got the cold pack, the heat and the tape I got that last week, I ordered it and it was here in 2 days thank you all so much the ice pack really helps. On Monday I did the ice packs before I went to work and All day I had no pain. On Monday it was wonderful, I cannot tell you it was wonderful like it used to be. I am thrilled with this, it's worth the price.

Katharina from Tennessee - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Oct 10, 2018

It works very well, I'm feeling great. In fact I've told a couple people about your products.

Anne from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Leg - Oct 10, 2018

I love your warming boot- the one you plug in with three settings. I've had plantar fasciitis for 5 months- trying the more traditional treatments- compression socks, rolling with ice bottles and balls, stretching- etc. When I read about your theory, it made sense practically given my experience.

shannon from Texas - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 09, 2018

I love it, it helps very much with my plantar fasciitis.

Christine from California - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 09, 2018

This is one of the best wraps that I have ordered. Best performance and best design.

ROBERT from New York - ColdCure Knee - Oct 07, 2018

I love how the ice goes right into the thing and straps around your foot. There's multiple ice packs. They're great.

Angela from Illinois - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Oct 06, 2018

You guys are a wonderful customer-oriented company.

Jay from Tennessee - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Leg - Oct 05, 2018

Your products are unreal. I'm treating a meniscus tear, the knee is problematic. The protocol that I did, I'm already in my 3rd week, it's amazing. I'm back to walking, I'm back to baseline. I'm amazed. My orthopedic surgeon said that he just couldn't believe it.

Mona from Massachusetts - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Oct 05, 2018

It's working really great, I'm able to walk again. It's kinda different you know. It feels good in a way, but in another way when I walk away from it, there's total relief. There's no more throbbing, no more sharp pain in it.

Kevin from Kansas - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Oct 05, 2018

I really like it, it's working well for me.

Verdela from Idaho - ColdCure Foot - Oct 05, 2018

Its a miracle wrap!

Mary from Minnesota - BFST Knee - Oct 02, 2018

Its been very beneficial, Im really pleased with the products

Marcia from British Columbia - ColdCure Top Shoulder|BFST Top Shoulder - Oct 02, 2018

Its great. I use it everyday

THOMAS from Virginia - BFST Knee - Oct 02, 2018

Bought 1 for myself and my daughter. Now my wife wants her own. Very good product.

Hal from Nevada - ColdCure Back - Oct 02, 2018

Thank you for the excellent customer service.

James from New Jersey - ColdCure Body - Oct 01, 2018

I received the Cold Cure Wrap on Wednesday. I've been using it since Thursday, and I'm very happy with the progress. That's why I decided to order the other knee wrap today. I wish to speed up my recovery.

Marie-Christine from Ontario - ColdCure Knee - Sep 30, 2018

I'm using your products for plantar fasciitis and I just wanna tell you, it's been really very helpful and I appreciate it. I couldn't even walk on my foot, I'm walking on it. Nothing was working, oh gosh my foot was so swollen. It's looking more normal now and it's feeling more normal now so I thank you all for that.

JOAHANNA from Texas - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|Roll Tape|ColdCure Foot - Sep 29, 2018

I used the cold wraps for about a week and then last night I started with the warm wrap. Oh my goodness, what a difference it's made today. I had not hurt today, which is amazing. it's working. When I woke up today, I woke up without pain for the first time, in I can't tell you when. I love your products.

Paula from Florida - ColdCure Back|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Back - Sep 29, 2018

I absolutely love it. It's the perfect size, the gel packs, they're just like the perfect width so they're not so bulky. It's great, I really like the wrap, I like the way it's designed.

shannan from Texas - ColdCure Back - Sep 28, 2018

I love it, it working for me.

Lori from Michigan - ColdCure Achilles - Sep 28, 2018

I'm very satisfied, it's doing a great job for me.

Barbara from Ohio - ColdCure Back - Sep 28, 2018

I recently ordered the Cold Cure: Large Body pad Wrap. Although it worked exactly as advertised I determined that it was just a little too large for what I needed. I contacted customer service and received their return instructions. At the same time I ordered the smaller version of the Body pad Wrap. When I took the item to the post office they originally quoted me a price of $52.00 which I decided was way to much to return an $84.00 item. I returned home and again contacted customer service and after some discussion we came to an agreement on how to return the unwanted item. When I returned to the post office today I found out that the clerk at the post office incorrectly figured the shipping cost and in fact the mailing cost only came to $32.00. I again contacted customer service to let them know about the post office error but they said they would stand by their original offer. I would highly recommend ordering products from King Brand not only because of the quality but especially the professional and friendly service you receive from customer service. Thanks again for you help Angie Phil

Phil from Louisiana - Accessory Strap|ColdCure Body - Sep 27, 2018

I love this product, I love the ice thing and I think it's a great product.

Karen from Washington - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Sep 27, 2018

Compared to what I was I'm 100%, not 100% better, I'd say 90%. It really feels way better. Sitting here at the counter in my kitchen, I couldn't sit here for more than a few minutes and it would be, start pain. But I've been sitting here, I sat here yesterday for like an hour, no pain. It's working.

lisa from Colorado - BFST Knee - Sep 27, 2018

Seems like it is helping...a lot better than what it was

Ronald from Ohio - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Sep 25, 2018

Thanks! Super kudos to Angie! Friendly and helpful!

Darryl from Saskatchewan - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 25, 2018

I am seeing improvement on your product, which I really really appreciate. I was ready to go in and have both shoulders operated on. My pain during the day time has really improved on both shoulders due to your products.

Jon from Iowa - ColdCure Side Shoulder - Sep 24, 2018

I love it, I really do my knee it's getting better it still hurts but not as bad as it did before.

Joan from Connecticut - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Sep 23, 2018

Thank you so much for your fantastic customer service!!

