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Exercise and Stretching with Knee Bursitis
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Knee Bursitis
Stretching and Exercise

Knee Bursitis Exercise

  • We explain the purpose of the Knee Bursa - it's strained when you stretch!

  • Excessive Exercise can cause or prolong Knee Bursitis. Rest may be best to start.

  • We explain causes, good advice, bad advice and how to treat Knee Bursitis properly.

One Super Important Fact:

One Super Important Fact

Your Bursa is under strain when you stretch and exercise. The Bursa is a part of your knee joint that protects your tendons and ligaments when you move. Knee Bursitis is exactly what happens when your knee experiences too much stress.

The bursas in your knee joints are small thin, slippery pillows. They sit between different tissues that slide across or press against each other in your knee as you move or strain your muscles. Their purpose is to protect things like ligaments and tendons from wearing on each other, and from sliding across bone, when those tissues could get damaged or worn. When your bursa is damaged, it is because there was a moment or period where the load or the stretch of the movement was too much for it. You don't want to strain a bursa that is already damaged from too much strain.

You Can't Stretch a Bursa.

Knee Stretches are Bad

Your Bursae (or bursas) are not connected to your muscles or your ligaments or your tendons. They sit between some of this tissue and other neighbouring tissue, but they are not directly attached. They are not supposed to be.

Your bursas are the slippery surfaces that your tendons slide over. They are cushions protecting your tendons and ligaments from being crushed against nearby bone. When you stretch or do exercise, you never stretch or exercise a bursa, but you may crush or abrade them a bit. When you stretch or do exercise, you can only stress your bursae; it does not help them heal.

To be more clear, if you have bursitis, it is because you have already over-worn or over-crushed your bursa. A little more wear and tear is not going to help it heal. It is quite the opposite. The more you wear and compress your bursa, the more you reinjure it and the longer it takes to heal.

The Role of Exercise When Recovering from Bursitis

If you want to speed your bursa recovery, you want to limit your activity as long as there's pain. If you are in a hurry to recover or have had a persistent injury, there are other proactive treatments available. Supplementary, proactive treatments are discussed below but they are medical treatments as opposed to exercise and stretching.

Exercise and stretching play a role in your recovery once your injury has stabilized. From the moment we get injured, we end up reducing our activity if only because of the pain. The pain is for a purpose, that's your body's way of telling you to stop doing what you're doing. When you drive through the pain of bursitis, you are just making your condition worse. You need to reduce your exercise and stretching to levels below where you feel any pain. This includes pain after, and not just during, activities.

As your bursa stabilizes and begins to heal, the pain will subside. As it does, you can increase your activity level gradually, as long as you are always staying below a level where you again feel pain. As you add in exercise, understand this is not doing anything to help your bursa heal, but it does help to reduce the amount of atrophy you experience in your related muscles and tendons. Atrophy means shrinking. When you increase exercise, your muscles grow. When you decrease exercise, your muscles shrink, or atrophy.

Most people don't want their muscles to weaken, so they try to add exercise to prevent it. Stretching increases range of motion and helps, moderately, to strengthen tendons. Again, neither exercise nor stretching does anything to heal your bursa and it just puts it at risk, so be careful as you increase activity so you don't set your healing process in reverse. With bursitis, it is highly recommended to go a bit overboard on the rest because, once your bursa has recovered, you can always start rebuilding the muscles and tendons after that point.

Repetitive Activity and Bursitis.

Repetitive exercise is something that is often misunderstood when it comes to bursitis. Many sources will tell you that repetitive strain is a cause of bursitis. That's not necessarily correct. It's important to know that repetitive activities are only a cause for concern if they are either under a significant load or at the extreme range of motion. If you are doing a light weight repetitive activity and it is no pushing your joint to the limits of its range, you can do that activity endlessly without worrying about damaging a healthy bursa. Our bodies are designed for that type of activity. As long as the load is light and you are not straining at the ends of your knee joint's range, (and there is no pain) you are safe to do as much as you want, all day long.

Bursitis is often caused because we stretched too far or exerted too much strain or both during one or very few motions. When that happens, you often remember the event. In that case, your bursa got damaged in the moment because it was just too much.

Other times, the bursitis seems to come out of nowhere and you notice it getting progressively worse over time. Those are cases where we are doing something that injures the knee bursa a little bit each time and the breaks in between aren't enough for the body to recover.

When it is intermittent, there is likely a repetitive and strenuous activity that you are doing at the root of the problem. It may be a different activity than when you first feel the pain, but because you are already injured, activities that would have otherwise been okay can further irritate your condition. If you can't think of what it might be, remember that it could be something strenuous repeatedly or, something that doesn't feel as stressful but is still stretching your knee joint at the end of range of motion.

You can know that even if simple activities are causing you pain now, once you fully heal the bursa you will be able to return to normal life - full of repetitive motion - without having to worry about the condition again.

Exercise, Stretching and Knee Bursitis Recap:

To be clear, you exercise muscles, not your bursa. Exercise and stretching can be part of recovering from a knee injury, but it's the second part, not the first part. The first thing you need to do is rest your injury. Stop exercising, stop moving as much as possible - for a short time - to allow yourself to get over the initial injury. Depending on how bad the damage is, that rest could be a few days or a few weeks. Your pain will be your guide. If it still hurts, you need to keep piling on the rest.

A big reduction in activity over a long period of time though, causes your muscles to get smaller. This process is called 'muscle atrophy'. If the atrophy is significant you will want to do exercises later in the healing process to rebuild the lost muscle. This is often where physiotherapy comes in. Physiotherapy is for the second stage of the knee healing process, the rebuilding process. If you start knee exercises and knee stretches too early in the recovery process you are only going to prolong your condition or perhaps even make it worse!

If you're in a hurry to get past your injury and don't want to rely on rest alone, you can consider some of the proactive treatments discussed below. These treatments are helpful in addition to rest but are not a method for healing without some rest too.