Debbie from California - BFST Leg - Sep 21, 2018

i have waited for almost 2 months to write this review. wanted to rate it honestly. started 5 years ago while at work. my knees started hurting on stairs and then kneeing and walking. retired 4 years ago. the knee pain still persisted. tolerable. then 3 months ago the pain increased to the point of me dragging my knee. getting to and off my knees sent me almost to tears. it felt like bone on bone. i started to get depressed thinking i was headed for a knee replacement. it was that painful. went in for an exam. doc said cartilage was good, looked like a torn meniscus. read the KB web page and they said the meniscus is a tissue, it can be healed. i bought it. the doc wanted me to go to rehab at $75 a pop. KB? $150? i'll try it. 3 days later i had it. within 2 days i thought i felt better, but tried to ignore it. 4th-5th day, i started walking and not dragging my knee. i used the porch steps, bad knee 1st. still hurt, but do-able. with-in 2 weeks i was running my sawmill again, but cautiously. still tender. to months later- i'm back to doing everything i used to do. i'm still not out of the water yet. i'm at 90% good knee. i can go down on my knees and get up without pain for the 1st time in years. started at a work out center to strengthen the knee and other parts. I'm 58. this KB gave me back my freedom, and i cancelled my knee specialist appointment. Oh, and my dad bought a KB for his shoulder. suggest cold pak and knee support (mental and physical). costumer service. i thought i had a problem with the unit not working. they sent me a new one even after i told them to hold off, because it seemed to be working. i returned the new one. then i received a phone call at 2:00 on a sunday wanting to know if i was doing okay. she proceeded to educate me on the usage of the KB. great stuff. i received further followups in the later weeks. i've told approx 20 people my story, some just strangers in obvious pain. i'll give them permission to send you my email on request.

martin from Michigan - BFST Knee - Sep 20, 2018

You guys are truly the best. I recommend your products all the time -- great therapy and great customer service.

Mary from Tennessee - BFST Back - Sep 19, 2018

It works so good, I absolutely love it. That's a wonderful product. It's one of the best products I've ever bought, it has brought so much relief to my tendonitis. It has taken care of it so well. I'm so glad you called to check because I do, I love that product. And it really truly does help with tendonitis.

Jane from Kansas - ColdCure Wrist - Sep 19, 2018

Your products are fabulous, I've had this condition for 39 years on one knee and 35 years on the other one, ya know surgery and misspent youth and all that, and various other things you can look at my orders, my shoulders, my back and I just said I'm tired of being in pain and I've got to order the right stuff. Your quality of your equipment is fabulous, I really like it.

Marc from Nevada - ColdCure Knee - Sep 18, 2018

I bought this one for my daughter because I liked it so much and I gave it to her and she likes it.

Gregory from Michigan - ColdCure Back - Sep 18, 2018

They're great!

Michael from Alberta - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Sep 17, 2018

The continuous wrap, we just have't figured that out, but the others have been wonderful both of them the ice and the electric and it seemed to help his elbow immediately. I just have to tell you this just really made a difference all the ice packs we made and the heating pads we used nothing, and the first couple days he used these it was wonderful.

David from Ohio - ColdCure Elbow|Roll Tape|BFST Elbow - Sep 16, 2018

I love that cold wrap. I'm actually outside walking around. I messed up my knee the last week in July and someone told me that I may have pulled my meniscus. Here it's the middle of September and it was still uncomfortable and I couldn't walk very well, but now, today has been THE best day! I haven't been up this much, I know, I checked my steps on my watch and I have over 2000 steps today. Before it was like 600-700, the minimal. Just enough to go get my cold pack and put it on and lay back down. What a great product, I love it! It was worth every penny.

rita from Florida - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Sep 16, 2018

Well I'm really impressed with your company I gotta tell you.

Beth from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 16, 2018

I just wanted to say how great both of these items are. I wish I could do this stuff when at work. I do it a lot when I get home and then again all weekend, I'll do both the hot and the cold and they feel great by the time Monday morning comes, but I can only do a little bit at night. It'll just be a bit of a slower process, but it most definitely is well worth the money and I really appreciate it. That's the coldest thing I've had. I can't believe how cold it is. It says in the brochure that it's 3 times colder than ice, and I believe it.

Kelly from Colorado - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 15, 2018

I love the cold packs, they make me feel really good.

Jodi from Florida - BFST Back|ColdCure Back - Sep 14, 2018

I really enjoy using it. Overall, it feels better than it was and I can even, when I'm at home walk around without any difficulty.

Joan from Massachusetts - ColdCure Achilles - Sep 14, 2018

I've been buying over and over again. I'm so happy with the products and I'm always happy that you call and ask how it's going. Nobody does that, only you.

Katerina from New Jersey - BFST Back - Sep 14, 2018

I really like your product.

Dave from Nevada - ColdCure Back - Sep 14, 2018

Wow, I've never experienced this kind of customer service before you guys are really on top of it.

Michael from Virginia - BFST Wrist - Sep 13, 2018

She explained SO much about how to PROPERLY use the BFST and why it was important to ICE when there was pain. I was using ONLY the BFST and on way too high of a setting. I now know that I should do a session on each knee in the A.M. and several times throughout the day as prevention and/or to address the little injuries that occur in my old and quickly getting older (I'll be 69 in a couple of weeks) knees. She also explained that when there IS pain I should ice the area before doing BFST and if I do a BFST first the icing will sort of cancel it out midstream and I should follow with another at some point after the icing. She convinced me with literally no selling tricks that I must get the knee cold cure and that I can even use one of the gel packs to sit on when I'm icing a knee if one of my sciatica/glute pains is happening. I'm all about avoiding surgery and the medical profession in general. I don't take prescription meds and self treat any ailments (INCLUDING osteoporosis) without prescriptions. SO I ordered the cold cure and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival so that I can now, after Jesse's EXCELLENT tutoring, tree my knees the way they need to be for them to be in the best condition possible. Jesse was warm, engaging, and incredibly helpful and never once made me feel that she wanted to be anywhere other than on that phone helping me. Do you even realize what a gem that is? I do not often deal with companies a second time if I have terrible customer service, but I WILL deal with companies for LIFE if the customer service is as good as what I received from Jesse today. I can always tell when a company treats it's employees well by how they sound on customer care call. Jesse sounded like one of the happiest and best informed customer service reps I've ever spoken with. Honestly, you will be added to any advice I pass on to friends and family who are equally suffering from knee problems. I have a daughter who is only 47 but has some knee issues. I will be buying both the cold cure and bfst for her next birthday. A little excessive for me for birthday gift $ but she's my kid!! How can I not spend the money to help her heal and to reduce her pain!

Marie from Colorado - ColdCure Knee - Sep 11, 2018

I really like it, I think it's the best cold wrap that I've purchased.

Heather from Alabama - ColdCure Leg - Sep 11, 2018

I love my treatments, it's really helping out

Susan from New Mexico - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Sep 10, 2018

Absolutely outstanding! We had no doubt.

Robert from Illinois - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee - Sep 09, 2018

Thank you for the call. I appreciate your courtesy.

Thomas from New York - BFST Elbow|Wide Roll Tape - Sep 09, 2018

It does feel like it's better motion wise, it feels pretty good.

David from South Carolina - BFST Top Shoulder - Sep 07, 2018

I bought the foot wrap because I had a plantar plate tear. I didn't have to go for surgery because of this wrap.

Linda from North Carolina - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Sep 07, 2018

I am actually able to sleep through the night now. It's been helping. I've been doing therapy and my therapy is almost running out. It was still really bothering me so I thought I would give this a shot and it's helping.

Bonnie from Pennsylvania - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape - Sep 07, 2018

So far, it is excellent. I have made great strides in the 4 days that I've been using it. Things have improved immensely. I just can't thank you enough for this. The BFST feels great when it's on. It is amazing and I definitely will recommend this to others.

Sharon from Nevada - BFST Top Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Sep 07, 2018

I really like the gel packs. It's wonderful that there's three. The material is very nice too.

Kathorin from Connecticut - ColdCure Knee - Sep 06, 2018

Yesterday I spoke with a representative about my problems and she was extremely informative actually went beyond great customer service by looking things up talking with me giving me suggestions on what to do with the cold wrap. Never rushed me thru it. I have purchased products before for wrist and for shoulder and it did work very very well I'm going to take her advice on how to do the knee and how often to do the knee. That is the second customer service person I have talked to on a injury and treatment and both times they were extremely helpful. They definitely do a good customer service job and should be recognized for it. Thank you Carol Visconti.

Carol from Connecticut - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Sep 05, 2018

there are a lot of peole out there with these types of problems. I had actually stumbled onto King products by looking up things on the internet. I have tried several things and then after getting the advice from the first couple times I called you and saw how absolutely great it did end up working I then realize your place really goes beyond just selling. I am the type of person who doesn't want surgery to be the first thing and although I might not cure all my problems I want to control it as long as I can. Actually the hand wrist injury was so responsive I have not had to do it again, altho I did spend approximately 3 weeks treating it. If it happens again (because I do tend to overwork sometimes) I know what to do right away. Thank u for being there so willing to help. Carol

Carol from Connecticut - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Sep 05, 2018

You are doing something that most companies don't do and that's impressive, you do offer the amazing service and suggestions almost I feel like I'm talking to a Doctor or a nurse, ya know that's pretty impressive that is, I've never experienced that when I've purchased anything else that's for sure

Greg from Ohio - ColdCure Knee - Sep 05, 2018

And I've never found anything like this before in my life, I am absolutely thrilled with this product I just can't believe it.Thank you so much, and this is such a fantastic product I just don't understand how more people don't know about it, I try.. I'm your greatest ya know fan I try to advocate for it and people just don't seem to understand that it's an investment, but boy does it work! It's a different kind of wrap it's like I'm trying to tell them, yes it's 140 bucks but you're gonna get better, so thank you for your assistance I love it, I love your product, I hope they stay forever, I um I hope I have one for the rest of my life, but thank you so much

Judie from Pennsylvania - BFST Back - Sep 05, 2018

I like your product because it treats the specific area.

Steve from Maine - ColdCure Elbow - Sep 05, 2018

I love your products

Marie from Colorado - ColdCure Knee - Sep 05, 2018

I have a lot of wonderful news about it, it's been great. I'm glad I ordered it. I have a lot of areas on my body that's been hurting and the cold is all that helps, and it has been absolutely awesome. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Leda from Oregon - ColdCure Knee|ColdCure Back|ColdCure Wrist - Sep 05, 2018

It's great, it works really well cause I had a slight injury with the back of my leg and so it works really well. Thank you for such great customer service, this is wonderful.

jan from Wisconsin - ColdCure Leg - Sep 05, 2018

The reason I'm coming back to you guys, because I thought the customer service was amazing. You know, checking up on me and making sure I had the right thing.

Donna from Florida - ColdCure Achilles - Sep 05, 2018

I can tell the difference immediately with the cold pack. I was diagnosed with bakers cyst. I went on your website, and I'll tell ya, it was so easy to use. I was in pain, on ibuprofen and I was like I'm not doing surgery if I don't have to. I'm gonna nip this and I'm very pleased with it.

Sandy from Georgia - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Sep 05, 2018

I do like the products, I really, I'm pleased with them.....

Helen from Arkansas - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Sep 04, 2018

I recently purchased your um,ColdCure wraps for both of my Achilles tendons because I have tendonitis, first of all I want to say they are fantastic.... It definitely works great.

Keith from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles - Sep 04, 2018

I can't begin to tell you how I live with these things,besides using it in the um, in the Velcro like to put around your knee I use it at ah at night when I go to sleep I'll take it and stick it inside my underwear and go lay down in bed so that immediately that, just that bit of cold is enough to kinda let you go to sleep because it takes away that, you know that sharp aching. And then now I put it on my shoulder even..... But I mean I don't travel without them, I mean I've been, we were on a European cruise I everywhere I go I take them, with me. I do not go, cause you know what, every place you go has a little refrigerator.So you know you have a place to ya know, cool them off, And I do not travel without these ice packs....

ANN from New York - ColdCure Leg - Sep 03, 2018

This tape is great, wear it and fell no pain from knee most of the time

Janice from California - Roll Tape - Sep 03, 2018

I think it's helping out a lot.

Jennifer from Ohio - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Sep 03, 2018

ya, I've been using it, ya it feels a lot better.

douglas from Pennsylvania - BFST Side Shoulder - Sep 03, 2018

Oh yea it's ah it's good, in fact I have Plantar Faciitis and I, I've had two, two set of yours before that I've used periodically and I gave them to a friend that was going on a trip and had just injured their feet. So I had to buy, buy me another one. I think they are fantastic, I, I love them I need to buy one more for my other foot then I'll, I'll be set again......And I do, ya know I think that product is fantastic I, I wouldn't have passed that on to my friends if I didn't think that.....That's fantastic,this is unusual to get a call like this from a, from a company that I buy things for I think it's pretty neat....