How to Treat Knee Bursitis Properly

Since early stretching and exercise will move you backward, what can you do to help yourself heal? There are some good options. As you are starting to realize, the bursitis in your knee is a case of repetitive healing and reinjury. You take a couple steps forward then you end up going a couple steps backward. The trick is to make the backwards steps as small as possible and the healing steps as large as possible.

The safest and most effective treatment solution for bursitis is rest, along with ColdCure® and BFST® treatments.

Try to rest your affected knee as much as possible. Consider using crutches to keep the weight off your injured leg.

Use the ColdCure® Knee Wrap to relieve your pain and internal inflammation. ColdCure® can also be used to treat any flare ups of pain that occur during the healing process. Most importantly, use the ColdCure after any significant activity to help your knee joint stabilize any new injury. This limits the size of the backward healing steps.

Use the BFST® Knee Wrap 3x to 4x per day to promote blood flow to your injured knee. This increase in blood flow works to heal your damaged tissue, accelerating the recovery process. BFST treatments make the steps forward - the healing steps - as large as possible. Keep doing BFST® treatments for several months after the pain is gone. The healing process takes much longer than most people think. Even once the pain has disappeared, your bursa may only be 20% or 30% healed. That doesn't mean you can't restart activities. You can increase your activity as the pain goes away, just increase it slowly and if the pain returns let up again.

For more information see our How your Body Heals page.

The Ultimate Solution:

If you really want to get better, here's exactly what you need to do.

  • Use the BFST® Knee Wrap several times per day. This will help reduce stiffness, restore motion to the knee, and very importantly, repair any strained or torn tissue.
  • Wear a ColdCure® Knee Wrap to relieve your pain and inflammation.
  • Avoid re-straining your knee as much as possible. KB Support Tape can help with this. Giving your body a rest is hard, but it is very important in the early stages of healing.

Blood Flow Is Essential For Healing

You can heal your Knee Bursitis. You don't have to wait for endless months in pain. You can heal much more quickly with the right treatment. For Knee Bursitis, blood flow is the most critical element in rapid recovery. To heal quickly you need an increase in blood flow and rest. Stop suffering for weeks with pain, without any improvement. Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy® (BFST®) gives your knee the blood flow it needs to heal quickly and completely.

The BFST® is an effective plug-in medical device that works to heal your Knee Bursitis with each treatment. Increasing blood flow works to actively heal your Knee Bursitis and is required in order to help your body heal completely. Unfortunately, an injured knee bursa at rest often has restricted blood flow, which in turn limits the body's ability to heal. Physical activity will promote blood flow, but all too often it also results in small but frequent re-injury, which extends your healing time. With a King Brand® BFST® Knee Wrap, blood flow can be stimulated in your injured knee while you are at rest. With improved blood flow and without physical activity and the risk of re-injury, you can recover from your Knee Bursitis at a surprisingly rapid rate.

Cold Compression is Essential for Managing Pain

ColdCure Reduces Pain

To minimize pain and swelling in your knee, complete a ColdCure® treatment any time your pain level increases, or if you have been active. The ColdCure® Knee Wrap provides superior relief of the swelling and pain that comes with Knee Bursitis. ColdCure® Knee Wraps use cold and compression together, because cold and compression are the two things you need to eliminate pain and swelling as quickly and effectively as possible. Don't let the pain of your Knee Bursitis control you. Don't count the hours between pain relieving medications. If your knee hurts, just apply the ColdCure® Knee Wrap. The application of cold compression must be uniform and complete if it's going to work the best, and this is why the ColdCure® Knee Wrap has been custom designed to perfectly fit your knee. It perfectly targets the pain of your Knee Bursitis.

Protect Your Knee Bursa Between Treatments

Tape to prevent re-injury

KB Support Tape is the perfect compliment to a quick recovery. Without restricting your range of motion KB Support Tape is powerful, even if you can't feel it. Perfectly protecting your Knee Bursa, KB Support Tape provides maximum protection so you don't have to deal with the constant re-injury cycle that quite often comes with Knee Bursitis. Your knee moves a lot through the day, and when you're injured you feel every little movement. You can't stop and wait for your Knee issue to go away. KB Support Tape is designed to protect your tendons, muscles and ligaments, taking some of the load off the bursa, and prevent further damage as you go through your day.

Our skin is soft and elastic and can stretch much more than the tissue underneath. When you apply KB Support Tape to your skin, it becomes a much more rigid surface than before; serving to limit how much the skin can stretch. KB Support Tape makes your skin a source of outside support to hold your tissue in place, reducing the load on the bursa and helping you avoid re-injury. That's why we call it armor for your injury.

Professional athletes always tape their injuries. You see it all the time. They know the benefits and they do what they need to, to heal as quickly as possible. KB Support Tape provides safe, high grade, optimal armor for your injury. It is made from the highest quality, hospital grade, biocompatible materials which most sports tapes are not. KB Tape is 100% KB Quality.

Re-Inventing Customer Service - We're Here to Support You

No one wants to sit on hold for hours, just to have a simple question answered. Now you don't have to wait! King Brand Treatment Advisors are available 7 days a week to take your calls. At King Brand, we put a lot of focus into our Customer Service and support for our customers. After all, whoever answers the phone, is the face of the company. You will always be met by kind and compassionate Treatment Advisors, who are thoroughly trained on how the products work, and help to guide you through the entire recovery process. Not sure if you're suffering from Knee Bursitis? As Treatment Advisors, we can recommend what products will best suit your injury. Our team of Treatment Advisors are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to knee and many other soft tissue injuries and would like to help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible. We can even help you create a treatment plan that is specific to your schedule. The free professional consulting services of our King Brand® Treatment advisors comes because we care about you. We spend all day helping people just like you recover from their Bursitis and other knee injuries.

American Made

Why do we care? We're an American company helping Americans in need. A little kindness can go a long way. You're injured and in pain, and we want to help you get better. As a customer, feel confident that you're ordering from a US company. Everything is made in the USA and it all ships from within the US. Shipping is quick and you'll be receiving a high quality medical device that will continue to work for years to come.

Click here to see a ton of real customer reviews about our Customer Service

King Brand®- Over The Top Quality

Quality Guaranteed

King Brand® soft tissue rehabilitation medical products are the #1 choice of top Athletic Therapists and Medical Practitioners worldwide. We provide guaranteed results and customer satisfaction. Like all King Brand® products, there simply isn't a better performing option. All King Brand® products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Try our products and if you're not completely impressed, you can send them back for a full refund. We know you will love them though because hundreds of thousands of people already use them and rave about the results.

FDA Guaranteed

The King Brand® products shown are FDA Registered medical devices. That is not all. They have also been registered with Health Canada which means they received twice as much review.

HealthCanada Guaranteed

FDA and Health Canada Registration does not mean that we filled out a form to become Registered. Our medical claims are significant, and because of these claims the various agencies have looked deep into our technology.

We have submitted to FDA our proprietary research and technology to back up the claims that we make.

King Brand has participated in far more than a basic registration process. All the agencies have come to our facilities for week-long inspections to ensure that the end user is always receiving the safest, most effective medical devices we can offer. With two different countries of regulators this means our products have twice the oversight, ensuring exceptional quality and performance.

ISO13485 Guaranteed

It is not required by the government agencies, but we are also ISO-13485 compliant and registered. This enforces medical standards that are established by the International Standards Organization for global manufacturers of medical devices. This means more on-site, week long, audits every year, ensuring our quality and products meet strict international standards.

ISO10993 Guaranteed

Beyond what is required by any regulator, we use only the safest materials in our products. ISO-10993 regulation ensures that our products are made from higher quality materials than most baby products, including diapers. This is the highest bio-compatibility safety standard in the world. This is the highest hospital grade - think Intensive Care and Operating Rooms. Our materials go through ISO-10993 testing to ensure they are safe for you. No consumer products are produced to this high standard.

IEC Guaranteed

King Brand products are, in fact, hospital grade through and through. IEC-60601 is the International Standard for Medical Device safety from an electrical standpoint. In spite of the BFST® being an electrical device, BFST® can be used in hospital emergency rooms and operating rooms without affecting other equipment. You can use any medical device with a BFST® and neither device will know the other one is there. This is a very tough standard to meet, but we do it and you benefit.

King Brand products meet over 20 different safety and quality standards that are beyond what is required even for medical devices and FDA registration. If we think there is anything that can be done to make our products safer and more effective, we have done it. That is the approach to everything we do and that is why our company and products are so highly regarded.

Click here for more information on our FDA Registration

Click here to see real customer reviews of our Back and Knee products

I was diagnosed with knee bursitis 6 months ago, and I've been in excruciating pain for a long time. I was ready to pull my hair out. After 4 days, the pain is gone. I'm shocked that it's working this fast!

Customer: Peggy-Sue from South CarolinaBFST | ColdCure Mar 30, 2022

You're Ready To Go - Pick Your Package

Complete Recovery Packages

The King Brand Recovery Packs listed below include everything you need to heal as quickly as possible from your knee injury. As an added bonus, the Recovery Packs include a big discount that's been built into the package price compared to buying the items individually.

Three Piece Recovery Pack - Save BIG on the Essentials

The Three Piece Recovery Package deal has been created to include the three essential items that you need to heal your underlying knee injury.

Use the BFST® Knee Wrap to stimulate blood flow and provide nutrient rich oxygenated blood flow throughout your knee.

Use the ColdCure® Knee Wrap for superior cold compression to relieve even the most stubborn pain. The compression also gently squeezes the synovial fluid out of the bursa and back into the synovial cavity where it belongs. Pushing the synovial fluid back into the knee contributes further to helping the underlying condition heal.

Use the KB Tape® to protect your knee from further injury during times of activity. KB Tape® does this without risking further damage like happens with compression bands.

The Three Piece Recovery Pack includes one Knee BFST®, one Knee ColdCure® and one roll of KB Support Tape. These are the three most important tools for your injured knee. They work together to heal you, protect you, and reduce the pain.

Four Piece "On The Go" Pack - The Biggest Savings

The Four Piece Recovery Pack is designed for people who are always on the go, and want the convenience of treatments anywhere and at any time. This bundle includes everything mentioned in our Three Piece Recovery Pack, and also includes our BFST® Battery Pack. With the BFST® Battery Pack, you don't need an outlet. You can take your treatments in the car, on the plane, or wherever your day takes you. With a full charge on your BFST® Battery Pack, you will have more than enough power to complete all of your treatments for 2 or 3 days between charges.

Individual Items

BFST® Knee Wrap - Heal the Fastest

If you want to just stick with the most essential piece, the BFST® Knee Wrap is your best choice. This treatment wrap is used to treat both the front and sides of the knee at the same time. It doesn't matter where your injury is, the BFST® will bring blood flow through your entire knee. This Class II medical device actively stimulates healing through your entire knee to get you on the mend ASAP! As is, this device plugs into a wall outlet for 20 minute sessions of comfortable soothing Blood Flow Stimulation. To Stimulate Healing for a quick recovery, it is really all you need. Treat yourself in the morning and at night and before any strenuous activity and your healing process will happen as fast as possible.

ColdCure® Knee Wrap - Stop the Pain

If your biggest issue is the pain, then you definitely want the ColdCure® wrap. The ColdCure® Knee Wrap comes with 3 swappable cold packs that contain our unique XC RigiGel® formula. This isn't that 'blue goo' that you get from the drug store, no way. This is super gel. It holds tons more cold and stays cold much longer. Its ice that bends like rubber. It's amazing. The elasticized wrap holds the cold firmly in place against your injury sucking away the pain while it gently reduces swelling. If pain is your #1 concern, this is your #1 solution. With extra gel packs included you can treat the pain over and over again, never running out of ice.