Larry from Maryland - ColdCure Foot - Sep 03, 2018

It seems to be really helping him,um so he's iced it for about a week before it came so we um he went right to the heat treatments and so he started out on level one and then when he stopped feeling the heat he moved up to level 2 and now he's actually on level 3 and today he said it felt really good and he's not walking with a boot anymore, um he hasn't played any sports I haven't let him play anything cause I want him to ya know do as much treatment as possible. It's for my um 15 year old son, that's he hurt himself, and he got Achilles tendonitis in soccer camp and he was in a lot of pain, so I just ya know, did a search online and I just kinda gave you guys a shot with a prayer hoping that it would ya know, help him and it seems to be helping him like I said he's not walking with a boot, and he did work um, he's a busboy on Saturday nights. He did work the other night which he wouldn't have been able to do without the treatment, so I think it's really helping him.

debra from Massachusetts - ColdCure Achilles|BFST Achilles|Roll Tape - Sep 03, 2018

Good, Good it works great...

Charles from New Hampshire - ColdCure Knee - Sep 03, 2018

it's goin really well....yea, it's workin out pretty good so far.

Carlos from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - Sep 03, 2018

Everythings going really well because I measured the knee where the cyst was and it measured like 17 and a half inches and I measured it last week and it was 14 and 3 quarters...

Melodie from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg - Sep 02, 2018

helping quite a bit

Clifford from Massachusetts - BFST Wrist - Sep 02, 2018

its amazing

William from Wisconsin - ColdCure Wrist - Sep 02, 2018

The product is amazing. It's working, I don't know how but it is.

Junah from New York - BFST Elbow - Aug 31, 2018

Well gosh you guys are terrific... It's nice to deal with a company that's terrific!

Jennifer from Nevada - ColdCure Top Shoulder|ColdCure Wrist|Roll Tape - Aug 30, 2018

We've got a business where we are working all the time, so, but anyway ya it works really good.. It's a good product.

SHERI from Texas - ColdCure Foot - Aug 30, 2018

As far as my tendinitis goes, it is a lot better than last summer/fall when i had to stop playing golf altogether for 6 weeks, before i began using the KB BFST Elbow Wrap. Cannot wait to re-start the treatments, as i experienced a huge benefit from the wrap, and used it consistently for 8 months

R from Tennessee - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Aug 29, 2018

Yes I got it and I love it, I love them...

Ellen from Mississippi - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 26, 2018

I'm really enjoying them, they help my swollen feet.

Ellen from Utah - ColdCure Foot - Aug 26, 2018

The products are really well made, it's nice because you can wear it.

Diane from Alaska - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Back|BFST Back|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 25, 2018

I do like that very much. I like the way that I'm able to put the ice inside the boot and how I can strap it up and I can make it tighter if it gets looser and the velcro and it works so well. And I like the ice pads, their shapes to fit. I'm very impressed with it.

Debbi from North Carolina - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 24, 2018

It was helping so much, I can't even tell you I have the cold wrap too which I have on my leg right now, but it's the warm one that really diminishes the pain. OH! I love you , Thanks Jesse, thank you for helping me out! Wonderful company!

Christopher from Arizona - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Aug 22, 2018

I can tell you that I'm just, I think the product is great I'm obviously sending it to a friend and it works better and it's neat,ya know it doesn't take up your whole house. and ya know the the what do you call those things the gels that you use,ya know are really nice and you can store them very neatly in your a refrigerator so I or your freezer rather. So I think it's a great product and also the velcro is very strong,ya know so if you have to wrap it tight you can get it tight ya know. And I am very happy with it I think its terrific.... It's a good company.

Thomas from New York - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Aug 22, 2018

I've had some very good success when I had shoulder issues, with this, with this device.

Rich from Illinois - BFST Side Shoulder - Aug 22, 2018

The treatment is working great compared the many other methods I tried before purchasing. I'm almost pain free

Barry from Colorado - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Aug 21, 2018

I had used the knee one before when I tore the meniscus in my knee and, um within 1 week of using the wrap I regained complete mobility... Prior to that, I had gone to the doctor for my knee. I, it was um, I had injured it doing exercises and um I was suffering from it for over a month and wasn't getting any better. I couldn't sit down or stand up without assistance, you know, because it was really painful and like I said, after using it for about 1 week faithfully 4 times a day, um, I was able to completely regain that mobility.

Valerie from Oregon - BFST Knee|BFST Back|BFST Top Shoulder - Aug 21, 2018

I wanted to say it's going really well. In a week I've been just utterly amazed at the improvement. I'm thrilled actually.

Dee from Arkansas - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 18, 2018

I had plantar fasciitis so badly that it was to the point of hardly being able to walk even when using a cane. I had been to 3 podiatrists. The last one I went to 3 times, never feeling better, but worse and in more pain each time. I spent a fortune in shoes, lifts, equipment, etc. My quality of life had regressed tremendously- it's hard to function or enjoy life when your feet hurt all the time and you can barely do anything. I finally decided to research and attempt to treat and cure myself. In doing so, I ran across the King Brand information. It made sense! And was not exactly what the podiatrists had been telling me. The podiatrists all seemed to have gone to the same school and been trained in certain set treatments. I took the risk and spent money on your product. Even though it could have been wasted, I was getting desperate and you made sense. Within a couple of days, i had progressed from a cane to a walking stick, then to needing nothing on which to bear my weight. Your products are excellent and your customer service is superb. I still use your products on a somewhat regular basis. I can't tell you how appreciative I am for your knowledge,the company, your products, your customer service. You gave me my life back. Thank you!!

Elaine from Virginia - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Aug 18, 2018

I had bought the ice one and the simulator one cause I had a meniscus tear and it really does help a lot, it's amazing, ya I told a lot of people about it. It's really good, I told my brother about it, but he never got it I told him to get it cause he has a meniscus tear too. Ya, it helps a lot.

rosemarie from Maryland - BFST Knee - Aug 15, 2018

My wife loves it, she says it's outstanding and she's very very very pleased with it. We think it is an outstanding product, she absolutely loves it.

Roy from Florida - ColdCure Leg - Aug 15, 2018

They were wonderful! I couldn't even.. I couldn't get anything from my doctor that compared. I'm really pleased with your product it's really great and the instructions were fantastic... Gold star for you guys!

Margaret from Ontario - BFST Wrist|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Wrist - Aug 14, 2018

I'm quite pleased with the product. I have Plantar Fasciitis and icing is required. It's nice.

Daniel from British Columbia - ColdCure Foot - Aug 14, 2018

I'm so excited about the product. It's great. I couldn't say enough about it, it's working.

Kim from California - ColdCure Foot - Aug 14, 2018

I want to compliment you, I was absolutely impressed with the speed in which I received the package. I used the cold, they worked wonderfully. I'm on the knee heat thing now and it's getting better and I really like the tape. I had a spot on my elbow and a spot on my neck so I put some up there to and by golly, who would ever think that something so simple little product like that working so well. I really appreciate that too.

Pearl from California - BFST Knee|ColdCure Leg|Roll Tape - Aug 11, 2018

It's just what I had hoped it would be and it's working out just fine. I'm very appreciative of having a system that works.

Joe from Maryland - Roll Tape|ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Aug 10, 2018

Uh honest to god, that thing was a life-life changer... I had a surgery on my achilles and I was just using, I went to Walgreens and I bought... just a regular ice pack. I was using that and um I wasn't really getting any results for putting the swelling down... it was definitely worth the 50 bucks. I mean I was hesitant cause it's 50 bucks for an ice pack but it definitely decreased my swelling!

Joe from Delaware - ColdCure Achilles - Aug 09, 2018

I'm glad I found these products. They are working better than expected. I appreciate having someone over the phone that I can talk to.

Norman from Connecticut - ColdCure Leg|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 09, 2018

It's great, I love it.

Kenneth from Texas - ColdCure Knee - Aug 09, 2018

I love the products.... Man, I love them! I love that heat. I can tell the difference between it just a regular, um, heating pad.

Mary from Mississippi - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Aug 08, 2018

Appreciate the speedy service. Been using it all summer. It works quickly.

Geoffrey from Washington - Pre-Cut Tape - Aug 08, 2018

Your ice pack is fantastic. You just wrap it around and it's great, it's really like.... its great!

Dale from North Carolina - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Aug 07, 2018

I like it a lot I mean it does feel really good, and the nice part is that it's attached so if you have to get up and do something you don't have to worry about taking it off, it's like ok good it's on there

Margaret from New Jersey - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Aug 06, 2018

Its helping me out a bunch. My knees healing up pretty good now!

Joe from Ohio - Roll Tape|ColdCure Leg - Aug 05, 2018

It's great, I love it! I bought one for my daughter as well.

Sara from Arizona - BFST Back - Aug 05, 2018

Works much better. The product was very nice. The new product covers the area much better. Lasts longer. Quality is very nice. It gives relief.

David from Tennessee - ColdCure Ankle - Aug 04, 2018

I really like it and I think it will do an awesome job. Last year I had knee surgery and I'd ordered cold wraps for my knee. It was awesome, I don't know what I would of done without it. Swelling down, used it faithfully. Used it everyday. Really got me through the most critical part, right after surgery. Really looking forward to being able to use this. So much appreciated. I'm very thankful and very pleased with this product. It's been awesome for me.

Deborah from Tennessee - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Aug 04, 2018

Absolutely love it. I've been fighting this bursitis forever and literally within 48 hours. I love it. I'm Telling my friends all about your company. Quality of the stuff you send me is fabulous. I'm a big fan just so you know.

Robert from Utah - ColdCure Elbow - Aug 04, 2018

It's working great already, I've been using it 3-4 days now and already starting to see a difference.

Zoey from Texas - BFST Ankle - Aug 02, 2018

I really like the design and the fact that it comes with interchangeable ice packs

Barbara from Arizona - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Aug 01, 2018

Pretty good, my elbow is feeling an awful lot better... It's really helpful.

Jeannie from Iowa - BFST Elbow|ColdCure Elbow - Aug 01, 2018

Since I've had this for the last for days, I do a treatment in the morning and one in the evening and it's like, the inflammation is totally gone! I'm tickled, because this is one of the rare items that I've purchased without seeing other than what I read on your website and that it actually, ACTUALLY works! I couldn't be any more pleased. It's really done a complete turn around for me. I thank you all so much!

Robert from Illinois - ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Jul 30, 2018

I know that its working or I would be taking pain medicine.... I haven't walked like this in over a year.... I could tell after using it 20 minutes that it was already working and Friday morning when I put my foot on the floor I told him, my husband, "oh my gosh"... and I have slept each night and that's what is so amazing.

Mary from Texas - ColdCure Back - Jul 30, 2018

Everything has been working well. I've improved a whole lot in the last week or so since I've had it. I recommend them for sure.

Fred from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jul 28, 2018

I never write customer reviews for products, but I have to let people know about this incredible product. About 3 months ago I tore my hip labrum playing tennis. It was very painful to walk short distances and I had problems sleeping at night because of the pain. Tried resting for 4 weeks, but the pain never went away. Finally got a MRI, it showed a Hip Labral Tear, so I scheduled an appointment with a surgeon. But because the surgeon was in great demand, the appointment was a month away. Everything I read on line said a Hip Labral Tear does not heal on its own. But I saw the King Brand web page claiming they could heal Hip Labral Tears, I was very skeptical, but thought I would give it a shot while waiting to see the surgeon. I did the treatment four times a day, after two weeks my pain at night was gone. When I started treatment I could not walk a ¼ mile without pain, after two weeks I was walking a ½ mile pain free and after four weeks I'm walking 2 miles with no pain. I might be able to walk further pain free, but don't want to push it quite yet. I highly recommend the King Brand for Labral Hip Tears. It saved me from having surgery and the long recovery time associated with it. To sum it up, I had 8 weeks of pain and King Brands caused incredible healing in just 4 weeks. I cannot thank King Brand enough. By the way, there costumer service is excellent.