KB Support Tape - Protection from Re-Injury

KB Tape
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Too busy to be injured? Have to keep going? You want support, and you don't want to sacrifice your range of motion. Then KB Support Tape is your "must have". Constant re-injury is often the biggest reason your knee doesn't heal. It heals when at rest but when you get back to your daily routine, the injury gets worse. Athletes are always taped up. That's to prevent against re-injury while they are active. And KB Support Tape is the best for that purpose. Taping is very under-appreciated and very effective. If you have to keep moving, you have to tape.

The color is purely your sense of style. Our Pre-Cut Strips are super convenient, but the Continuous Roll gives you more control over how you tape your knee, and you get the most use out of a single roll.

Each order comes with one roll of KB Support Tape that is 16 feet long.

BFST® Battery Pack - Make Your Treatments Mobile

This Rechargeable Battery Pack is designed to make your BFST® Wrap completely mobile. It attaches anywhere on your wrap and lasts for a minimum of 10-20 treatments, depending on what level you're on. This means you can do your treatments wherever you go! You can do treatments in the car, at work, or while you're doing chores around the house, all without being plugged in. Use it wherever the day takes you.

The Battery Pack is easily charged using your BFST® power supply. The indicator lights on the Battery let you know when it needs to be charged again. It takes approximately 4 hours to achieve a full charge when the Battery is at 0%.

The Battery Pack makes it so much simpler to get in your 3-4 BFST® treatments per day, because you don't have to wait around while you're plugged into an outlet anymore.

*The Rechargeable Battery Pack is specifically designed to work with your BFST® Knee Wrap. Your BFST® Wrap comes with the components you need for treatments and to charge the Battery.

Optional Items

Are Other Parts Starting to Ache? - Our Vibe Massagers Relieve Stiff Muscle Pain

Vibe Max
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Knee Injuries often leads to other parts of your body aching as you attempt to compensate for your sore knee. King Brand Vibe massagers are professional grade units that can unknot tense tissue and free you from the pain and stiffness.

There's no doubt you know the pain of muscle tension. Lots of people feel it in their feet, their hips, and even their back. Muscle pain can ruin your day and it can ruin your sleep. If you haven't used a professional massager before, it's time you try one.
You'll love it. 20 minutes of targeted massage on any part of your body leaves you feeling so relaxed. You can really feel the difference. Long after your injury is forgotten you'll still be using your massager. It will become your new best friend.

The Vibe Mini Max here is our most powerful and effective hand held massager. It gives excellent results at an affordable price.

For more options on massage devices, click here for our massagers page!

Accessory Strap - For 11+ Inches of Extension

The Accessory Strap can provide a more customized fit for the BFST® and ColdCure® Wraps. The strap provides up to 11+ inches of extension so you can use as much or as little extension as you need.

The BFST® and ColdCure® Knee Wraps extend 26 inches around your knee. We all come in different shapes and sizes and this Accessory Strap will allow you to increase the size of your Wrap to a maximum of 37 inches achieve the best possible fit and treatment. Just attach one end of the Accessory Strap to the side of the wrap that has the Velcro patch, and wrap it around until it meets the BFST® or ColdCure® Wrap on the other side. Adjust to your desired fit.

When to do Physiotherapy®

Physio and Knee Bursitis

Physiotherapists and doctors recommend stretching and strengthening exercises because it helps to promote blood flow through your injured knee. But, it can be harmful if stretching and exercises are started too early. Your injury first needs to stabilize, and in order to stabilize the injury you need to rest. As you know, when you rest, your blood flow slows down which doesn't help your injury heal which is why BFST is so important early on.

At the beginning of your injury, even before the injury has had a chance to stabilize, long before you start physio, the ColdCure® Wraps will help keep the pain and swelling under control. The BFST® will increase blood flow to get the healing process started. Because you don`t have to move to use them, the King Brand BFST® and ColdCure® Wraps can be started any time. The earlier the better!

Don`t start Physical Therapy until your condition has stabilized. When you start, if you feel pain during or after PT speak up! PT is not supposed to hurt and if it does you may be reinjuring your knee.

Use your ColdCure® wrap after any heavy activity and after PT. Use the BFST® before PT and before any other heavy activity. The KB Support Tape should be applied every morning and worn all day long to help prevent re-injury, including to PT. For many people, King Brand® products, used in the comfort of your own home, are all that is required without having to attend and pay for Physical Therapy appointments.

BFST® Devices are Electrical Medical Appliances that
actively stimulate blood flow in injured tissue.

BFST® devices help heal soft tissue.

BFST® stimulates blood flow through the Knee while you are at rest. This is very important because while at rest, an unaided and inflamed bursa can otherwise have seriously impeded blood flow. It is the oxygen and nutrient-rich blood that enables the healing process, so adequate blood flow is required for your underlying knee injury to heal properly and quickly.

BFST Knee on body

BFST® treatments feel great. They don't vibrate or pulse, so they're very pleasant and relaxing. People often notice a slight warming sensation and some people experience a slight tingling sensation from the increase in blood flow. For optimal results, do 3-4 BFST® treatments per day. You should notice a very slight warming sensation on each level. The treatments should never feel hot or uncomfortable. The effects of each 20 minute BFST treatment will last for up to four hours, so it's best for you to spread your treatments out over the course of the day. More power doesn`t mean more blood flow. The goal isn't to move up the levels as quickly as possible, but to condition your circulation for increased blood flow. Staying on the lowest level possible where you feel warmth is the best way to speed up the healing process. An ideal treatment regimen would be one treatment first thing in the morning, another treatment in the afternoon, a treatment in the evening, and the last treatment of the day right before bed.

When your BFST® treatment is over, simply unplug the controller, remove the Knee Wrap and enjoy the benefit of increased circulation to speed up your healing for the next four hours.

What Does the BFST Feel Like?