Gary from California - BFST Back - Jul 27, 2018

It's a good, it's a good unit ya know it's one of the ones, that's just good. You put any other ice pack in the refrigerator afterwards or after you've use it, it doesn't get any, enough chill to do any good here, so at least when like if I'm staying in a hotel here for one night or something it's cold when I wake up. Its been a good product whoever put together the ice packs did a good job

Gary from Illinois - ColdCure Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 26, 2018

I highly recommend the King Brand products and plan to purchase another one of your products for my sore back.

Ramona from New Mexico - BFST Foot - Jul 26, 2018

I gotta say the thing works wonderful, I've been, I'm actually in construction and I'm 62 and I'm still roofing. I was on crutches and a cane for almost a month and I didn't go for surgery I've used your wrap and therapy and I've been roofing all summer.

JAMES from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Knee|Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jul 26, 2018

Customer service person was very helpful.

Lee from Virginia - ColdCure Achilles|Roll Tape - Jul 26, 2018

I love them, I think they're really doing some good. That cold pack is something that I wish I'd known about a long time ago, and the other that helps increase the blood flow to my knee is working perfect.

Geary from Louisiana - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 26, 2018

I purchased both the cold and heat wraps and feel they are both helping my shoulder injury.

Scott from California - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape - Jul 25, 2018

it was actually the website that gave me the courage to actually purchase it to begin with and it really has helped.

Maya from Georgia - BFST Elbow - Jul 25, 2018

They're really good products, they've helped a lot already.

Kenneth from Illinois - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 25, 2018

I do like the ice and the knee wraps. If I get any relief at all it's from that. It's nice to be able to wrap them on and still be a bit mobile.

Sandra from Montana - ColdCure Knee - Jul 25, 2018

I have received my order and am in love with both the cold and hot braces! I've been searching for a long time for something and this is like amazing and so I am in love with them.

Farra from New Hampshire - Accessory Sling|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Top Shoulder|Cold... - Jul 24, 2018

I ordered a ColdCure Wrap for my knee almost a year ago & it was a life safer!!! It was the best purchase I made for the recovery of my meniscus surgery!!

Deborah from Tennessee - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jul 23, 2018

So far everything is good and seems to be helping. he has definitely been able to see a difference already

BRANDON from Michigan - BFST Top Shoulder|Roll Tape|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jul 23, 2018

It will heal I know that, this thing works. I'm glad I called I had your arm thing for 6 months I used it maybe, but it worked I mean I know it did and then one day all of a sudden I was just better. And it was like a miracle one day I woke and I said dang it doesn't hurt. So I was surprised too, it kinda just came out of nowhere. Thank you very much, thank you thank you

Bill from Florida - ColdCure Elbow|BFST Elbow - Jul 22, 2018

I've been using the ice on it, and it just works. It's been doing it's job. They're great products.

Elizabeth from Maryland - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jul 21, 2018

It's a really nice bandage and a really great product

Barry from British Columbia - ColdCure Knee - Jul 21, 2018

I've had orthoscopic surgery on both of my knees, they're both sports injuries and they are ongoing problems and I'd rather not have the surgery anymore. I've tried numerous different things, this ice pack is one of the best form fitting ice packs.

jim from Florida - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee - Jul 19, 2018

I like the product, it seems like it's helping.

David from Florida - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 19, 2018

I am so glad I ordered this. I have bursitis in my hip. I've been following instructions very carefully and I can't believe the difference in 3 days with this treatment and I am just thrilled! I could hardly walk, I had to use crutches, but I'm not even doing that now.

Mike from Washington - ColdCure Back|Roll Tape|BFST Back - Jul 19, 2018

I like it, it's helped out a lot. I'm surprised. I've been on pain medicine for almost a year, never getting rid of the tendonitis and this thing after only having it for a week, I'm able to walk around with minimal pain. So I'm happy! 4 months later - Your product has helped me greatly, I have tendonitis in my left ankle. And I tried everything from medication to exercise without any good results. But using your product in combination with medication and exercise, I started getting relief almost immediately. I'm still using it and walking freely without pain. Just wanted to thank you and everyone at King Brand Heathcare Products. Thank you Ivo Santarelli

ivo from New Jersey - BFST Ankle - Jul 19, 2018

it's working great, I really like it.

Kathy from Minnesota - BFST Elbow|Roll Tape|ColdCure Elbow - Jul 18, 2018

It's Better than anything else I've tried. I've been through physical therapy twice and I've tried different ice wraps and heating pads and boots. This has done me more good than anything else so far. It is the most painless thing I've ever experienced. The ice wraps are great, I always struggled with others keeping them on. If this makes me feel better, rest assured that I'm going to go to my doctor and let him know what I had gone through with the medical field and then I found this on the internet and it has been better than what he had tried to do.

Lisa from Texas - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jul 18, 2018

I love it, it's really helping me a lot. Amazingly a lot. Because I was having pain travelling up under my shoulder blade and my back and it felt like a huge knot, and I used this BFST thing, and I really thought it was a pile of baloney but I tried it anyway, and two treatments and the pain is gone. It's amazing, it's a miracle.

Marlene from Arizona - BFST Elbow - Jul 17, 2018

I like the icing wrap because it fits right on there.

Needham from Indiana - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee|Wide Roll Tape - Jul 17, 2018

It's working great. I can tell whenever I'm not using it, so I need to keep up with it

Jill from Texas - Roll Tape|BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 17, 2018

"I bought one of your products years ago and it worked wonderfully" "I said talk to these people, they know what they are talking about" "That's a good product" "the best thing I ever, best $300 i've ever spent" "I appreciate your help, you guys have always been extremely helpful and awesome I appreciate it" " But I tell you I haven't found anything, any better treatment medically or anything than this and I like the natural healing."

Catherine from North Carolina - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jul 16, 2018

All of your things are so wonderful. If yo uever have to use it, they really mold to you and they are wonderful. They actually really work. I thought an ice pack is an ice pack, but I tried it and an ice pack is NOT an ice pack. It's different. I can't tell you why, maybe because it all doesn't migrate and it stays where it's supposed to. I was at work and didn't bring my wrap with me, a co-worker gave me hers (not your product) to try and it didn't last any time, and I thought, Wow! What a difference!

Marlene from Arizona - BFST Knee - Jul 16, 2018

I used the BFST for 8 months and had fantastic results with my hip labrum tear.