The BFST treatments are very comfortable and soothing. The BFST® uses Electromagnetic Energy to stimulate blood flow underneath the surface of the skin. It is warm, but not hot. It does not vibrate like a massager (You shouldn't use a massager on soft tissue injuries). It does not cause your muscles to tense in jolts like with a TENS machine (TENS machines are very bad for soft tissue injuries, they are for nerve issues). The BFST® isn't supposed to do either of those things. Rather, it is soothing and sometimes gives you a gentle tingling sensation in the treatment area. BFST treatments are very pleasant and enjoyable.

Don't be mistaken, while the treatments feel gentle, they are still very powerful. Think about an X-RAY or an MRI. Even though you don't feel the energy during those procedures, a lot of energy is definitely going deep into your body. If you put your ear close to the BFST when it is on, you can actually hear it going through the cycles. It's not loud, but you can hear it if you listen. It isn't just delivering one energy level at one frequency. Just like an MRI machine, the BFST buzzes and hums in a variety of ways over the course of treatment. It is sometimes louder and sometimes more quiet as it goes through the treatment cycle. It sounds just like a mini-MRI machine. Over the 20 minute treatment period it goes through a treatment cycle to deliver the most energy in the most effective way. It is designed to help give you the fastest healing time possible, in the comfort of your home.

During each BFST® treatment you will only feel a mild warming sensation. If it feels hot, you are using it on too high of a setting. Over time, after several treatment sessions, the treatments will feel like they are getting less and less warm. This is your body responding to the BFST® treatments. Your increased tissue health can be noticed through the increase in your blood flow capacity. The more BFST treatments you do, the less warmth you're going to feel. This is a good sign. Your tissue is becoming more healthy. Your body is getting stronger. This means that your circulation through your injury is improving, and your injury is improving. When the feeling of warmth during a treatment is almost all gone, this is the signal that it is time to move up to the next level. People usually move up to the second level after a few weeks of treatment.

ColdCure® Wraps Works In Minutes!

Fast Pain Relief

Avoid the dangers of pain killers. King Brand ColdCure® Knee Wraps are much safer and more effective than pain killers. ColdCure® Wraps start relieving the pain caused from Knee Bursitis within minutes. There's no need to wait for 20 minutes for your pain killers to start working. There's no need to wait 4 hours between treatments! ColdCure® Wraps are specifically designed for your knee. It doesn't matter what size your knee is, this is a custom wrap specifically designed to fit a large range of knee sizes. It effectively reduces the swelling in your knee, and you can use it as much as you like. If there's pain, apply your ColdCure® Wrap!

Dealing With Pain - Consult with us for Free!

Knee Bursitis can be so painful and debilitating that it causes us to rely heavily on pain killers. But honestly, pain killers are not your friend. It is understandable that you are looking for the relief from pain. Remember, though, the pain is there to stop us from hurting the area further. The pain is your body saying, "please stop doing that!" While pain killers are a welcome relief, they can be dangerous to take when you're active. Pain killers can completely block the pain signal, making you unaware of any further damage you could be doing to your knee. Pain killers should be restricted to times of rest.

Painkillers are a poor choice

When it comes to pain killers, some products are much more effective than others. Some can actually help your injury when used correctly and others will only make it worse. According to the National Institute of Health, our own government body tells us that Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers (>100,000/year) and accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits. And acetaminophen (Tylenol) won't help you get better one bit. It only puts you at risk of more injury. If you want help choosing the right pain killer and want advice on how to use it more safely and correctly, give us a call at 1-844-672-9440. We will give you excellent guidance. No charge. No purchase necessary.

Thank you very much for the "SUPER" customer service and support provided! It is rare in today's world. It's been a sincere pleasure to do business with the King Brand company.

Customer: John from Hawaii ColdCure & BFST Sept 23, 2022

ColdCure® Wraps -- Here's How You Use Them

ColdCure® Devices are NOT typical cold or ice packs.

For dealing with the swelling and pain associated with a Knee Injury, nothing works better than cold compression.

ColdCure® technology was developed specifically to address the need for a cold compression device that does not freeze the skin or underlying tissue. ColdCure® gel packs pose no threat of cold burns or permanent tissue damage caused by freezing of the skin. This makes them much safer to use than other products that use ice. ColdCure® gel packs are completely safe to use for extended treatment durations, meaning faster relief of pain and swelling. Our ColdCure® technology is a huge improvement on regular ice packs.

The ColdCure® Back and Knee Wrap comes with 3 swappable cold packs that contain our unique XC RigiGel® formula. XC RigiGel® is firm yet flexible, unlike other gel formulas that are mushy and watery. This means the gel holds its form and doesn't move around to other areas of the pack. It stays in place over your injury, right where you need it. The gel won't move, even when put under heavy pressure for long periods of time.

Keep the gel packs in the freezer. The gel packs are inserted inside the wrap one at a time so you can always have two charging in the freezer to keep your therapy going. Do your ColdCure® treatments in 20 minute intervals. Use them whenever you want to relieve pain. Also use them after any heavy knee activity even if you don't feel pain at the time.

KB Support Tape - Use All Day During Work & Play

KB Support Tape provides lightweight, comfortable compression to help you throughout the day. It also helps to prevent re-injury by giving your healing tissue targeted support and protection, without restricting your range of motion.

KB Support Tape comes in 2 different sizes: 2 inch wide and 3 inch wide. We recommend the 2 inch wide tape for Knee Bursitis. The 2 inch wide tape is 16 feet long and comes in either Blue, Beige or Black. There is no functional difference between the colors, they just allow you to express your personal style.

The tape comes in a continuous roll that you cut using scissors into lengths for your unique injury. Rolls with strips precut into lengths of 8" are also available. Every injury is different and you will adjust how you tape your injury over time based on what works for you. In most cases you will tape in an 'X' or 'T' formation, using two strips of tape, where 'X' marks the spot over the most painful area.

Taping Knee Bursitis

Applying the KB Support Tape is easy. The tape stretches along its length. Stretch the pieces about half their stretch when you apply each piece. To apply the KB Support Tape to your knee, you will need 2 pieces of tape; both about 4" long. One piece of tape will be applied vertically down your leg. The other piece will go across the first piece as shown. Wherever you are feeling the pain in your knee is the spot that should be covered with the tape, with the tape crossing over the most painful spot.

When you are done, the two pieces of tape will cross over where you're feeling the most pain. Over time, try modifying your unique taping method to ensure that you're getting the best support. You'll know the best taping style because you'll really notice how much less your knee hurts through the day when you have it right. Remember to listen to what your body is telling you. Use the pain as a guide. If you feel the pain in a specific area of your knee, apply the tape to that area.

You guys did really a fabulous job, got everything out to me fast, I love the products, they're brilliant. They fit great, they're easy to use. I'm a big fan.

John from Texas BFST | ColdCure Aug 06, 2022

The BEST Experience Ever

Before they get injured, most people have never heard of King Brand. There was no need. Our purpose is highly specialized. But after they've experienced King Brand, our customers never forget us.

At King Brand, we want you to have the best experience possible. We want you to get better. We want to teach you how to use our products, and how to get the best results. Our team of Treatment Advisors spend countless hours being trained on how to support our customers as best as they can. They are endlessly learning how to treat specific injuries and how each of our products work. And that's all they do. All day long they guide people on how to treat soft tissue injuries exactly like yours.

It has been 15+ years since our beginning. And every year we've continued to improve our products. We constantly improve them to make them more and more effective. We have invested heavily into our technology and that's why the products work so well

We now have thousands of 5 star reviews from very happy customers. We have shipped over 500,000 products to over 300,000 injured customers. Many of them have received our personal coaching on how to get the best results. We reach out to all of our customers after their products are delivered to offer our support and knowledge.

Our Treatment Advisors aren't sales staff. They have no expectation to sell our products. There are no commissions. Their job is to help you get better. Our Treatment Advisors will only help educate you on how to get the best results using our products. They will honestly let you know if our products aren't able to assist you with your healing.

The products work incredibly well. The Treatment Advisors are here to support you. People who've used King Brand products before, always come back to us if they have another injury. They search for us by name because they remember how well we helped with their last injury. We have many, many customers who were so happy with their experience that they come back over and over again to buy products for family and friends. People recommend King Brand and that's the best testimony of all.

And you have a money back guarantee. We will help you get better.

Combination Therapy
BFST® + ColdCure® Treatments

BFST® for Rapid Healing
ColdCure® for Pain & Swelling
KB Tape to Prevent Re-Injury

Combination Therapy means using ColdCure® and BFST® in combination by alternating treatments, as well as using KB Support Tape. Combination Therapy is much more effective than using just ColdCure® or just BFST®. This is because you're getting both the pain and swelling relief of ColdCure®, the healing benefits of BFST®, as well as the protection and re-injury prevention of KB Support Tape. The combination results in the absolute best treatment for your Knee Injury.

Step 1: Reduce Swelling and Inflammation

A very important part of treating your knee injury is to use the ColdCure® Wrap. This will help to help reduce not only the visible swelling you may see on the surface, but also the inflammation you may have and cannot see, deep down in the soft tissue. You can use it several times a day. Use it anytime you want pain relief and after any significant exercise of your knee even if it doesn't hurt afterward.

You should rely more heavily on ColdCure® treatments immediately after exercise because the inflammation will continue to re-develop when you are active. Being aggressive with back to back cold treatments after exercise will give your body a chance to get ahead of the inflammation, and prepare your knee for the blood flow that's needed to help heal quickly.

Step 2: Heal Your Injury

Combination Therapy

Introduce your BFST® treatments at your less active times of day and before significant exercise. Keep your swelling and inflammation under control with ColdCure® but do not use ColdCure® and BFST® close together. Use BFST® in the morning, before bed, and after longer periods of resting your injury. When doing your treatments, you should only feel a slight warming sensation. At any time if it feels HOT or uncomfortable, discontinue use as you still have too much inflammation and swelling to complete a treatment.

Each BFST® Treatment will last only 20 minutes, but the increase in blood flow will last up to four hours. Ideally your treatments should be spaced out throughout the day, so you can promote good blood flow all day long. If you can't do 3-4 treatments a day, your two most important treatments are first thing in the morning, and right before you go to bed. This will ensure that you have a great start to your day and you can rest well at night.

If you are planning on being active throughout the day, complete a BFST® treatment before any type of physical activity. It can be as simple as mopping the floor. Always assess how you are feeling after your activity, as there's a chance you may need to apply your ColdCure® to treat any new inflammation generated during your activities.

The goal with your BFST® Treatments is not to increase on the levels as quickly as possible, but to condition your circulatory system to allow for the much needed increased blood flow. Staying on the lowest level to where you feel any warmth - remember it's just a slight warmth - will be the most effective way to start healing your knee injury. When can you move up to the next level? You can move up in levels when you feel barely any warmth from the wrap at all. This means that you've successfully conditioned your circulation and you're ready to move up. Some people can move up in a few weeks, some people it takes a lot longer. It just depends on how well your body adjusts to the increase in blood flow.

Step 3: Treat Flare-Ups - Timing is Important

Do a ColdCure® treatment any time you experience a pain flare-up or after any physical activity to prevent further injury and reduce swelling and inflammation. Remember, staying on top of your inflammation will allow you to complete more BFST® treatments throughout the day.

Wait 30-45 minutes after your ColdCure® treatment before doing another BFST® treatment. This time will allow the blood flow and body temperature to regulate again. Refrain from using ColdCure® within the 4 hours following your 20 minute BFST® treatment, unless you notice an increase in pain during your BFST® Treatment.

ColdCure® treatments will slow down the blood flow, which isn't ideal, but sometimes necessary to relieve the swelling and inflammation generated. The BFST® will increase your blood flow which is important for faster healing.