Lisa from Massachusetts - BFST Back|Roll Tape|ColdCure Back - Jul 16, 2018

It's a great product, I really like it.

Dean from Alberta - ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jul 14, 2018

I love the product, it's the only thing that's helped me.

Samuel from New York - ColdCure Knee|Wide Roll Tape|BFST Knee - Jul 13, 2018

The cold is great, I love it

Imelda from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Wrist|BFST Wrist - Jul 13, 2018

I think it's wonderful. King Brand is the answer to my prayers.

Marilyn from Wisconsin - BFST Achilles - Jul 13, 2018

I'm doing great, I love that thing.

Ric from California - ColdCure Knee - Jul 13, 2018

I am writing to let you know that I am so thankful for the products I have purchased from your company, which includes the Cold Cure Wrap and the BFST Wrap. I've been using these 2 products almost daily now for over 1 1/2 years and have been relieved of much pain in my knees since then.

Carol from Wisconsin - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 11, 2018

I am getting results, It's helped an awful lot......You have been very helpful, you have a great organization.

Medio from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee|Wide Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jul 10, 2018

Helps with my Achilles tendinitis

James from New Jersey - Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 09, 2018

I bought these for my boyfriend, he really likes the tape and the cold.

Denise from Michigan - BFST Achilles|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Achilles - Jul 06, 2018

It's great, it helps reduce the pain. I can tell that it's helping

Patricia from New York - BFST Side Shoulder - Jul 06, 2018

My fiance loves it, she uses them every day and it really helps

Craig from Michigan - ColdCure Foot - Jul 06, 2018

I'm really liking it, I'm dealing with severe tendinitis and it's definitely helping so far.

Rich from Kansas - BFST Elbow - Jul 06, 2018

I had ordered one of the KingBrand kits and have been thrilled with it. I know that its getting better. I've never seen anything like this, I really love, I just can't even believe that, ah I feel like it's a gift from God that I got this stuff because I don't think I would have gotten better without the BFST seriously, and I had been icing tonnes ya know with lame, I mean they are so lame compared to your ice packs, So i'm very thankful. And it's just crazy that you guys ya know talk to us. It's so great I'm really in love with your company, it's awesome.

Deborah from New York - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 05, 2018

the coldcure is great it works really fast

Diana from California - ColdCure Knee - Jul 05, 2018

Oh gosh it's just great. I really really appreciate the products and use them faithfully... And your website is wonderful, its just remarkable to amount of information you have.

Carolyn from Mississippi - BFST Ankle - Jul 05, 2018

I am loving it! I am so thrilled and every day that I do certain things that used to make me scream and I'm not screaming is a wonderful day. I am so excited.... Thank you so much. About 5 yrs ago I had fantastic results using the wrap for my knee.

Kim from Tennessee - BFST Knee|ColdCure Knee - Jul 04, 2018

It's awesome, as soon as I put it on I can feel it helping.

Craig from Texas - BFST Achilles - Jul 04, 2018

I cannot believe how well it works! Its amazing... When I found your products I decided well, it's worth a shot and it is amazing!

Karen from New Mexico - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot - Jul 04, 2018

Thank you so much for your help, Y'all are so courteous, more than anyone i've ever spoke to on the phone.

Celia from Texas - Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Jul 03, 2018

I had had this for, I don't know, years and suffered with it and nothing helped and I finally tried this wrap and it worked. And I was so excited about that.... Oh my gosh its just made a huge difference in my foot and I haven't had a problem since. Its a really wonderful thing.

Carmella from North Carolina - ColdCure Back|BFST Back - Jul 02, 2018

It does really help. It really did help a lot so this stuff does really really good. Its different than an ice pack that's for sure! I don't know what it is but it really does work.

Marlene from Arizona - ColdCure Elbow - Jul 02, 2018

I'm very pleased with it and the fact that there's three of the cold inserts makes it really nice for swapping them out. And I like the fact that it kind of conforms its pliable to conform so it stays on better. So far I am very happy with it.

Linda from California - BFST Wrist|ColdCure Wrist - Jul 02, 2018

I really am pleased with it because it is giving me relief !

Mary from Montana - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jul 01, 2018

Put both the cold and the hot that day and I am very pleased with the product. In relating to my health care providing me with he shock therapy he said that using your product couldn't be better and was pleased. Thank you,

Stephen from British Columbia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 30, 2018

I absolutely love it...can really tell a difference

Karitsa from North Carolina - BFST Achilles|ColdCure Achilles - Jun 30, 2018

I think it's great, I like it a lot!

Les from Wyoming - BFST Ankle - Jun 30, 2018

I've been very impressed with the quality of the products

Susan from Alabama - BFST Ankle|ColdCure Ankle - Jun 29, 2018

Used the BFST as soon as I received it and I already feel a difference in my mobility. Am able to lift arm laterally without much assistance. Wow,!

Diana from Hawaii - BFST Top Shoulder - Jun 28, 2018

I'm feeling so much better, I can't believe it.

FANNETTE from California - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 28, 2018

They're great I love them! You got them to me in a timely manner and they work really well.

Marisa from Connecticut - ColdCure Side Shoulder|ColdCure Leg - Jun 27, 2018

They're great I absolutely love them!

Deb from North Carolina - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder - Jun 27, 2018

It's a very good product

Lily from California - ColdCure Wrist - Jun 27, 2018

My wife is using that and we love it. We love the way it's made and the way it fits and what it does, especially the three packs that came with it.

R from Georgia - ColdCure Knee - Jun 25, 2018

It works great

Christine from Florida - BFST Achilles - Jun 23, 2018

It's a great product I really love it

Paul from Illinois - Roll Tape|BFST Side Shoulder|ColdCure Side Shoulder - Jun 22, 2018

I've been using the system for a hamstring injury and have been very, very pleased with the results. Considering the injury the pain went away fairly quickly after using the system. Am continuing to use it as suggested in spite of pain being basically gone.

Susan from Texas - ColdCure Leg|BFST Leg - Jun 21, 2018

I really like the products. I'm actually quite surprised with how quickly I am healing. I have plantar fasciitis and now have metatarsalgia and all the products are really good. I'm pleased I got them.