Step 4: Use KB Support Tape

KB Support Tape is very important to help with your injury recovery. As you move throughout the day, your skin and your tendons move with you. Using the KB Support Tape over your injury will make your skin less flexible - therefore protecting your injury - without restricting your range of motion. KB Support Tape can be used at the same time as your BFST® and ColdCure® Treatments without any issues. Try to have your first BFST® treatment of the day without the KB Support Tape applied. After your BFST® treatment has been completed, then apply the tape. Removing the tape before the last BFST® treatment of the day will provide the best results.

Step 5: Complete The Healing Process

When you're recovering from knee injuries, the pain ends long before you've finished healing. In fact, the pain is usually gone once your tissue is about 20-30% healed. The entire healing process is very complex, and takes much longer than most people realize. (You can click here for the full story on tissue healing). The key thing to remember is that long after the pain stops, your underlying injury is still healing. This means you need to keep doing BFST® treatments in order to complete the healing process. Doing regular BFST® treatments for several months after the pain is gone is extremely beneficial. Do a BFST® treatment prior to any physical activity. This will act as a warm up for your circulatory system. You should also continue to use KB Support Tape to help protect the knee from re-injury.

Click here for more information on Combination Therapy

Medical Function - BFST® Wrap - Accelerated Healing

BFST® Wraps are FDA Registered Class II medical devices. This means they have been designed, manufactured and tested to the highest safety standards in the industry. This is to keep you safe and ensure effective treatments. BFST® Wraps comply with hundreds of pages of regulations and standards. The FDA holds manufacturers of medical grade products like the BFST® Wrap accountable, unlike manufacturers of lower quality, non-FDA Registered consumer goods.

The Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy® (BFST®) Wrap is designed to promote blood flow in injured tissue below the dermal (fat and skin) layer. Utilizing our proprietary Energy Web®, specially controlled and incredibly safe levels of EMR energy envelop your entire knee and stimulate blood flow in the soft tissue deep beneath the skin. The resulting stimulation brings oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the injured area, accelerating the healing process.

3 Setting Controller

BFST® Wraps come with a 3 level power controller. Everyone should start their treatments on Level 1 and work their way through the levels gradually as their injury heals. Proceeding immediately to Level 2 or 3 will not speed up the healing process. You need to condition the body first.

During your first treatments on Level 1, the area around your bursitis will feel quite warm. This is because at first, your circulation is poor. The more treatments you do, the less warming sensation you will feel. This is good. As the warmth lessens from treatment to treatment, this is an indication that the circulation in your knee is improving. Better circulation means blood flow all the time, not just during treatments. This is the goal. When you feel very little warmth during a treatment, it is time to move up to the next power level. Don't rush it though, more heat doesn't mean better treatment. In fact, less heat means better treatment, so take your time moving up in levels.

The Energy Web® of the BFST® Knee Wrap is enclosed in a soft, comfortable neoprene wrap. The wrap shapes the Energy Web® to conform to the shape of your knee, ensuring there is an even distribution of energy over the entire area. The wrap is easily adjustable using the attached Velcro® straps. After treatment, the wrap does not need to be removed. The straps can be further tightened to provide snug support and protection for your knee. The device easily disconnects at the wrap from the power supply and controller so you are free to move about your home when not receiving treatment, while still wearing the wrap for support and comfort.

It does work, its helping my knee immensely. I'm using the BFST the first thing in the morning, around noon , and then in the evening. Its really helping my knee. It works so well, I even brought this up to my Physical Therapist who has been working with me.

Mark from MinnesotaBFST Knee | ColdCure Knee May 02, 2023

The Medical Tape Advantage

What sets KB Support Tape apart from the rest? It's not athletic tape, it's medical tape. This means our Tape is manufactured to ISO 10993 standards, which ensures that our Tape is made from extremely safe, biocompatible materials. Our Tape is actually made from materials that are safer than most baby products, including toys, clothes and diapers. Don't let the big brand tapes fool you. Most of them are made from toxic materials, because there are no standards for athletic tape. Some big brand athletic tape glues even contain carcinogenic ingredients. At King Brand®, your health and safety is of utmost importance, which is why KB Support Tape is manufactured to such high standards.

ColdCure is Cold

Medical Function - ColdCure® Wrap - Extreme Pain Relief

ColdCure® Wraps are FDA Registered Class I medical devices. They exceed all government and health agency regulatory requirements for cold therapy, specifically for use in treating soft tissue injuries. When applied, the ColdCure® Wrap immediately reduces the risk of further damage from excessive swelling. Doctors and Therapists agree that controlling swelling is a fundamental part of reducing long-term permanent damage resulting from soft tissue injuries.

All of our ColdCure® Wraps are entirely made of very soft, stretchy material. They come with 3 swappable cold packs that contain our unique XC RigiGel® formula. The gel packs are inserted inside the wrap one at a time, so you can have the other two charging in the freezer to keep your therapy going. Do your ColdCure® treatments in 20 minute intervals throughout the day, or as long as you need the relief.

Rest, Cold, Compression, Elevation

Many people follow the RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation - formula when treating a soft tissue injury. While RICE is a popular method, the reality is that ice can actually freeze your skin and numb your nerves, causing 'cold burns' and even permanent damage to your skin and underlying tissue. The proper solution is RCCE® - Rest, Cold, Compression & Elevation. We don't want to apply ice - we want to apply cold that is just above freezing. Yes, you want cold - and lots of it - but not so cold that it is below the freezing point of water.

ColdCure® RigiGel® packs are much safer and more effective than ice and products that use mushy blue gel. Why? Because RigiGel® packs are like ice, but they stay at 32°F, the exact and best temperature for pain relief. While they may start at about -4°F straight from the freezer, after a few minutes they will go to 32°F and stay at 32°F for a long time. ColdCure Safe Temperature This is the ideal temperature for cold therapy, because it's cold enough to relieve your pain and swelling, but safe enough to not cause cold burns. Blue gel packs will also start out at -4°F but they slowly go to 32°F, putting you at risk of frost bite. And once generic, blue gel packs get to the ideal temperature of 32°F, they keep warming up! Their temperature will keep rising quickly, instead of staying in the safe, effective zone of 32°F. Generic gel packs are almost never at the ideal temperature whereas King Brand ColdCure products go to the perfect temperature quickly and stay there for a long time. The XC Gel® danger zone is very small, but the benefits are huge.

Not all freezers are the same so we build extra safety into the packs. If you find the gel pack too stiff from the freezer to use in the wrap, that's because it came out too cold to be safe. Leave it out for 1-2 minutes though and it's good to go! Then it will bend enough for inserting it inside the wrap. When the pack is soft enough to bend, it's ready to use for treatment. So simple and so safe!

More Gel = More Cold. XC Gel® packs contain 3x more gel by weight than ordinary gel packs. This means they cover a much larger area. When stored in the freezer, XC Gel® packs have 10x more cooling power than other products. So, you get longer treatments without having to recharge the gel packs as often. It also means faster relief of pain and swelling. Bigger gel packs with more gel inside, plus superior cooling power, ultimately means a better, more effective treatment.

Regular gel packs are notorious for having hot and cold spots. When cold pressure is applied to an injury, the gel starts to warm up in that specific spot faster than the rest of the pack. Our XC RigiGel® packs distribute cold energy evenly throughout the entire gel pack. The energy in our gel packs is transferred from the cold spots to the warm spots much more effectively. This is a valuable improvement as your injury will receive a consistent cold treatment, every time. The temperature balancing power of this gel formula is unmatched.

XC RigiGel® is firm yet flexible. We describe it as 'gel that bends like rubber' because even though it bends and molds to the shape of your body, it always stays in place. Unlike gooey blue gel that easily gets pushed to other areas of the wrap, our gel won't flow away from your injured spot. Even under very extreme pressure, it stays soft, but it won't budge. No matter how much pressure, the gel always stays in place over your injured spot. RigiGel conforms to the painful area for an even, consistent treatment every time.

ColdCure® Knee gel packs are specially designed to conform to your knee to provide your injury with an even distribution of cooling power. Every one of our ColdCure® Wraps comes with gel packs that are custom designed for the body part to ensure the best fit and treatment possible. We don't just use one generic gel pack shape. Every body part is uniquely shaped, which is why all of our gel packs are uniquely shaped too. If you want a product that is 100% designed to treat knee bursitis, you need the ColdCure® Knee Wrap.

Knee Wrap Coverage Zone

XC RigiGel® packs have 2 different colored sides: a white side and a gold side. Both sides will give you all the same benefits that our high performance XC RigiGel® formula has to offer. The gel packs can be inserted inside the wrap with the white side facing towards your skin and knee or away from your skin and knee since they are not side specific.

The illustration shows the Cold Treatment effective coverage area. The coverage wraps far around the sides of the knee, and extends up equally both above and below the knee cap.

Track Your Symptoms and Treatments

Track Your Symptoms

Do you want to find out how well you are recovering from your Knee Bursitis? Track your Symptoms and Treatments using our Symptom Tracker. This easy to use tool provides a method for you to log lots of information about what you're experiencing, how you are managing your condition, and how your life is impacting your condition. Our specialists can review the information and provide you valuable feedback on a routine to minimize re-injury and shorten your recovery time.

Think about all the times you've wished you had asked your doctor or therapist about something you forgot to mention. When you see them, they rush you and you're back out the door quickly, and you're kicking yourself for not getting your questions answered. Have questions? At any time, you can request a King Brand Trained Treatment Advisor to reach out to you to answer any questions you might have about your treatments, recovery, symptoms and much more. You can record all the notes and information you want in symptom tracker so the specialist always has all the information possible to give you the best advice. This is much better care than you get with the usual medical network. All this is free as a King Brand customer.

Click here for more information on King Brand® Symptom Tracker

What It Means to Shop SMART with King Brand®

Shop Smart with KB

What you expect and deserve:

  • Lowest Price. You are buying direct from the manufacturer.
  • Fast Delivery. Products ship right away and are delivered within 1-2 business days with Express Shipping.
  • Outstanding Service. If you have an issue, we'll take care of you. We're better than Amazon.
  • Money Back Guarantee.
  • Incredible Results.

What you get but don't expect:

  • FREE treatment advice and counseling.
  • Thousands of real, honest testimonials.
  • We follow-up with you to make sure your treatment is successful.
  • A patient safety record that is the envy of the industry.
  • The exact same devices used by multi-million dollar professional athletes.
  • Registered, hospital grade, orthopedic medical devices.
  • 15+ years of experience and history, constantly improving our products.
  • The best experience you've ever had ordering online.

Note from KB WebMaster - The text below is primarily intended to assist with Google properly classifying this page content. To learn more about our products please visit our website.
Knee Bursitis plagues many people. Knee Bursitis can also be known as Trochanteric Bursitis, Iliopsoas Bursitis, Gluteus Medius Bursitis or Ischiogluteal Bursitis. A knee injury can cause Knee Bursitis to develop. There are many symptoms of Knee Bursitis caused by knee injuries. Treatment for Knee Bursitis will cause your knee pain to improve and allow for better movement of the knee. There's no doubt that to heal knee injuries quickly you need BFST treatments. Coldcure will help with knee pain caused by Knee Bursitis. You can cure Knee Bursitis with BFST and coldcure technology. So, if you want to heal your Knee Bursitis quickly, you need BFST. If you want to treat Knee Bursitis pain you need coldcure. Knee Bursitis symptoms are knee pain, knee stiffness and difficulty moving the knee. Some cases of Knee Bursitis require surgery. This heals the Knee Bursitis but the pain in your knee after surgery can be severe. The best Knee Bursitis treatment is BFST. The best Knee Bursitis pain treatment is ColdCure. If you have Knee Bursitis you need these products. If you have Knee Bursitis you need BFST and Coldcure. These wraps are incredible. They feel comfortable. They work.

Knee Bursitis - Quick Links
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