Nancy from Florida - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Jun 19, 2018

Everything that I ordered has helped with my pain!

Matt from North Carolina - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|ColdCure Foot - Jun 19, 2018

"Because I had had a shoulder wrap before for my rotator cuff,and it repaired my rotator cuff, so I had total confidence in KingBrand because of that."

Larry from Texas - BFST Back - Jun 18, 2018

It has been very successful. When I first started using the wrap, the achilles tendon was sore all the way down to my heel and now I can run my hand all the way up it and it doesn't bother me.

Jon from Wyoming - Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Achilles - Jun 18, 2018

I purchased an ankle wrap and I'm thrilled with it. Just after a couple of treatments I have seen a tremendous improvement in the surgical site and the edema. The swelling has gone down significantly. I am so pleased.

Susan from New York - BFST Ankle - Jun 17, 2018

I love your products, they work great

John from Virginia - BFST Leg|ColdCure Leg - Jun 15, 2018

The Ankle BFST is doing wonders for my husbands ankles/top of feet, for chronic, recurring tendon injuries that has been dealing with-unsuccessfully- going on 3 years...even after 2 podiatrist specialists and an orthopedic foot doctor. I have early arthritis in my mid back and hips from youth-related injuries. I am not hesitating one second to order the back BFST for myself. Our only regret is WHY was this product (and the coldcure) not recommended to us when the original injury occurred?! We will be recommending this to our friends and anyone we meet who is dealing with injuries and pain. Thank you!!

Janet from California - BFST Back - Jun 14, 2018

It works, I love it!

Suzanne from New Jersey - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 13, 2018

Good quality product. It is definitely helping my golf elbow.

Antoinette from Colorado - Basics Cold Elbow|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 11, 2018

The ice pack is great! I am very pleased.

carl from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|Pre-Cut Tape|BFST Foot - Jun 10, 2018

She loves them. Its the only thing keeping her sane.

Dwayne from Pennsylvania - ColdCure Foot|Roll Tape - Jun 10, 2018

My knee decided to self destruct in February. It got so bad it was painful to just pick my foot up 6 inches off the floor. It would wake me up in the middle of the night in extreme pain. I went to two knee doctors. Both said i had a torn meniscus and had worn the cartlidge off the knee joints. But i had a bad experience with knee surgery in 1996 so i was cautious. I began to do the exercises they gave me when i had the knee surgery and take chicken cartilage gelatin. It was getting better, but slowly. Sometimes it would get set back because i hurt it while asleep. I received you knee wrap thing on April 20 and began to use it . Improvement continued, only a lot faster. It isn't well yet, but i can do everything without pain, including picking my foot up off the floor as high as i want. I've started working out again.

king from Alabama - BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 10, 2018

I've been very happy with them, I take them to work with me so I can do a treatment during the day. It works great for me because I'm very small, and having those different straps worked perfect because nothing ever fits me, so I was able to get it exactly how I need it for my size. It works very good, I've been very happy with the products

Roberta from Alabama - BFST Top Shoulder|ColdCure Top Shoulder|Wide Roll Tape - Jun 08, 2018

I just can't live without it, it helps me so much. There isn't anything out there on the market like that. I've gone to so many drugstores and medical supply, there's nothing.

Vivian from California - BFST Back|ColdCure Back|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 07, 2018

It's perfect! I have two torn meniscus in my knees and this is the perfect antidote for it. Thank you so much

Susanna from Missouri - ColdCure Knee - Jun 07, 2018

I like the cold one. I feel like it's helping

Barbara from Virginia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 06, 2018

It works fine, it helps great. I had tendinitis in my wrist and it's working excellent.

Edward from Florida - BFST Wrist - Jun 06, 2018

I'm enjoying the relief, it's a great product

WILLIAM from Colorado - ColdCure Elbow - Jun 06, 2018

I'm using it and loving it. I think it's going to help

Angela from West Virginia - BFST Top Shoulder - Jun 05, 2018

I like it, I like the Cold. I really like it.

James from Michigan - Roll Tape|ColdCure Knee - Jun 05, 2018

this tape is easy to use, applied easily and arrived on time

barbara from Virginia - Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 04, 2018

easy and effective to use. I wrap to support a strained Achilles tendon and these pre cut strips are perfect.

barbara from Virginia - Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 04, 2018

Great product I love it. I was not even able to walk without a cane before I started using it and now I can walk without a cane which is great.

JESSICA from California - ColdCure Knee|BFST Knee|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 04, 2018

It's awesome I love it. I'm using it like half a dozen times a day. It's great.

Patricia from British Columbia - BFST Foot|ColdCure Foot - Jun 04, 2018

the electric wrap around the foot, that is really fantastic.

Donald from California - BFST Foot|Pre-Cut Tape - Jun 02, 2018

Years ago I bought the ankle wrap. I do like the product. I remember them being good years ago, I remember I had a problem with the plug and they sent me a new plug out right away. Like I said it's been years since I've ordered anything, but like I said I tend to turn back to this, because the foot really healed very well I felt.

Beverly from Massachusetts - Roll Tape|BFST Back|ColdCure Back - May 31, 2018

Yes product was great helped manage the pain in the first week then helped make my year progressively better. You must use a sleeve to keep the knee stable to accelerate the process

Sheree from Pennsylvania - BFST Knee - May 31, 2018

I've been using it, it's a great product actually. It's been helping me out for what I have. I have lower back sciatica and yeah it's been helping me out. Basically I've been using the Ice and the tape as well.

Omer from New York - ColdCure Back|Pre-Cut Tape - May 31, 2018

It's helping for my wife's problem

Loren from Nebraska - ColdCure Achilles - May 31, 2018

I've been using the cold pack and that is really nice to be able to put those cold packs around that injury so that worked really good.

Serenity from Colorado - BFST Achilles|Roll Tape|ColdCure Achilles - May 31, 2018

It fits good, you can put the cold where you want it.

David from Massachusetts - ColdCure Knee - May 31, 2018

Excellent purchase

Brian from Alabama - Basics Elbow Heating Pad - May 29, 2018

Five Stars

Terry from Idaho - Roll Tape - May 29, 2018

I love that ice pack.

linda from Nevada - ColdCure Foot|BFST Foot -